Image de sphaigne squarreuse
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Sphaigne Squarreuse

Sphagnum squarrosum Crome ex Hoppe 1803

Comments ( anglais )

fourni par eFloras
This is a common species in northeastern and southwestern China. It is characterized by having rather robust and jade green plants that frequently produce sporophytes and by having large and squarrose branch leaves.
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Moss Flora of China Vol. 1: 44 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Moss Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Gao Chien & Marshall R. Crosby
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Comments ( anglais )

fourni par eFloras
In its typical robust form with strongly squarrose branch leaves, Sphagnum squarrosum is unmistakeable. Smaller forms such as occur in the higher mountains may be difficult to identify accurately without careful examination of microscopic details. In the tundra there sometimes occur large, terete forms of S. squarrosum but these are usually considerably more robust than S. teres. See also discussion under 14. S. strictum.
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Flora of North America Vol. 27: 57, 58, 59, 83, 85, 97, 101 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( anglais )

fourni par eFloras
Plants rather robust, jade green to yellowish green or yellowish brown, in loose tufts. Stem cortex in 2–4 layers, hyaline cells thin-walled, without fibrils, sometimes with large pores; central cylinder pale green or yellowish orange. Stem leaves 1.6–1.7 mm × 1.0–1.4 mm, large, ligulate, rounded obtuse, somewhat lacerate at the apex; borders narrow, indistinct; hyaline cells in the upper half broadly rhomboidal, often undivided, without fibrils and pores, sometimes divided, cells in the lower half narrowly rhomboidal, sometimes with the traces of fibrils, with large pores. Branches in fascicles of 4–5, with 2–3 spreading, stout. Branch leaves 2.0–2.3 mm × 1.0–1.2 mm, broadly ovate-lanceolate, concave, strongly squarrose and gradually narrowed to an involute-concave acumen from an erect base; margins involute, blunt and dentate at the apex; hyaline cells densely fibrillose, with small, ringed pores in the upper cells, half-elliptic pores at the opposite ends in the lower cells on the ventral surface, with a few pores at the upper corners in the upper cells, more and more pores at the opposite ends in the lower half on the dorsal surface; inner walls adjacent to green cells sometimes faintly papillose; green cells in cross section triangular to trapezoidal, exposed more broadly on the dorsal surface, also slightly exposed on the ventral surface. Dioicous; antheridial branches green; archegonial branches elongate. Perigonial leaves smaller than vegetative branch leaves. Perichaetia leaves large, broadly ligulate, concave. Spores yellowish, papillose, 22–25 µm in diameter.
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Moss Flora of China Vol. 1: 44 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Moss Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Gao Chien & Marshall R. Crosby
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Description ( anglais )

fourni par eFloras
Plants robust, stiff; green, pale green, yellow-green; large terminal bud; typically as loose carpets in coniferous forests. Stem green to red-brown; 2-3 superficial cortical layers. Stem leaves shorter than branch leaves, ovate-lingulate to oblong-lingulate, 1.6-1.8 × 1-1.2 mm; hyaline cells mostly nonseptate. Branches long and tapering with distinct squarrose spreading leaves, often terete in tundra forms. Branch fascicles with 2 spreading and 2-3 pendent branches. Branch stems with 1-2 layers of cortical cells. Branch leaves larger than stem leaves, 1.9-2.8 mm, conspicuously squarrose from ovate-hastate base and abruptly narrowed 1/2-1/3 distance from apex into involute-concave acumen, often terete in tundra forms; hyaline cells convex on both surfaces, non-ringed pores at ends and corners of cells, ringed pores on concave surface (4-8/cell) and nonringed pores (2-4/cell) on convex surface, internal commissural walls smooth or indistinctly papillose, chlorophyllous cells ovate triangular with widest part at or close to the convex surface. Sexual condition monoicous. Spores 17-30 µm; proximal surface finely papillose, distal surface smooth with raised bifurcated Y-mark sculpture; proximal laesura more than 0.5 spore radius.
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Flora of North America Vol. 27: 57, 58, 59, 83, 85, 97, 101 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Distribution ( anglais )

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Distribution: China, India, Korea, Japan, Central Asia, Europe, Greenland, North America, New Zealand, and North Africa.
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Moss Flora of China Vol. 1: 44 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Moss Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Gao Chien & Marshall R. Crosby
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Habitat ( anglais )

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Habitat: in seasonally flooded areas or on wet soil under conifers; sometimes on rotten wood in shade.
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Moss Flora of China Vol. 1: 44 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Moss Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Gao Chien & Marshall R. Crosby
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Synonym ( anglais )

fourni par eFloras
Sphagnum squarrosum var. imbricatum Schimper
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Flora of North America Vol. 27: 57, 58, 59, 83, 85, 97, 101 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Synonym ( anglais )

fourni par eFloras
Sphagnum cymbifolium var. squarrosum (Crome) Nees & Hornsch., Bryol. Germ. 1: 11. 1823. Sphagnum teres var. squarrosum (Crome) Warnst., Eur. Torfm. 121. 1881, nom. illeg. Sphagnum squarrosum var. subsquarrosum Russ. ex Warnst., Hedwigia 27: 271. 1888.
droit d’auteur
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citation bibliographique
Moss Flora of China Vol. 1: 44 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Moss Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Gao Chien & Marshall R. Crosby
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Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Sphagnum squarrosum Crome, Samml. Dents Laubm. 24. 1803.
Plants generally tall and very robust, bright-green or sometimes yellowish. Woodcylinder green to reddish-brown; cortical cells of the stem in 2-3 layers, of irregular size and shape, with thin walls, the outer cells narrowly quadrilateral, much longer than broad, without fibrils or pores: stem-leaves large, long ovate-lingulate, slightly concave, the apex weakly lacerate-fimbriate, passing into a suggestion of a hyaline border and this into an indistinct border of narrow cells extending to the base; hyaline cells in the apical portion rhomboidal, short, not more than 2-3 times as long as wide, in basal side-regions of the same length but narrow^er, mostly undivided and without fibrils, the membrane on the outer surface almost completely resorbed, on the inner surface the membrane-gaps confined to cells of the immediate apex, the membrane otherwise entire, frequently with longitudinal membrane-pleats: branches often very long, in fascicles of 5, 2 spreading, their cortical cells in a single or double layer, without fibrils, the retort-cells slightly differentiated with inconspicuous neck: branch-leaves strongly squarrose from the center, sometimes spreading or nearly imbricate, large, ovatehastate, broadening rapidly from the base, then suddenly contracting to an acute, involute, toothed apex, the border entire, of 2-3 rows of long narrow cells; hyaline cells strongly fibrillose throughout, narrowly rhomboidal, 4—8 times as long as wide, shorter toward the ai>ex and much broader in the middle side-regions, on the inner surface with rather numerous round pores in the ends of the cells and near the commissures, 4-10 per cell, except in the middle basal portion where they are lacking, most numerous and largest in large cells of the middle side-regions, on the outer surface less numerous, in the ends and corners of the cells, generally 1-3 per cell, except in the middle basal portion where they are large and numerous in a single or double row, sometimes 10 or more per cell, with pseudopores also in apical cells; chlorophyl-cells in section triangular with the base exposed on the outer surface or trapezoidal with a narrow exposure also on the inner surface; inner walls of the hyaline cells where overlying the chlorophyl-cells often strongly papillose; hyaline cells convex on both surfaces, on the outer only slightly, one sixth or one fifth, on the inner rather more, one fourth or one third of the diameter of the cell.
Monoicous. Antheridial catkins conspicuous; antheridial leaves often deeply pigmented, brown, spreading, ovate, strongly involute, smaller than the normal branch-leaves, the fibrils in cells of basal region weak or lacking. Fruiting branches erect, long; perichaetial leaves long-lingulate, strongly involute, the apex truncate or retuse, fimbriate, their texture as in the stem-leaves; hyaline cells on the outer surface with large membrane-gaps, on the inner surface entire with longitudinal membrane-pleats: capsule brown: spores brownish-yellow, 20-25 m in diameter, papillose.
Type locality: Europe.
Distribution: Greenland and Labrador southward to New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Ohio; Michigan: Wisconsin; Minnesota ; Colorado; California northward to Alaska and adjacent islands; also in Europe and Asia.
citation bibliographique
Albert LeRoy Andrews, Elizabeth Gertrude Britton, Julia Titus Emerson. 1961. SPHAGNALES-BRYALES; SPHAGNACEAE; ANDREAEACEAE, ARCHIDIACEAE, BRUCHIACEAE, DITRICHACEAE, BRYOXIPHIACEAE, SELIGERIACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Rašeliník kostrbatý ( tchèque )

fourni par wikipedia CZ

Rašeliník kostrbatý (Sphagnum squarrosum) roste ve volných, rozlehlých, houbově měkkých, světle zelených až slabě modrozelených polštářích. Patří do čeledi rašeliníkovitých.


Rostlina mohutná, většinou rozvolněná, 7–25 cm dlouhá, bledě zelená, sytě zelená až nahnědlá, někdy poněkud naoranžovělá, s běžně vyklenutou hlavičkou. Hojně se rozmnožuje četnými výtrusy. Silné a vzpřímené lodyžky jsou tmavě zelené, 10–20 cm vysoké, větvené většinou jen v dolní části. Lístky na lodyžkách jsou spirálovitě uspořádané, volně odstávají od lodyhy a taškovitě se překrývají. Jsou 2–3 mm dlouhé, hladké se zaokrouhlenou, třásnitou špičkou jazykového tvaru. Lístky větví jsou kratší (1–3 mm), podlouhlé, ztloustlé, vodorovně odstálé a s poněkud ohnutou špičkou. Dobře se rozrůstá vegetativně.

Rašeliník kostrbatý je jednodomý, jeho sporogon je tvořen asi 10 mm dlouhým štětem a dlouze stopkatou, kulovitou, tmavohnědou tobolkou, z počátku zakrytou kalyptrou. Vyrůstá ze samičích větví v horní části lodyžek.

Nejlépe ze všech mechů dokáže zadržovat vodu. Odspodu odumírá, ale nahoře stále dorůstá, může tak tvořit velké plochy, až desítky metrů.


S rašeliníkem kostrbatým se nikdy nesetkáme na rašeliništích mimo les. Je to typicky lesní druh, který roste ve velkých a rozlehlých kobercích, na vlhkých lesních půdách, bažinách a mokřadech se slabě kyselou reakcí a s bohatstvím půdních živin. Je zvláště hojný v okolí lesních potůčků i v blízkosti stojatých vod. Nejvíce rozšířen v nadmořských výškách od 500–1500 m. V ČR poměrně běžný druh v rašeliništích ve vyšších polohách. V pohraničních horách Čech, v Brdech, na Českomoravské vrchovině, v Hrubém Jeseníku a Beskydech poměrně častý druh, v ostatních částech republiky vzácnější.

Možnost záměny

V terénu dobře rozpoznatelný a těžko zaměnitelný druh díky kostrbatě odstálým větevním lístkům. Kostrbatě odstálé lístky má i příbuzný rašeliník obrlý (Sphagnum teres), který je ovšem mnohem štíhlejší a bývá žlutavě nebo žlutohnědě zbarvený, dále dává přednost minerálně bohatším stanovištím.



  • RABŠTEJNEK, Otomar, PORUBA, Miroslav et SKUHROVEC, Josef. Lišejníky, mechorosty a kapraďorosty ve fotografii. 1. vyd. Praha: Státní zemědělské nakladatelství, 1987. 114 s.

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Rašeliník kostrbatý: Brief Summary ( tchèque )

fourni par wikipedia CZ

Rašeliník kostrbatý (Sphagnum squarrosum) roste ve volných, rozlehlých, houbově měkkých, světle zelených až slabě modrozelených polštářích. Patří do čeledi rašeliníkovitých.

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wikipedia CZ

Sphagnum squarrosum ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Sphagnum squarrosum, commonly known as the spiky bog-moss[1] or spreading-leaved bog moss[2] is a species of moss which grows in nutrient-rich, damp soil. Typical habitats include woodland, the banks of streams and ditches; it can even be found at high altitude in damp cirques. The species often grows near sedges (Carex), rushes (Juncus) or purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea).[1]

Sphagnum squarrosum plants are green, and have the appearance of spikiness.[1]

See also


  1. ^ a b c Andy Amphlett; Sandy Payne (2010). "Sphagnum squarrosum". In I. Atherton; S. Bosanquet; M. Lawley (eds.). Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. British Bryological Society. p. 281. ISBN 9780956131010. Archived from the original on 21 April 2013.
  2. ^ F. E. Tripp (1874). British Mosses, Their Homes, Aspects, Structure and Uses. George Bell and Sons. p. 63.
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wikipedia EN

Sphagnum squarrosum: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Sphagnum squarrosum, commonly known as the spiky bog-moss or spreading-leaved bog moss is a species of moss which grows in nutrient-rich, damp soil. Typical habitats include woodland, the banks of streams and ditches; it can even be found at high altitude in damp cirques. The species often grows near sedges (Carex), rushes (Juncus) or purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea).

Sphagnum squarrosum plants are green, and have the appearance of spikiness.

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wikipedia EN

Sphagnum squarrosum ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Sphagnum squarrosum Sphagnaceae familiako goroldioa da, Europan bizi dena.

Basa eta Itsas Fauna eta Landaredian Arriskuan dauden Espezieen Euskadiko Zerrendan sartu zuten.[1]


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wikipedia EU

Sphagnum squarrosum: Brief Summary ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Sphagnum squarrosum Sphagnaceae familiako goroldioa da, Europan bizi dena.

Basa eta Itsas Fauna eta Landaredian Arriskuan dauden Espezieen Euskadiko Zerrendan sartu zuten.

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Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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wikipedia EU

Okarahkasammal ( finnois )

fourni par wikipedia FI

Okarahkasammal (Sphagnum squarrosum) on isokokoinen sammallaji. Se kuuluu Sphagnaceae-heimoon ja rahkasammalten sukuun. Yleisväriltään se on vaaleanvihreää. Okarahkasammalta kasvaa esimerkiksi korvissa. Lajia esiintyy koko Suomessa.[2] Uhanalaisuusluokittelussa se on elinvoimainen.



  1. Taksonomian lähde ITIS: Sphagnum squarrosum. Viitattu 7.9.2009. (englanniksi)
  2. Ulvinen, Tauno & Syrjänen, Kimmo: Suomen sammalten levinneisyys eliömaakunnissa (PDF) (Sivu 331, kohta 577) ymparisto.fi. Viitattu 27.7.2009.
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Okarahkasammal: Brief Summary ( finnois )

fourni par wikipedia FI

Okarahkasammal (Sphagnum squarrosum) on isokokoinen sammallaji. Se kuuluu Sphagnaceae-heimoon ja rahkasammalten sukuun. Yleisväriltään se on vaaleanvihreää. Okarahkasammalta kasvaa esimerkiksi korvissa. Lajia esiintyy koko Suomessa. Uhanalaisuusluokittelussa se on elinvoimainen.

 src= Okarahkasammalta
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wikipedia FI

Sphagnum squarrosum

fourni par wikipedia FR

Sphagnum squarrosum (ou Sphaigne squarreuse) est une bryophyte de la famille des Sphagnacées[1] (spiky bog-moss[2] ou spreading-leaved bog moss[3]).


Cette mousse a une couleur vert tendre quand elle est normalement humide.


Cette espèce apprécie les sols et substrats acides, riches en matière organique nutriments et très humides
Ses habitats typiques incluent les bois humides et tourbeux riche en bois-morts, certains fossés et les banquettes de cours d'eau rapides (torrents, cascades…), jusqu'à haute altitude. On la trouve souvent en milieux paratourbeux, associée à des Caricaies, des tapis de joncs ou des étendues ou touradons de molinie bleue (Molinia caerulea)[2].

Une analyse génétique récente (2006) a montré (sur la base des haplotypes chloroplastiques) que cette espèce est plus ubiquiste que S. fimbriatum qui montre elle de fortes affinités biogéographiques[4]. Une hypothèse est que S. fimbriatum a survécu aux dernières glaciations en zone atlantique plutôt littorale en Europe, alors que S squarrosum a bénéficié de nombreux refuges dans toute l'Europe. L'existence d'un haplotype dominant de S. fimbriatum dans presque toute l'Europe suggère une recolonisation rapide de certains milieux par cette espèce à partir de la fin du maximum glaciaire (il y a environ 10 000 ans) ; Une capacité colonisatrice élevé de S. fimbriatum serait alors une caractéristique inhérente et la récente expansion de en Europe pourrait être une réponse au changement climatique.

Services écosystémiques

En se décomposant (mal) elle contribue à former la tourbe[5] et joue donc un rôle en matière de puits de carbone et pour la cosnervation de l'eau, les tourbières jouant souvent un rôle tampon important.


  • Cette espèce a une croissance rapide, et comme toutes les espèces des genres Sphagnum et Polytrichum là où elles s'installent tendent à augmenter et entretenir l'acidité du milieu[6]. Elle a une capacité d'acidification particulièrement élevée[7], ce qui est sans doute une manière d'éliminer d'autres plantes ne supportant pas cette acidité. (y compris d'autres mousses telles que Sphagnum scorpioides[8])
  • Dans les régions circum polaires, elle peut être parasitée par Discinella schimperi[9].

État des populations, menaces

Comme toutes les plantes de tourbières, cette espèce est menacée par le drainage des zones humides, et pourrait être affectée par les conséquences du réchauffement climatique.

L'eutrophisation générale des milieux et localement leur dystrophisation par la diffusion d'azote (sous forme d'engrais agricoles notamment[10]) est une autre cause de régression[11].

Notes et références

  1. « Sphagnum squarrosum », département de l'Agriculture des États-Unis (consulté le 16 juin 2012)
  2. a et b Andy Amphlett et Sandy Payne (édition : I. Atherton, S. Bosanquet and M. Lawley), Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, British Bryological Society, 2010, 848 p. (ISBN 978-0-9561310-1-0, lire en ligne), « Sphagnum squarrosum », p. 281
  3. F. E. Tripp, British Mosses, Their Homes, Aspects, Structure and Uses, George Bell and Sons, 1874, p. 63.
  4. P Szövényi, Z Hock, E Urmi, JJ Schneller (2006) Contrasting phylogeographic patterns in Sphagnum fimbriatum and Sphagnum squarrosum (Bryophyta, Sphagnopsida) in Europe ; New phytologist, Volume 172, Issue 4, pages 784–794, décembre 2006
  5. Decomposition of Carex and Sphagnum litter in two mesotrophic fens differing in dominant plant species Oikos Volume 92, Issue 1, January 2001, Pages: 44–54, R. A. Scheffer, R. S. P Van Logtestijn et J. T. A. Verhoeven Article first published online : 15 APR 2003, DOI:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2001.920106.x (résumé)
  6. Kooijman AM. (1993) Changes in the bryophyte layer of rich fens as controlled by acidification and eutrophication. PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  7. Kooijman AM, Bakker C. (1995) Species replacement in the bryophyte layer in mires: the role of water type, nutrient supply and interspecific interactions. Journal of Ecology 83: 1–8. (résumé)
  8. Kooijman AM. (1992) The decrease of rich fen bryophytes in the Netherlands. Biological Conservation 35: 139–143.
  9. SA Redhead, KW Spicer (1981) Discinella schimperi, a circumpolar parasite of Sphagnum squarrosum, and notes on Bryophytomyces sphagni- Mycologia, Vol. 73, No. 5 (Sept-Oct 1981), p. 904-913 (résumé/1re page)
  10. Krupa SV. (2003) Effects of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) on terrestrial vegetation: a review. Environmental Pollution 124: 179–221.
  11. Maurice P. C. P. Paulissen, Paul J. M. Van Der Ven, Albert J. Dees and Roland Bobbink (2004) Differential effects of nitrate and ammonium on three fen bryophyte species in relation to pollutant nitrogen input New Phytologist Volume 164, Issue 3, December 2004, Pages: 451–458, en ligne : 2004-09-24 ; DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2004.01196.x (résumé)

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wikipedia FR

Sphagnum squarrosum: Brief Summary

fourni par wikipedia FR

Sphagnum squarrosum (ou Sphaigne squarreuse) est une bryophyte de la famille des Sphagnacées (spiky bog-moss ou spreading-leaved bog moss).

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wikipedia FR

Torfowiec nastroszony ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Torfowiec nastroszony (Sphagnum squarrosum Crome) – gatunek mchu należący do rodziny torfowcowatych. Rozpowszechniony na półkuli północnej, występuje w Europie, Chinach, Indiach, Korei, Japonii, Nowej Zelandii, Azji Środkowej, północnej Afryce i Ameryce Północnej[3]. Dość pospolity na terenie Polski.


Zielony mech o łodyżkach dorastających do 20 cm, tworzący zbite darnie. Liście łodyżkowe języczkowate, długości ok. 2 mm i szerokości 1,4 mm, z obrzeżeniem, na szczycie postrzępione. Liście gałązkowe z okrągławą nasadą obejmującą łodyżkę, wyżej nagle zwężające się w odgięty ku tyłowi kończyk przez co silnie odstające od gałązki. Puszki brązowe, długości ok. 2 mm. Zarodniki jasnożółte.

Ekologia i biologia

Zagrożenia i ochrona

Gatunek objęty jest w Polsce częściową ochroną gatunkową od 2001 roku. Status ochronny został utrzymany w 2004 a następnie w 2014 roku (na podstawie Rozporządzenia Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 października 2014 r. w sprawie ochrony gatunkowej roślin)[5][6][7].


  1. B. Goffinet, W.R Buck, A.J. Shaw: Classification: mosses (ang.). University of Connecticut, 2008–. [dostęp 2015-06-01].
  2. Sphagnum squarrosum (ang.). W: The Plant List [on-line]. [dostęp 2015-05-31].
  3. Sphagnum squarrosum (ang.). W: Moss Flora of China vol. 1 [on-line]. [dostęp 2015-06-01].
  4. Władysław Matuszkiewicz: Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14439-4.
  5. Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 11 września 2001 r. w sprawie listy gatunków roślin rodzimych dziko występujących objętych ochroną gatunkową ścisłą częściową oraz zakazów właściwych dla tych gatunków i odstępstw od tych zakazów (Dz.U. z 2001 r. nr 106, poz. 1167).
  6. Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 lipca 2004 r. w sprawie gatunków dziko występujących roślin objętych ochroną (Dz.U. z 2004 r. nr 168, poz. 1764).
  7. Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 października 2014 r. w sprawie ochrony gatunkowej roślin (Dz.U. z 2014 r. nr 0, poz. 1409).


  1. Stanisław Kłosowski, Grzogorz Kłosowski: Rośliny wodne i bagienne. Warszawa: Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2006. ISBN 978-83-7073-248-6.
  2. Hanna Wójciak: Porosty, mszaki, paprotniki. Wyd. 2. Warszawa: Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2007. ISBN 978-83-7073-552-4.
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wikipedia POL

Torfowiec nastroszony: Brief Summary ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL

Torfowiec nastroszony (Sphagnum squarrosum Crome) – gatunek mchu należący do rodziny torfowcowatych. Rozpowszechniony na półkuli północnej, występuje w Europie, Chinach, Indiach, Korei, Japonii, Nowej Zelandii, Azji Środkowej, północnej Afryce i Ameryce Północnej. Dość pospolity na terenie Polski.

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wikipedia POL

Sphagnum squarrosum ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Sphagnum squarrosum là một loài rêu trong họ Sphagnaceae. Loài này được Crome mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1803.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Sphagnum squarrosum. Truy cập ngày 11 tháng 6 năm 2014.

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wikipedia VI

Sphagnum squarrosum: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Sphagnum squarrosum là một loài rêu trong họ Sphagnaceae. Loài này được Crome mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1803.

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wikipedia VI