Worker. Length 4 lines,-Head, thorax, and scale of the abdomen, ferruginous, the legs rufo-fuscous; abdomen nearly black; the scape black, with the extreme base and apex as well as the flagellum ferruginous, the latter more or less fuscous above; the vertex has sometimes a fuscous stain; the mandibles nigro-piceous, their apex ferruginous. Thorax compressed behind, much narrower than the head, both thinly sprinkled with erect reddish hairs; the legs nigro-fuscous, with the base and apex of the joints, and sometimes with the coxae and apical joints of the tarsi, ferruginous. Abdomen: the scale oblong-ovate, pointed above; the apical margins of the segments with a thin fringe of reddish-yellow hairs.
Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).
F. capite, thorace et squama sanguineis; pedibusque rufo-fuscis; abdomine fusco-nigra.
Worker. Length 4 lines. Head, thorax, and scale of the abdomen ferruginous, the abdomen black; the scape black, its extreme base and apex, and the flagellum, ferruginous, the latter more or less fuscous above; the vertex with sometimes a fuscous stain; the mandibles nigro-piceous, their apex ferruginous; the thorax compressed behind, and thinly covered, as well as the head, with erect reddish hairs; legs nigro-fuscous, with the base and apex of the joints, or with sometimes the coxa; and base of the femora, and also the apical joints of the tarsi, ferruginous. The scale of the abdomen ovate, terminating in a point above; the apical margins of the segments with a thin fringe of pale reddish-yellow hairs.
Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).