2005 The Regents of the University of California
Miller Canyon. Wooodland-Tanbark oak, madrone and canyon live oak-with Abies bracteata (=Abies venusta) and Pinus coulteri. Foreground-Black oak and big leaf maple and California laurel. Brush species-Toxicodendrondiversilobum (=Rhus diversiloba) and Symphoricarpos albus. Monterey County., T 19 S R 3 E Sec 1 Quad name: Jamesburg. Quad number: 106A.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking south at north slope of Miller Canyon. Woodland type of Tanbark oak, Madrone, Canyon live oak, and california laurel. Tanbark oak predominates. Note Abies bracteata (=Abies venusta) and coulter pine. Quad name: Jamesburg. Quad number: 106A. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking south at north slope of Miller Canyon. Note coulter pine and Abies bracteata (=Abies venusta) scattered throughout dense woodland type. ( Tanbark oak, Madrone, Canyon live oak, and California laurel.) Quad name: Jamesburg. Quad number: 106A. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking at north slope of Miller Creek. Woodland of tanbark oak, madrone, canyon live oak, with Coulter pine and Abies bracteata (=Abies venusta). Occasional California laurel, interior live oak and black oak. White oak in foreground (lower south slope). Monterey Co. Quad name: Jamesburg. Quad number: 106A. Reference to map: 6.