
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 13.1 years (captivity)
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Distribution ( anglais )

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Continent: Africa
Distribution: Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Guinea (DOUCET 1963), Gabon, Principé (Gulf of Guinea), Benin, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Congo (Brazzaville), Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Sudan, Zambia kaimosae: W Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, adjacent Zaire;
Type locality: kaimosi Forest, near the Friends Africa Mission, kakamega district, Nyanza Province, Kenya Colony. Types: MCZ, Nairobi Museum, USNM, FMNH
Type locality: žSüdamerika"; corrected to œWestafrika (MERTENS 1938: 49)
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Peter Uetz
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Mamba Jamesonova ( tchèque )

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Mamba Jamesonova (Dendroaspis jamesoni) je středně dlouhý až dlouhý, tenký a vysoce jedovatý stromový had z čeledi korálovcovitých.[1] Žije ve střední Africe a na některých místech východní a západní Afriky. Je to velmi rychlý, hbitý a útočný had, který loví svou kořist převážně v korunách stromů, ale i na zemi.


Tento druh je dlouhý, lehce zploštělý a velmi tenký, se středně dlouhým zužujícím se ocasem, jenž bývá často žlutý.[2][3] Průměrná délka dospělého jedince činí asi 1,65 m, někteří jedinci však mohou dorůst až délky 2,7 m.[2][4] Mamba Jamesonova bývá velmi podobně zbarvená jako mamba zelená a také ona má šupiny pokrývající tělo s černými okraji. Bývá obvykle tmavozelená, neobvyklé však není ani světlejší zelenavě žluté zbarvení. Na břišní straně je většinou bledě zelená.[3] Mamba Jamesonova má protaženou úzkou hlavu s výrazným přechodem. Stejně jako u mamby zelené se jí může při rozrušení zplošťovat krk. Oči jsou středně velké, s kulatými zornicemi, hřbetní šupiny jsou zkosené, hladké a rovné.[2] Mamby jsou proteroglyfní hadi, kteří mají jedové zuby v přední části tlamy, pevně spojené s kostí.


Tato mamba žije na poměrně širokém území. Oblast jejího rozšíření pokrývá převážnou část střední Afriky a části Afriky západní a východní. Lze se s ní setkat od Ghany přes Togo, Nigérii a Středoafrickou republiku po Súdán, od Kamerunu přes Rovníkovou Guineu a Gabon až po severní Angolu, od Republiky Kongo, Demokratické republiky Kongo, Ugandy, Rwandy a Burundi až po Jižní Súdán a Keňu.[1][2]


Žije v deštných pralesích, zalesněných oblastech a v houštinách až do nadmořské výšky 2200 m. Umí se přizpůsobit změněným podmínkám, takže dokáže přežívat i v oblastech, kde byly téměř vykáceny stromy, pokud je tam dostatek křovin a pár stromů, jež jí poskytnou úkryt. Tento had se nezřídka vyskytuje i na střechách vesnických domů, v městských parcích a na zemědělské půdě.[2]

Chování, potrava a nepřátelé


Život mamby Jamesonovy je spjat se stromy mnohem víc než život ostatních mamb. Na zem slézá pouze při lovu kořisti. Stejně jako ostatní mamby je to denní živočich.[2] Tak jako ostatní mamby se běžně snaží před nebezpečím co nejrychleji ustoupit. Využívá své rychlosti k vymanévrování predátora či hrozby a vzápětí zmizí, nejčastěji vysoko do korun stromů.[5] Cítí-li se však tento hbitý had ohrožen, stává se, stejně jako ostatní mamby, smrtelně nebezpečným protivníkem. Začne se chovat velice agresivně. Vztyčí hlavu do výšky, hlasitě syčí a opakovaně prudce útočí.[5]

Potrava a nepřátelé

Tak jako ostatní mamby i mamba Jamesonova svoji kořist aktivně loví. Po prudkém útoku zakončeném smrtelným kousnutím se stáhne a vyčká, až oběť podlehne jejímu jedu.[2] Vzhledem ke stromovému způsobu života tvoří značnou část její potravy ptáci. Loví však i drobné savce včetně hlodavců, jako jsou myši a krysy, dále netopýry a malé ještěry.[6]

Hlavními nepřáteli těchto mamb jsou lidé a rozliční draví ptáci, jako například orel bojovný (Polemaetus bellicosus), orlík kejklíř (Terathopius ecaudatus) či orlík jestřábovitý (Dryotriorchis spectabilis).[5] K dalším predátorům patří medojed kapský (Mellivora capensis), někteří hadi a příležitostně i různé druhy promyk.[7]


Jamesons Mamba 05.jpg

Tak jako u ostatních mamb je i jed mamby Jamesonovy vysoce neurotoxický. Mimo jiné složky jej tvoří i kardiotoxiny,[8] a fascikuliny.[2] K tomu se u tohoto druhu mohou přidávat i další hemotoxické a myotoxické složky.[9] Průměrná dávka jedu při uštknutí touto mambou obsahuje asi 80 mg jedu, někteří jedinci však mohou při jediném uštknutí vstříknout až 120 mg jedu. Smrtelná dávka pro tento druh jedu činí 0,8 až 1 mg/kg.[10] Smrt způsobená uštknutím mamby Jamesonovy se může, není-li okamžitě zahájena léčba, dostavit již po 30 až 120 minutách.[11] Nicméně u neléčených pacientů se smrt v průměru dostavuje až po dvou až třech hodinách po uštknutí, může to však trvat i šest hodin či déle.[6] Úmrtnost způsobená neléčeným uštknutím není přesně známa, říká se však, že je velmi vysoká.[2]


  • Dendroaspis jamesoni jamesoni (Traill, 1843)
  • Dendroaspis jamesoni kaimosae (Loveridge, 1936)


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Jameson's mamba na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. a b UETZ, Peter. Dendroaspis jamesoni (TRAILL, 1843) [online]. www.reptile-database.org [cit. 2012-04-27]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite web}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  2. a b c d e f g h i Clinical Toxinology Resource (Dendroaspis jamesoni)
  3. a b Africa's Venomous Snakes
  4. Cincinnati Zoo (Jameson's Mamba)
  5. a b c BURTON, Maurice; BURTON, Robert. International Wildlife Encyclopedia: Leopard - marten. USA: Marshall Cavendish, 2002. 3168 s. ISBN 0-7614-7277-0.
  6. a b ERNST, Carl H.; ZUG, George R. Snakes in Question: The Smithsonian Answer Book. Washington D.C., USA: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 1996. ISBN 1-56098-648-4.
  7. MATTISON, Chris. Snakes of the World. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1987-01-01. S. 164. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite book}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  8. van Aswegen G, van Rooyen JM, Fourie C, Oberholzer G. Putative cardiotoxicity of the venoms of three mamba species.. Journal of Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. May 1996. Dostupné online. PMID 11990104. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  9. Living Hazards Database [online]. United States Department of Defense (DoD) [cit. 2011-12-11]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite web}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  10. BROWN, John H. Toxicology and Pharmacology of Venoms from Poisonous Snakes. Springfield, IL USA: Charles C. Thomas, 1973. ISBN 0-398-02808-7. S. 81. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite book}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  11. DAVIDSON, Terence. IMMEDIATE FIRST AID [online]. University of California, San Diego [cit. 2011-11-10]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2012-04-02. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite web}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.

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Mamba Jamesonova: Brief Summary ( tchèque )

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 src= Mapa rozšíření

Mamba Jamesonova (Dendroaspis jamesoni) je středně dlouhý až dlouhý, tenký a vysoce jedovatý stromový had z čeledi korálovcovitých. Žije ve střední Africe a na některých místech východní a západní Afriky. Je to velmi rychlý, hbitý a útočný had, který loví svou kořist převážně v korunách stromů, ale i na zemi.

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Jamesons Mamba ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE
Verbreitung der Jamesons Mamba

Die Jamesons Mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni), auch Jameson-Mamba, ist eine in West-, Zentral- und im westlichen Ostafrika weit verbreitete Giftschlange.


Die Jamesons Mamba wird im Normalfall 2 m lang – es wurde jedoch über Einzelfälle von 3,6 m Länge berichtet. Der Körper ist langgestreckt und sehr beweglich. Ihre Farbe ist grüngelb bis grasgrün, Hals, Schläfen und Bauch zitronengelb. Hellere und dunklere Zonen wechseln sich ab und bilden undeutliche, nach hinten verlaufende Querbinden. Die Schuppen sind ungekielt, haben oft einen schwarzen Rand und stehen in 15 bis 19 schrägen Reihen. Sie hat acht, seltener sieben Oberlippenschilde. Die mittleren berühren den unteren Augenrand. Die Anzahl der Unterlippenschilde beträgt acht bis zehn. Der vierte oder der fünfte stoßen an den Kinnschild.


Die Jamesons Mamba lebt als baum- und bodenbewohnende Giftnatter vor allem in Regenwäldern und in feuchtwarmen Wäldern an Flussufern. Sind noch isolierte Restbestände von Baumgruppen und Büschen vorhanden, hält sie sich auch in der Nähe menschlicher Siedlungen, auf Farmland und in den Parks von Städten auf. Da sie meist reglos verharrt und laubgrün gefärbt ist, bleibt sie von Menschen meist unbemerkt. Sie ist hauptsächlich tagaktiv und ernährt sich von Vögeln und Kleinsäugern.


Neben der Jamesons Mamba gibt es drei weitere Arten in der Gattung Dendroaspis:

Des Weiteren existieren zwei Unterarten:

  • D. jamesoni jamesoni mit 210–235 Bauchschilden und 94 bis 122 Schwanzschilden, sowie die
  • D. jamesoni kaimosae mit 209–227 Bauchschilden und 94 bis 113 Schwanzschilden. Der Schwanz dieser Unterart ist lackschwarz und läuft in einer weißen Spitze aus.


Das neurotoxische Gift der Jamesons Mamba ist auch für den Menschen lebensbedrohend. Die Toxine der Mambaarten enthalten Dendrotoxine, welche die Kaliumkanäle in der Zellmembran blockieren. Daraus resultiert eine Störung der elektrischen Reizausbreitung im Herzen und es besteht die Gefahr einer Herzrhythmusstörung.[1] Nach einem Biss ist eine sofortige Behandlung mit einem artspezifischen Schlangenserum absolut überlebensnotwendig.


  1. Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie. 7. Auflage. Spektrum Verlag, 1996, S. 891, Kapitel 32.10.
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Jamesons Mamba: Brief Summary ( allemand )

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 src= Verbreitung der Jamesons Mamba

Die Jamesons Mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni), auch Jameson-Mamba, ist eine in West-, Zentral- und im westlichen Ostafrika weit verbreitete Giftschlange.

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Jameson's mamba ( anglais )

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Jameson's mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) is a species of highly venomous snake native to equatorial Africa. A member of the mamba genus, Dendroaspis, it is slender with dull green upper parts and cream underparts and generally ranges from 1.5 to 2.2 m (4 ft 11 in to 7 ft 3 in) in length. Described by Scottish naturalist Thomas Traill in 1843, it has two recognised subspecies: the nominate subspecies from central and west sub-Saharan Africa and the eastern black-tailed subspecies from eastern sub-Saharan Africa, mainly western Kenya.

Predominantly arboreal, Jameson's mamba preys mainly on birds and mammals. Its venom consists of both neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. Symptoms of envenomation in humans include pain and swelling at the bite site, followed by swelling, chills, sweating, abdominal pain and vomiting, with subsequent slurred speech, difficulty breathing and paralysis. Fatalities have been recorded within three to four hours of being bitten. The venom of the eastern subspecies is around twice as potent as that of the nominate subspecies.

Taxonomy and etymology

Jameson's mamba was first described as Elaps jamesoni in 1843 by Thomas Traill, a Scottish doctor, zoologist and scholar of medical jurisprudence.[4] The specific epithet is in honour of Robert Jameson, Traill's contemporary and the Regius Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh where Traill studied.[5] In 1848, German naturalist Hermann Schlegel created the genus Dendroaspis, designating Jameson's mamba as the type species.[6] The generic name is derived from the Ancient Greek words δένδρον (dendron, 'tree') and ἀσπίς (aspis 'asp').[7] The genus was misspelt as Dendraspis by French zoologist Auguste Duméril in 1856,[8] and went generally uncorrected by subsequent authors. In 1936, Dutch herpetologist Leo Brongersma corrected the spelling to the original.[9]

In 1936, British biologist Arthur Loveridge described a new subspecies D. jamesoni kaimosae, from a specimen collected from the Kaimosi Forest in western Kenya, observing that it had fewer subcaudal scales and a black (rather than green) tail.[10] Analysis of the components of the venom of all mambas places Jameson's mamba as sister species to the western green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis), as shown in the cladogram below.[11]

king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)

Jameson's mamba – western subspecies (Dendroaspis j. jamesoni)

Jameson's mamba – eastern subspecies (Dendroaspis j. kaimosae)

western green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis)

eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)

black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)


Jameson's mamba is a long and slender snake with smooth scales and a tail which typically accounts for 20 to 25% of its total length. The total length (including tail) of an adult snake is approximately 1.5–2.2 m (4 ft 11 in – 7 ft 3 in). It may grow as large as 2.64 m (8 ft 8 in).[12] The general consensus is that the sexes are of similar sizes, although fieldwork in southeastern Nigeria found that males were significantly larger than females.[13] Adults tend to be dull green across the back, blending to pale green towards the underbelly with scales generally edged with black. The neck, throat and underparts are typically cream or yellowish in colour. Jameson's mamba has a narrow and elongated head containing small eyes and round pupils. Like the western green mamba, the neck may be flattened. The subspecies D. jamesoni kaimosae, which is found in the eastern part of the species' range, features a black tail, while central and western examples typically have a pale green or yellow tail.[12] The thin fangs are attached to the upper jaw and have a furrow running down their anterior surface.[4]


The number and pattern of scales on a snake's body play a key role in the identification and differentiation at the species level.[14] Jameson's mamba has between 15 and 17 rows of dorsal scales at midbody, 210 to 236 (Subsp.) jamesoni) or 202 to 227 ventral scales (Subsp. kaimosae), 94 to 122 (Subsp. jamesoni) or 94 to 113 (Subsp. kaimosae) divided subcaudal scales, and a divided anal scale.[a] Its mouth is lined with 7 to 9 (usually 8) supralabial scales above and 8 to 10 (usually 9) sublabial scales below, the fourth ones located over and under the eye.[16] Its eyes have three preocular, three postocular and one subocular scale.[12]

Distribution and habitat

green snake on a tree
Subsp. jamesoni navigating a tree, Korup National Park
green snake on a tree from above
Dorsal view of scales

Jameson's mamba occurs mostly in Central Africa and West Africa, and in some parts of East Africa.[3] In Central Africa it can be found from Angola northwards to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, and as far north as the Imatong Mountains of South Sudan.[12] In West Africa it ranges from Ghana eastwards to Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.[3] In East Africa it can be found in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania.[12] The subspecies D. jamesoni kaimosae is endemic to East Africa and chiefly found in western Kenya, where its type locality is located, as well as in Uganda, Rwanda, and the adjacent Democratic Republic of the Congo.[3] It is a relatively common and widespread snake, particularly across its western range. Fieldwork in Nigeria indicated the species is sedentary.[13]

Found in primary and secondary rainforests, woodland, forest-savanna and deforested areas at elevations of up to 2,200 metres (7,200 ft) high,[12] Jameson's mamba is an adaptable species; it persists in areas where there has been extensive deforestation and human development. It is often found around buildings, town parks, farmlands and plantations.[12] Jameson's mamba is a highly arboreal snake, more so than its close relatives the eastern green mamba and western green mamba, and significantly more so than the black mamba.[13]

Behaviour and ecology

Jameson's mamba is a highly agile snake. Like other mambas it is capable of flattening its neck in mimicry of a cobra when it feels threatened, and its body shape and length give an ability to strike at significant range. Generally not aggressive, it will typically attempt to escape if confronted.[12][13]


In Nigeria males fight each other for access to females (and then breed) over the dry season of December, January and February;[13] mating was recorded in September in the Kakamega Forest in Kenya.[17] Jameson's mamba is oviparous; the female lays a clutch of 5–16 eggs; in Nigeria laying was recorded from April to June, and most likely soon after November in Uganda.[17] Egg clutches have been recovered from abandoned termite colonies.[13]

Diet and predators

Jameson's mamba has been difficult to study in the field due to its arboreal nature and green coloration. It has not been observed hunting but is thought to use a sit-and-wait strategy, which has been reported for the eastern green mamba. The bulk of its diet is made up of birds and tree-dwelling mammals,[13] such as cisticolas, woodpeckers, doves, squirrels, shrews and mice.[17] Smaller individuals of under 100 cm (40 in) in length have been recorded feeding on lizards such as the common agama, and toads. There is no evidence they have adapted to hunting terrestrial rodents such as rats,[13] though they have been recorded eating rodents in Kenya, and have accepted them in captivity.[17]

The main predators of this species are birds of prey, including the martial eagle, bateleur, and the Congo serpent eagle. Other predators may include the honey badger, other snakes, and species of mongoose.[18]


green snake closeup
Subsp. kaimosae, the more venomous subspecies
green snake on a tree from below
Subsp. kaimosae from beneath, showing ventral scales

Jameson's mamba is classified as a Snake of Medical Importance in Sub-Saharan Africa by the World Health Organization,[b][19] although there are few records of snakebites.[17] Field observations over a 16-year period in the Niger Delta in southern Nigeria found that both humans and snakes were most active in rural areas during the rainy season, April to August, hence rendering this a peak period for snakebite. As well as succumbing to snakebites, workers were reported to have perished from falling from trees after encountering Jameson's mambas in the canopy of trees in palm oil plantations.[20] Snake bites are rare in cities but more common in forested areas in countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the country's poor infrastructure and lack of facilities render access to antivenom difficult.[21]

Like other mambas, the venom of the Jameson's mamba is highly neurotoxic.[22] Symptoms of envenomation by this species include pain and swelling of the bite site. Systemic effects include generalised swelling, chills, sweating abdominal pain and vomiting, with subsequent slurred speech, difficulty breathing and paralysis. Death has been recorded within three to four hours of being bitten;[17] there is an unconfirmed report of a child dying within 30 minutes.[22] With an average intravenous murine median lethal dose (LD50) of 0.53 mg/kg,[c] the venom of the eastern subspecies kaimosae is more than twice as potent as that of the nominate subspecies jamesoni at 1.2 mg/kg. The reason for this is unclear as the venom compositions are similar between the two subspecies, though kaimosae has higher concentrations of the potent neurotoxin-1.[11]

Similarly to the venom of most other mambas, Jameson's mamba's contains predominantly three-finger toxin agents as well as dendrotoxins. Other toxins of the three-finger family present include alpha-neurotoxin, cardiotoxins and fasciculins.[11] Dendrotoxins are akin to kunitz-type protease inhibitors that interact with voltage-dependent potassium channels, stimulating acetylcholine and causing an excitatory effect,[24] and are thought to cause symptoms such as sweating.[25] Unlike that of many snake species, the venom of mambas has little phospholipase A2.[11] Although cardiotoxins have been isolated in higher proportions from its venom than other mamba species, their role in toxicity is unclear and probably not prominent.[22]


The speed of onset of envenomation means that urgent medical attention is needed.[17] Standard first aid treatment for any bite from a suspected venomous snake is the application of a pressure bandage, minimisation of the victim's movement, and rapid conveyance to a hospital or clinic. Due to the neurotoxic nature of green mamba venom, an arterial tourniquet may be beneficial.[26] Tetanus toxoid is sometimes administered, though the main treatment is the administration of the appropriate antivenom.[27] Trivalent and monovalent[d] antivenoms for the black, eastern green and Jameson's mambas became available in the 1950s and 1960s.[29]

See also


  1. ^ A divided scale is one split down the midline into two scales.[15]
  2. ^ Snakes of medical Importance include those with highly dangerous venom resulting in high rates of morbidity and mortality, or those that are common agents in snakebite.[19]
  3. ^ The strength or toxicity of snake venom is traditionally measured using the LD50 (lethal dose 50%) test; in essence, injecting a certain amount of toxin into number of mice and recording what dose kills half of them.[23]
  4. ^ A monovalent antivenom is specific for one toxin or species, while a polyvalent one is effective against multiple toxins or species.[28]


  1. ^ Luiselli, L., Wagner, P., Branch, W.R. & Howell, K. 2021. "Dendroaspis jamesoni". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T13265784A13265793. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T13265784A13265793.en Archived 2021-12-16 at the Wayback Machine. Downloaded on 18 September 2021.
  2. ^ "Dendroaspis jamesoni". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 8 March 2015.
  3. ^ a b c d Uetz, Peter. "Dendroaspis jamesoni (Traill, 1843)". The Reptile Database. Archived from the original on 4 November 2013. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  4. ^ a b Traill, Thomas (1843). "Description of the Elaps Jamesoni [sic], a New Species from Demerara". Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. 34: 53–55 – via Internet Archive.
  5. ^ Beolens, Bo; Watkins, Michael; Grayson, Michael (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Dendroaspis jamesoni, p. 133).
  6. ^ "Dendroaspis". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 9 December 2013.
  7. ^ Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1980). A Greek-English Lexicon (Abridged ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 109, 154. ISBN 978-0-19-910207-5.
  8. ^ Duméril, Auguste Henri André (1856). "Note sure les Reptiles du Gabon". Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (in French). 2 (8): 553–562 [557–558]. Archived from the original on 2021-08-03. Retrieved 2021-08-03.
  9. ^ Brongersma, Leo Daniel (1936). "Herpetological note XIII". Zoologische Mededelingen. 19: 135.
  10. ^ Loveridge, Arthur (1936). "New tree snakes of the genera Thrasops and Dendraspis from Kenya Colony". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 49: 63–66. Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. Retrieved 2018-02-20.
  11. ^ a b c d Ainsworth, Stuart; Petras, Daniel; Engmark, Mikael; Süssmuth, Roderich D.; Whiteley, Gareth; Albulescu, Laura-Oana; Kazandjian, Taline D.; Wagstaff, Simon C.; Rowley, Paul; Wüster, Wolfgang; Dorrestein, Pieter C.; Arias, Ana Silvia; Gutiérrez, José M.; Harrison, Robert A.; Casewell, Nicholas R.; Calvete, Juan J. (2018). "The medical threat of mamba envenoming in sub-Saharan Africa revealed by genus-wide analysis of venom composition, toxicity and antivenomics profiling of available antivenoms". Journal of Proteomics. 172: 173–189. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2017.08.016. PMID 28843532. S2CID 217018550. Archived from the original on 2020-10-06. Retrieved 2020-01-29.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h Spawls, Stephen; Howell, Kim; Drewes, Robert; Ashe, James (2002). A Field Guide to the Reptiles of East Africa. Bloomsbury. pp. 463–464. ISBN 978-0-7136-6817-9.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h Luiselli, Luca; Francesco M. Angelici; Godfrey C. Akani (2000). "Large elapids and arboreality: the ecology of Jameson's green mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) in an Afrotropical forested region". Contributions to Zoology. 69 (3): 147–155. doi:10.1163/18759866-06903001. Archived from the original on 2021-12-16. Retrieved 2021-07-31.
  14. ^ Hutchinson, Mark; Williams, Ian (2018). "Key to the Snakes of South Australia" (PDF). South Australian Museum. Government of South Australia. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 July 2019. Retrieved 19 August 2021.
  15. ^ Macdonald, Stewart. "snake scale count search". Australian Reptile Online Database. Archived from the original on 2 March 2021. Retrieved 3 May 2019.
  16. ^ Chippaux, Jean-Phillipe; Jackson, Kate (2019). Snakes of Central and Western Africa (1 ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 109. ISBN 978-1-4214-2719-5.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g Spawls, Steve; Branch, Bill (2020) [1995]. The Dangerous Snakes of Africa. Bloomsbury. pp. 123–125. ISBN 978-1-4729-6028-3.
  18. ^ Mattison, Chris (1987). Snakes of the World. Facts on File, Inc. p. 164.
  19. ^ a b WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. "Guidelines for the production, control and regulation of snake antivenom immunoglobulins" (PDF). WHO Technical Report Series, No. 964. pp. 224–226. Archived (PDF) from the original on 14 February 2020. Retrieved 1 January 2019.
  20. ^ Akani, Godfrey C.; Ebere, Nwabueze; Franco, Daniel; Eniang, Edem A.; Petrozzi, Fabio; Politano, Edoardo; Luiselli, Luca (2013). "Correlation between annual activity patterns of venomous snakes and rural people in the Niger Delta, southern Nigeria" (PDF). Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases. 19 (1): 2. doi:10.1186/1678-9199-19-2. PMC 3707103. PMID 23849681. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-08-13. Retrieved 2021-03-10.
  21. ^ Cunningham, Hugh Kinsella (9 September 2019). "How Snakebites Became an Invisible Health Crisis in Congo". Pulitzer Center. Archived from the original on 31 July 2021. Retrieved 31 July 2021.
  22. ^ a b c van Aswegen, G.; van Rooyen, J.M.; Fourie, C; Oberholzer, G (1996). "Putative cardiotoxicity of the venoms of three mamba species". Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. 7 (2): 115–21. doi:10.1580/1080-6032(1996)007[0115:PCOTVO]2.3.CO;2. PMID 11990104.
  23. ^ "Snake Venom". School of Chemistry. University of Bristol. Archived from the original on 15 September 2009. Retrieved 18 September 2021.
  24. ^ Laustsen, Andreas Hougaard; Lomonte, Bruno; Lohse, Brian; Fernández, Julián; Gutiérrez, José María (2015). "Unveiling the nature of black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) venom through venomics and antivenom immunoprofiling: Identification of key toxin targets for antivenom development". Journal of Proteomics. 119: 126–142. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2015.02.002. PMID 25688917. S2CID 42454467.
  25. ^ Hodgson, Peter S.; Davidson, Terence M. (1996). "Biology and treatment of the mamba snakebite". Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 7 (2): 133–145. doi:10.1580/1080-6032(1996)007[0133:BATOTM]2.3.CO;2. PMID 11990107.
  26. ^ Dreyer, S. B.; Dreyer, J. S. (November 2013). "Snake Bite: A review of Current Literature". East and Central African Journal of Surgery. 18 (3): 45–52. ISSN 2073-9990. Archived from the original on 2021-08-25. Retrieved 2021-08-25.
  27. ^ Gutiérrez, José María; Calvete, Juan J.; Habib, Abdulrazaq G.; Harrison, Robert A.; Williams, David J.; Warrell, David A. (2017). "Snakebite envenoming" (PDF). Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 3 (3): 17063. doi:10.1038/nrdp.2017.63. PMID 28905944. S2CID 4916503. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2020-11-25. Retrieved 2021-03-10.
  28. ^ Whyte, Ian (2012). "Antivenom update" (PDF). Australian Prescriber. 35 (5): 152–155. doi:10.18773/austprescr.2012.069. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2021-09-18. Retrieved 2021-09-18.
  29. ^ Marais, Johan (2011). A Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa. Penguin Random House South Africa. ISBN 978-1-920544-64-5. Archived from the original on 2021-12-16. Retrieved 2021-07-31.

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Jameson's mamba: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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Jameson's mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) is a species of highly venomous snake native to equatorial Africa. A member of the mamba genus, Dendroaspis, it is slender with dull green upper parts and cream underparts and generally ranges from 1.5 to 2.2 m (4 ft 11 in to 7 ft 3 in) in length. Described by Scottish naturalist Thomas Traill in 1843, it has two recognised subspecies: the nominate subspecies from central and west sub-Saharan Africa and the eastern black-tailed subspecies from eastern sub-Saharan Africa, mainly western Kenya.

Predominantly arboreal, Jameson's mamba preys mainly on birds and mammals. Its venom consists of both neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. Symptoms of envenomation in humans include pain and swelling at the bite site, followed by swelling, chills, sweating, abdominal pain and vomiting, with subsequent slurred speech, difficulty breathing and paralysis. Fatalities have been recorded within three to four hours of being bitten. The venom of the eastern subspecies is around twice as potent as that of the nominate subspecies.

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Dendroaspis jamesoni ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

La mamba de Jameson o mamba verde del Congo (Dendroaspis jamesoni) es una especie de reptil escamoso de la familia Elapidae.[2]​ Es una serpiente venenosa arborícola. Tiene una longitud promedio de 1,50-2,20 m, pero puede alcanzar hasta 3,66 m, la cola es aproximadamente 20-30% del largo total.


El cuerpo es largo y delgado. La cabeza es larga pero no de para en par. Los ojos pequeños con pupila redonda. El color del dorso es verde oscuro o verde amarillento, la parte ventral es verde pálido o amarillento. Las escamas sobre la cabeza y dorso tienen bordes negros.


Se reconocen las siguientes subespecies:[2]

La mamba verde de Burundi tiene una larga cola negra y es también conocida como mamba de cola negra mientras que la mamba verde de Angola tiene la cola amarillenta con bordes negros a lo largo de las escamas, por lo que es posible confundirla con la mamba verde oriental (Dendroaspis viridis).


D. jamesoni se encuentra en Ghana, Togo, Benín, Nigeria, Camerún, República Centroafricana, República Democrática del Congo, Kenia, Uganda, Ruanda, Burundi, Guinea Ecuatorial, Angola y Sudán.


Es de hábitos estrictamente arborícolas.[3]​Solo bajan al suelo cuando quieren tomar el sol o para cambiar de un árbol a otro.[4]​ Vive en bosques, arboledas, áreas deforestadas, densos matorrales y sabanas. Se encuentra desde el nivel del mar hasta 2200 m de altitud. También puede encontrarse en parques de ciudades y edificios cuando su hábitat natural ha sido destruido, así como en granjas y plantaciones.


D. jamesoni es una serpiente nerviosa y se mantiene alerta en cautiverio, sigue cada movimiento en el interior y exterior del recinto. Son diurnas y activas. Cuando se sienten a amenazadas aplanan su cuello haciendo chasquear la lengua y silvando luego de la mordida.

Es una serpiente solitaria, que solo se reúne con sus pares en épocas de apareamiento. Gracias a su tamaño y a la posición que toman cuando se sienten amenazadas; pueden alcanzar una distancia significativa a la hora de un ataque. Aunque esta especie de mamba, no es de naturaleza agresiva y tratara de escapar como primera opción.[4]


Se alimentan de lagartos, pájaros y sus huevos, anfibios y a veces de pequeños mamíferos arborícolas.[3]


  1. Luiselli, L., Wagner, P., Branch, W.R. & Howell, K. 2021. Dendroaspis jamesoni. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T13265784A13265793. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T13265784A13265793.en. Downloaded on 22 November 2021.
  2. a b Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «Dendroaspis jamesoni (TSN 700482)» (en inglés).
  3. a b LUISELLI, L.; ANGELICI, F. M.; AKANI, G. C. Large elapids and arboreality: the ecology of Jameson's green mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) in an Afrotropical forested region. Contributions to Zoology, Lehestad, v. 69, n. 3, p. 147-155, 2000b.
  4. a b «MAMBA DE JAMESON».

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Dendroaspis jamesoni: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

La mamba de Jameson o mamba verde del Congo (Dendroaspis jamesoni) es una especie de reptil escamoso de la familia Elapidae.​ Es una serpiente venenosa arborícola. Tiene una longitud promedio de 1,50-2,20 m, pero puede alcanzar hasta 3,66 m, la cola es aproximadamente 20-30% del largo total.

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Džeimsoni mamba ( estonien )

fourni par wikipedia ET

Džeimsoni mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) on soomuseliste seltsi mürknastiklaste sugukonna mamba perekonna maoliik.[2]


Džeimsoni mamba soomused:


Džeimsoni mambal klassifitseeritakse roomajate andmebaasis järgmised alamliigid:


Neid võib kas puude otsas või roomamas kohata Guineas, Ghanas, Beninis, Togos, Nigeerias, Kamerunis, Ekvatoriaal-Guineas, Príncipe saarel, Gabonis, Kongo Vabariigis, Kesk-Aafrika Vabariigis, Sudaanis, Kongo Demokraatlikus Vabariigis, Ugandas, Keenias, Rwandas, Burundis, Angolas ja Sambias.

Kohtumised inimestega

Džeimsoni mamba kohtub inimestega harva. Vastastikused suhted on sageli emmale-kummale eluohtlikud - džeimsoni mamba võib vaenlasena kujutletavale inimesele järgi roomata ja mitu korda hammustada. Hammustus võib esile kutsuda mürgistusseisundi, mis võib kiiresti (30 kuni 120 minuti jooksul) lõppeda inimese surmaga.[3]


  1. Dendroaspis jamesoni (TRAILL, 1843), Roomajate andmebaasi veebiversioon (vaadatud 12.05.2015)(inglise keeles)
  2. Dendroaspis jamesoni, ADW
  3. IMMEDIATE FIRST AID for bites by Jameson's Mamba, veebiversioon (vaadatud 12.05.2015)(inglise keeles)

Selles artiklis on kasutatud prantsuskeelset artiklit fr:Dendroaspis jamesoni seisuga 12.05.2015.

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Džeimsoni mamba: Brief Summary ( estonien )

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Džeimsoni mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) on soomuseliste seltsi mürknastiklaste sugukonna mamba perekonna maoliik.

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Dendroaspis jamesoni ( basque )

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Dendroaspis jamesoni: Brief Summary ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Dendroaspis jamesoni Dendroaspis generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Elapidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Jamesoninmamba ( finnois )

fourni par wikipedia FI

Jamesoninmamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) on Länsi- ja Keski-Afrikassa elävä käärmelaji. Se on erittäin nopealiikkeinen ja tappavan myrkyllinen. Jamesoninmamba on sukua mustamamballe, vihermamballe ja lännenvihermamballe.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Jamesoninmamba kasvaa 1,5-2,2 metriä pitkäksi, mutta jotkin yksilöt ovat kasvaneet jopa 3,6-metrisiksi. Käärmeen selkäpuoli on tummanvihreä tai kellertävänvihreä, vatsapuoli vaaleanvihreä tai kellertävä.[1]


Katso myös


  1. Dendroaspis jamesoni Venomous snakes
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Jamesoninmamba: Brief Summary ( finnois )

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Jamesoninmamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) on Länsi- ja Keski-Afrikassa elävä käärmelaji. Se on erittäin nopealiikkeinen ja tappavan myrkyllinen. Jamesoninmamba on sukua mustamamballe, vihermamballe ja lännenvihermamballe.

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Dendroaspis jamesoni

fourni par wikipedia FR

Mamba de Jameson, Mamba vert de Jameson

Dendroaspis jamesoni est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Elapidae[1]. En français, il est appelé Mamba de Jameson ou Mamba vert de Jameson.


Cette espèce se rencontre en Guinée, au Ghana, au Bénin, au Togo, au Nigeria, au Cameroun, en Guinée équatoriale, à Principe, au Gabon, au Congo-Brazzaville, en Centrafrique, au Soudan, au Congo-Kinshasa, en Ouganda, au Kenya, au Rwanda, au Burundi, en Angola, en Zambie et au Tchad.


Dendroaspis jamesoni

Par sa coloration (bleu-vert à vert jaunâtre, rarement vert sombre), le mamba de Jameson est très semblable au mamba vert de l’Ouest. Les deux espèces ont des écailles bordées de noir et peuvent s’avérer être très difficiles à différencier de prime abord. La tête du mamba de Jameson est toujours bleutée mais la véritable différence réside dans la taille, très large, des écailles du mamba vert occidental. La tête est étroite et allongée tandis que le corps est long et mince, pouvant atteindre de 1,65 à 2,65 m, et la queue effilée. C'est un serpent ovipare et venimeux[1].

Chez la sous-espèce Dendroaspis jamesoni kaimosae, la queue est toujours noire.

Liste des sous-espèces

Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (14 août 2011)[2] :

  • Dendroaspis jamesoni jamesoni (Traill, 1843)
  • Dendroaspis jamesoni kaimosae Loveridge, 1936

Publications originales

  • Loveridge, 1936 : African reptiles and amphibians in the Field Museum of Natural History. Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological series, Chicago, vol. 22, no 1, p. 1-122 (texte intégral).
  • Traill, 1843 : Description of the Elaps Jamesoni, a new species of serpent from Demerara. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, vol. 34, no 67, p. 53-55 (texte intégral).


Notes et références

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Dendroaspis jamesoni: Brief Summary

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Mamba de Jameson, Mamba vert de Jameson

Dendroaspis jamesoni est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Elapidae. En français, il est appelé Mamba de Jameson ou Mamba vert de Jameson.

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Dendroaspis jamesoni ( italien )

fourni par wikipedia IT

Il mamba di Jameson (Dendroaspis jamesoni (Traill, 1843)), è una specie di elapide appartenente al genere Dendroaspis , di abitudini prevalentemente arboricole, è riscontrabile in Africa equatoriale.[1]


Particolare della testa.

È un elapide lungo e snello, che supera i 2,5 m di lunghezza; di aspetto simile al mamba verde occidentale, presenta una colorazione verde spenta sul dorso e più chiara nella parte ventrale fino ad arrivare a tonalità giallastre nell'area golare, generalmente le squame sono contornate di nero. La testa ha una forma stretta e allungata, mentre la pupilla è rotonda. La sottospecie orientale D. j. kaimosae presenta la coda nera, mentre nella sottospecie nominale è giallastra o verde chiaro.[2]


Questa specie è quasi esclusivamente arboricola, si ciba prevalentemente di uccelli, ma anche di piccoli mammiferi e altri rettili. È a sua volta predata da rapaci come l'aquila marziale, il falco giocoliere e l'aquila serpentaria del Congo.[2][3]

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa specie è diffusa in gran parte dell'Africa equatoriale, dall'Angola al Sudan del Sud e dal Ghana al Kenya occidentale. Predilige foreste pluviali e savane alberate fino ai 2200 m di altitudine; risulta essere particolarmente adattabile, abitando anche aree pesantemente antropizzate come piantagioni e parchi cittadini.[2][3]


  1. ^ Dendroaspis jamesoni (TRAILL, 1843)), su reptile-database.reptarium.cz.
  2. ^ a b c Stephen Spawls, Kim Howell, Robert Drewes e James Ashe, A Field Guide to the Reptiles of East Africa, Bloomsbury, 2002, pp. 463–464, ISBN 978-0-7136-6817-9.
  3. ^ a b Large elapids and arboreality, su researchgate.net.

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Dendroaspis jamesoni: Brief Summary ( italien )

fourni par wikipedia IT

Il mamba di Jameson (Dendroaspis jamesoni (Traill, 1843)), è una specie di elapide appartenente al genere Dendroaspis , di abitudini prevalentemente arboricole, è riscontrabile in Africa equatoriale.

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Mamba Jamesona ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL

Mamba Jamesona (Dendroaspis jamesoni) – gatunek jadowitego węża z rodziny zdradnicowatych, zamieszkujący lasy tropikalne środkowej i zachodniej części Afryki.

Głowa duża, oko z okrągłą źrenicą, ciało cienkie, sprężyste, ubarwienie głowy i ciała zielone lub oliwkowozielone, poszczególne łuski z wąską, czarną obwódką, ogon czarny, brzuch żółty lub żółtozielony[potrzebny przypis]. Prowadzi nadrzewny tryb życia. Żywi się ptakami i drobnymi ssakami, podobnie jak inne mamby często pustoszy kolonie wikłaczy. Jajorodna. Samica składa 6-14 jaj. Osiąga 200 cm długości[potrzebny przypis]. Jadowita, jad silny, zbliżony do jadu kobr. Ze względu na możliwość ugryzienia w górne części ciała, ukąszenie bardzo niebezpieczne.


  1. Dendroaspis jamesoni, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Dendroaspis jamesoni (ang.). The Reptile Database. [dostęp 9 września 2010].
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Mamba Jamesona: Brief Summary ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL

Mamba Jamesona (Dendroaspis jamesoni) – gatunek jadowitego węża z rodziny zdradnicowatych, zamieszkujący lasy tropikalne środkowej i zachodniej części Afryki.

Głowa duża, oko z okrągłą źrenicą, ciało cienkie, sprężyste, ubarwienie głowy i ciała zielone lub oliwkowozielone, poszczególne łuski z wąską, czarną obwódką, ogon czarny, brzuch żółty lub żółtozielony[potrzebny przypis]. Prowadzi nadrzewny tryb życia. Żywi się ptakami i drobnymi ssakami, podobnie jak inne mamby często pustoszy kolonie wikłaczy. Jajorodna. Samica składa 6-14 jaj. Osiąga 200 cm długości[potrzebny przypis]. Jadowita, jad silny, zbliżony do jadu kobr. Ze względu na możliwość ugryzienia w górne części ciała, ukąszenie bardzo niebezpieczne.

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Dendroaspis jamesoni ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Dendroaspis jamesoni là một loài rắn trong họ Rắn hổ. Loài này được Traill mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1843.[3]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Uetz, Peter. “Dendroaspis jamesoni (TRAILL, 1843)”. The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org. Truy cập ngày 27 tháng 4 năm 2012.
  2. ^ “Dendroaspis jamesoni”. ITIS Standard Report Page. ITIS.gov. Truy cập ngày 27 tháng 4 năm 2012.
  3. ^ Dendroaspis jamesoni. The Reptile Database. Truy cập ngày 29 tháng 5 năm 2013.

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Dendroaspis jamesoni: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Dendroaspis jamesoni là một loài rắn trong họ Rắn hổ. Loài này được Traill mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1843.

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