prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
prolific weedy annual on flat plains of a large bolson (Los Llanos), in silty, slightly saline, gyp-calcareous clay soil, along the margin between a long abandoned agricultural area and undisturbed native scrub.
perennial in open areas between pines and shoreline of seasonal playa.
on coarse mix of volcanic rhyolite tuff gravels in roadbed quarry site
on coarse mix of volcanic rhyolite tuff gravels in roadbed quarry site
on coarse mix of volcanic rhyolite tuff gravels in roadbed quarry site
pine understory in rocky, volcanic tuffaceous rhyolite soil on gently undulating highland plain.
pine understory in rocky, volcanic tuffaceous rhyolite soil on gently undulating highland plain.
road-right-of-way crossing open basin grassland with scattered trees on low knoll of gravelly volcanic alluvial soil. Shown with Ipomopsis pinnata and Artemesia ludoviciana
road-right-of-way crossing open basin grassland with scattered trees on low knoll of gravelly volcanic alluvial soil.
on coarse volcanic gravels and alluvial sands below rhyolitic tuff cliffs forming narrow canyon bottom drained by small perennial creek. Open area above creek.
perennial in woodland understory on talus slope of rhyolitic tuff
perennial in woodland understory on talus slope of rhyolitic tuff
perennial in woodland understory on talus slope of rhyolitic tuff
woodland understory on volcanic gravelly loam