Haworthia decipiens ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung Haworthia in der Unterfamilie der Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae).
Haworthia decipiens wächst stammlos und sprosst langsam. Die aufsteigenden, breit eiförmigen, gelegentlich zugespitzten Laubblätter bilden eine Rosette mit einem Durchmesser von bis zu 20 Zentimetern. Die leuchtend grüne Blattspreite ist relativ dünn. Am Blattrand befinden sich wenige, an ihrer Basis breite Dornen.
Der kräftige Blütenstand erreicht eine Länge von bis zu 40 Zentimeter. Die zahlreichen, dichtstehenden, breiten Blüten sind an der Basis der Blütenröhre flach.
Haworthia decipiens ist in den südafrikanischen Provinzen Westkap und Ostkap verbreitet.
Die Erstbeschreibung durch Karl von Poellnitz wurde 1930 veröffentlicht.[1]
Es werden folgende Varietäten unterschieden:
Haworthia decipiens ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung Haworthia in der Unterfamilie der Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae).
Haworthia decipiens ("Papierrosie") is a species of Haworthia, in the family Asphodelaceae, in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa.[1]
Haworthia decipiens is frequently confused with its western relative, Haworthia arachnoidea and is both variable and hard to identify ("decipiens" = "deceptive"). Like its relatives, it has rosettes of dense succulent leaves, which dry and contract during drought, and are covered in soft bristles
This species can be distinguished by its shorter, flatter, wider leaves; a lighter colour; translucent leaf tips; larger and sparser bristles which are mainly only on the leaf margins; and only a very weak leaf keel.
It has a range of local forms and varieties. To the west, this species gradually becomes Haworthia lockwoodii, and to the south-west it becomes Haworthia mucronata (south of the Swartberg Mountains).
Flowering time is in the Spring.[2]
This is a widespread species, occurring from near Prince Albert in the west, along the north of the Swartberg Mountains as far as Uniondale and Willowmore in the Eastern Cape. It occurs in a wide range of habitats and usually in the shelter of protective shading bushes.
Haworthia decipiens ("Papierrosie") is a species of Haworthia, in the family Asphodelaceae, in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa.
Haworthia decipiens là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Măng tây. Loài này được Poelln. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1930.[1]
Haworthia decipiens là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Măng tây. Loài này được Poelln. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1930.