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Megaselia pallidipennis Borgmeier 1969

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Megaselia (Megaselia) pallidipennis

MALE.—Length 1.3 mm. Head width 0.44 mm. Frons (Figure 78) subquadrate, slightly broader than long laterally (6:5), width 0.23 mm, black-brown, with sparse hairs and a distinct median line. Two supraantennals close together. First row convex, antials reclinate, nearly on level of su, slightly farther from anterolaterals than from su. Second row slightly concave, the preocellars more approximate than the antials. There is a weak supranumerary bristle on lower corner of frons, the exact length of which could not be ascertained. Upper postocular bristle distinct; ocular cilia weak. One moderate lower postocular; one weak bristle on jowls; cheeks with one setula above. Third antennal joint globose, yellowish brown; arista 0.44 mm, distinctly pubescent. Palpi yellow, not large, with moderate bristles.

Thorax black-brown, with 2 dorsocentrals. Mesopleura bare. Scutellum with 2 bristles and 2 minute hairs.

Abdomen black-brown, venter enclosed. Relative length of abdominal tergites 12:10:8:8:12. Pubescence scarce, and short, longer and bristle-like on hind border of 6th tergite. Second tergite with some bristles laterally. Hypopygium black-brown, at right with a single moderate bristle behind. Anal segment white, rather long (0.19 mm), with longish hairs, the end-hairs hardly longer.

Legs brownish yellow, hind legs darker. Foretibia 0.26 mm; foretarsus slender, 0.65 mm, metatarsus slightly longer than 2+3 (9:8). Midtibia 0.35 mm, the dorsal hair-seam reaching apical fifth; end-spur three-fourths of metatarsus. Hind femur (Figure 80) 3 times as long as broad, length 0.52 mm, with about 12 curved hairs on basal half of ventral edge. Hind tibia 0.46 mm, the posterodorsal cilia short.

Wing (Figure 79) grayish white, heavy veins extremely pale, veins 4–6 almost not perceptible, 7th nearly extinguished. Length 1.17 mm, width 0.52 mm. Costa 0.5 ratio of segments 32:22:7. Cilia short (0.04 mm) about 8 pairs between 1st vein and tip of costa. Mediastinalis obsolete, 4th vein evenly curved; 5th weakly arcuate before middle; 6th slightly sinuous. Axillary margin with 3 hairs. Halteres dark brown.

Holotype (on slide, USNM 70260), Dominica, Clarke Hall, 21–29 Apr. 1964, light trap (O. S. Flint). Paratype (on slide, CTB), 1–10 May 1964, same locality and collector.
citation bibliographique
Borgmeier, Tomaz. 1969. "Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian biological survey of Dominica: the Phoridae of Dominica (Diptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-69. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.23