
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Vellozia incurvata Martius ex Schultes f

Vellozia incurvata Martius ex Schultes f. in Roemer & Schultes, Syst., 7:293, 1826.—Seubert in Martius, Fl. Bras., 3(1):76, 1847.—L. B. Smith, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 35:260, 1962.—Ayensu, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 15:29, pl. 42f, 1974.

?Vellozia aloifolia sensu Gaudichaud, Atl. Bonite, pl. 127, 1852 [non Martius, 1823; based on Gaudichaud s n (P n v)].

TYPE.—Minas Gerais, Brazil, Martius s n (M, holotype; F, photo 18977).

DISTRIBUTION.—Brazil: Minas Gerais: Serra de Ouro Branco, also Mun. Gouvêa, Lapinha, Presidente Juscelino.

19. Vellozia brachypoda L. B. Smith & Ayensu, new species

A V. variabile Martius ex Schultes f., cui versimiliter affinis, ovario omnino tereti differt.

Caudex simple, 2–5 cm long, 20–25 mm in diameter including the persistent leaf-sheaths. Leaves about 8 in each season; sheaths very dense with almost no exposure, glabrous, soon dividing into coarse fibers; blades reflexing, persistent, linear, attenuate to a fine apex, ca. 15 cm long, 5 mm wide, flat or somewhat inrolled, glabrous except for the finely setose-serrulate margins.

Scape terminal, solitary, 15 mm long above the leaf-sheaths, terete, sulcate, glabrous. Ovary subcylindric, 8–10 mm long, glabrous or very obscurely stipitate-glandular; epigynous tube subcylindric, 4 mm high. Tepals free, oblanceolate, 15 mm long, violet (!Irwin), glabrous. Stamens ca. 40–50, imperfectly known. Stigmas horizontal, suborbicular.

LEAF ANATOMY.—Ayensu, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 15:13, pl. 42b, 1974.

TYPE.—Common on rock outcrops, bordering creek, ca. 15 km west of Grão Mogul, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 950 m alt, 19 February 1969, Irwin, Reis dos Santos, Souza & Fonseca 23534 (US, holotype; NY, isotype).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-locality.

20. Vellozia sincorana L. B. Smith & Ayensu, new species

V. variabile Martius ex Schultes f. in systemate nostro proxima sed ovario tereti elongato, petalis magnis basi longe attenuatis, phalangis oblongis nudis differt.

Caudex 1–4 m high (!Ule). Leaf-blades probably persistent (because strongly curved at base), 45 cm long, 20 mm wide, very narrowly triangular, finely attenuate, flat, smooth and glabrous except for the laxly and obscurely serrulate margins.

Scape (only 1 known) at least 7 cm long, 3 mm in diameter, terete, nearly even, glabrous. Ovary slenderly fusiform, terete, 4 cm long, 8 mm in diameter, even, glabrous; epigynous tube subcylindric, 7 mm high. Tepals free, oblanceolate, broadly rounded and apiculate, 7 cm long. Stamens ca. 50, much shorter than the tepals; anthers long, scarcely broader than the filaments; phalanges oblong, unappendaged. Stigmas horizontal, suborbicular.

LEAF ANATOMY (Ule 7098).—Surface View: Hairs: none observed. Epidermis: cells on both surfaces square to rectangular; thin-walled. Stomata: tetracytic, 18 × 9 μm; most in abaxial furrows; few on abaxial surface.

Transverse Section of Lamina: Dorsiventral; widely V-shaped with deep and wide adaxial groove. Adaxial surface ridged; abaxial surface furrowed ¼ thickness of blade. Epidermis: cells rounded to dome-shaped on both surfaces; few square on adaxial surface; thin-walled. Few adaxial

cells replaced with sclerenchyma fibers. Subjacent to adaxial epidermis is a layer of thin-walled, rounded cells interspersed with sclerenchyma fiber strands; below this is 2 or 3 layers of large, thin-walled parenchyma cells. Subjacent to abaxial epidermis is a layer of thin-walled parenchyma cells. Cuticle: thickened and slightly ridged on both surfaces. Stomata: present in abaxial furrows; stomata flush with epidermal surface; substomatal chamber present. Mesophyll: 2 or 3 layers of palisade cells followed by compactly arranged spongy cells. Two or three layers of translucent cells radially arranged above vascular bundles and furrows. Sclerenchyma fiber bundles present at abaxial corners of furrows. Vascular bundles: 84; commissural bundles not observed. One-three large vessels present in each bundle, mostly one. Two phloem units lying laterally in flanges of abaxial girder; girder Y-shaped at top with sclerenchyma spreading laterally at bottom. Adaxial cap present on each bundle. Bundle sheath surrounding each bundle. Crystals: few present, especially in bundle sheath. Tannins: few present.

TYPE.—Serra do Sincorá, Bahia, Brazil. November 1906, Ule 7098 (L, holotype; US, photo).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-collection.

Note: Admittedly the position of Vellozia sincorana in our key does not express its true relationship. Probably it is much nearer V. punctulata Seubert and V. hatschbachii Smith & Ayensu, new species.
библиографски навод
Smith, Lyman B. and Ayensu, Edward S. 1976. "A Revision of American Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-172. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.30
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Smithsonian Contributions to Botany

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Vellozia incurvata Martius ex Schultes f

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Maguire et al. 44752; Pereira 2959–Pabst 3795.

SURFACE VIEW.—Hairs: absent. Epidermis: cells rectangular to cubelike on both surfaces; thin walled. Stomata: tetracytic, 21 × 17 μm; present on abaxial surface.

TRANSVERSE SECTION OF LAMINA.—Dorsiventral; V-shaped with small median adaxial groove in Pereira 2959, Pabst 3795; margins turned slightly inversely and pointed. Adaxial surface slightly undulating; abaxial surface furrowed about one-half the thickness of blade. Epidermis: adaxial and abaxial cells rounded to rectangular; cell walls thin on both surfaces. One layer of sclerenchyma cells subjacent to epidermis and interspersed by parenchyma cells. Below sclerenchyma cells are two to three layers of parenchyma cells. Cuticle: thick on both surfaces; only slightly ridged on both surfaces. Stomata: present in abaxial furrows; substomatal chamber present. Mesophyll: two to three layers of indistinct palisade tissue grading into compactly arranged spongy tissue. Two to three layers of large translucent cells arranged radially above vascular bundles and furrows, poorly differentiated in Maguire et al. 44752. Vascular bundles: 25–34; few commissural bundles observed. One to two large vessels present in each vascular bundle, usually one. Two phloem units lying laterally in flanges of Y-shaped partial abaxial girder. Adaxial cap present on each vascular bundle. Two to three layers of sclerenchyma cells separating abaxial epidermis and a distinct layer of parenchyma cells. Bundle sheath completely surrounding vascular bundles. Some epidermal projections present in furrows. Crystals: none observed. Tannins: some present.

NOTE: The two specimens studied are quite similar; however, the abaxial median portion is pointed in Pereira 2959, Pabst 3795, while that of Maguire et al. 44752 is flattened.

Vellozia intermedia Seubert in Martius


SURFACE VIEW.—Hairs: present. Epidermis: cells square to rectangular; thin walled. Stomata: paracytic, 21 × 12 μm; present on abaxial surface.

TRANSVERSE SECTION OF LAMINA.—Dorsiventral; V-shaped; small adaxial groove present. Adaxial surface slightly undulating; abaxial surface furrowed about one-half thickness of blade. Epiderdis: adaxial cells rounded to dome shaped; abaxial cells rounded. One to two layers parenchyma subjacent to epidermis; below parenchyma cells are two to three layers of sclerenchyma strands interspersed with radial rows of two- to three-layered parenchyma cells. Subjacent to sclerenchyma is a distinct layer of parenchyma cells. Cuticle: thick and slightly ridged on adaxial surface; thin on abaxial surface. Stomata: present in abaxial furrows; asscociated with large numbers of epidermal projections; small substomatal chamber. Mesophyll: three to four layers of translucent tissue changing abruptly into compact spongy tissue. Four to five layers of large translucent palisade cells arranged radially above vascular bundles and furrows. Vascular bundles: 55; few commissural bundles observed. One to two large vessels, mostly one. Two phloem units lying laterally in flanges of Y-shaped abaxial girder. Adaxial cap present on each vascular bundle. One to two layers sclerenchyma cells between abaxial epidermis and a distinct parenchyma layer. Vascular bundle completely surrounded by bundle sheath. Crystals: none observed. Tannins: present.
библиографски навод
Ayensu, Edward S. 1974. "Leaf Anatomy and Systematics of New World Velloziaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-125. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.15
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Smithsonian Contributions to Botany

Vellozia incurvata ( виетнамски )

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Vellozia incurvata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Velloziaceae. Loài này được Mart. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1829.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Vellozia incurvata. Truy cập ngày 20 tháng 7 năm 2013.

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Vellozia incurvata: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Vellozia incurvata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Velloziaceae. Loài này được Mart. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1829.

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