Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figures 1–6.Falsocis aquilonius Lopes-Andrade & Lawrence, sp. n., male holotype 1–3, shown in the same scale, female paratype from Puntarenas, Costa Rica 4 and slide preparation of male terminalia of a paratype 5–6. 1 Dorsal view 2 Lateral view 3 Ventral view 4 Dorsal view 5 Eighth sternite 6 Aedeagus (left) and gross outline of aedeagus (right) showing tegmen (continuous line), penis (dashed line) and basal piece (dotted line).
Caio Antunes-Carvalho, Cristiano Lopes-Andrade
Figures 1–3. Habitus of Ceracis cassumbensis Antunes-Carvalho & Lopes-Andrade, sp. n., holotype. 1 Dorsal view 2 Lateral view 3 Ventral view.
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figures 7–9.Falsocis aquilonius Lopes-Andrade & Lawrence, sp. n., male paratypes, dorsal view, shown in the same scale. 7 Low male from Cerro Campana (Panama) 8 Medium male from La Lola (Costa Rica) 9 High male from Puntarenas (Costa Rica).
Caio Antunes-Carvalho, Cristiano Lopes-Andrade
Figures 4–10. Ceracis cassumbensis Antunes-Carvalho & Lopes-Andrade, sp. n., SEM of male topotypes (4–6) and slide preparations of male terminalia of a topotype (7–10). 4 Dorsal view 5 Lateral view 6 Ventral view, showing the transversely oval sex patch at the first abdominal ventrite (arrow) 7 Aedeagus showing penis (pen) and tegmen (teg). Note the conspicuous excavation in either side of tegmen (arrows) 8 Eighth sternite with anterior margin rounded at middle (arrow) 9 Eighth tergite 10 Fused ninth and tenth tergites.
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figure 41.Distribution map for Falsocis Pic species. Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. (full circle), Falsocis brasiliensis Lopes-Andrade (full squares), Falsocis egregius sp. n. (open triangle), Falsocis occultus sp. n. (open circles), Falsocis opacus Pic (x) and Falsocis sp. (open star inside full circle). The question mark indicates an imprecise location of Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. in Colombia.
Caio Antunes-Carvalho, Cristiano Lopes-Andrade
Figures 11–13.Habitus of Ceracis navarretei Antunes-Carvalho & Lopes-Andrade, sp. n., holotype. 11 Dorsal view 12 Lateral view 13 Ventral view.
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figures 10–16.Falsocis egregius Lopes-Andrade & Lawrence, sp. n., male holotype 10–13 and female paratype 14 shown in the same scale, and slide preparation of male terminalia of a paratype 15–16. 10 Dorsal view (pronotal tuft of long setae, arrow) 11 Lateral view 12 Ventral view (pronotal tuft of long setae, arrow) 13 Head and pronotum view from above (triangular plate behind eyes, arrows) 14 Female 15 Eighth sternite 16 Aedeagus (left) and gross outline of aedeagus (right) showing tegmen (continuous line), penis (dashed line) and basal piece (dotted line).
Caio Antunes-Carvalho, Cristiano Lopes-Andrade
Figures 14–20.Ceracis navarretei Antunes-Carvalho & Lopes-Andrade, sp. n., SEM of male topotypes (14–16) and slide preparations of male terminalia of topotypes (17–20). 14 Dorsal view 15 Lateral view 16 Ventral view, showing the circular margined sex patch at the first abdominal ventrite (arrow) 17 Above, aedeagus showing penis (pen) and tegmen (teg). Below, a tegmen alone. Arrows indicate the angulation point from which the sides of tegmen converge in straight line toward the apex 18 Eighth sternite, showing the anterior margin weakly produced at middle (arrow) 19 Eighth tergite 20 Fused ninth and tenth tergites.
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figure 41.Distribution map for Falsocis Pic species. Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. (full circle), Falsocis brasiliensis Lopes-Andrade (full squares), Falsocis egregius sp. n. (open triangle), Falsocis occultus sp. n. (open circles), Falsocis opacus Pic (x) and Falsocis sp. (open star inside full circle). The question mark indicates an imprecise location of Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. in Colombia.
Figures 1–3.Strigocis vicosensis Lopes-Andrade, sp. n., adult male holotype. 1 Dorsal view 2 Lateral view 3 Ventral view.
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figures 17–22.Falsocis occultus Lopes-Andrade & Lawrence, sp. n., male holotype 17–19 and female paratype 20 shown in the same scale, and slide preparation of male terminalia of a paratype 21–22. 17 Dorsal view 18 Lateral view 19 Ventral view (acute pronotal apex, arrow) 20 Dorsal view 21 Eighth sternite 22 Aedeagus (left) and gross outline of aedeagus (right) showing tegmen (continuous line), penis (dashed line) and basal piece (dotted line).
Figures 4–7.Strigocis vicosensis Lopes-Andrade, sp. n., SEM-VP of adult male paratypes (4–6) and slide preparation of a male terminalia (7). 4 Slightly oblique dorsal view 5 Ventral view showing the sex patch at the first abdominal ventrite (arrow) 6 Dorsal view of the posterior portion of the elytra in an oblique position, showing the barely discernible diverging sutural flange (arrows) 7 Male terminalia showing the eighth sternite (pregenital sclerite) and dissected aedeagus with conspicuous subtriangular basal piece, subcylindrical membranous penis and tegmen. Note the emargination at the middle of the tegmen’s apex (small arrow), the two V-shaped concavities (dashed lines), and the two sclerotized tips of each lateral lobe (large arrows). Abbreviations: Eighth sternite (viii-st), basal piece (bp), tegmen (teg) and penis (pen).
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figures 23–25.Falsocis occultus Lopes-Andrade & Lawrence, sp. n., male paratypes 23–24 shown in the same scale, dorsal view (acute pronotal apex, arrows). 23 Low male from Linhares (in the state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil) 24 Medium male from Linhares 25 The unique specimen known from Nova Teutônia (in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil).
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade, John F. Lawrence
Figure 41.Distribution map for Falsocis Pic species. Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. (full circle), Falsocis brasiliensis Lopes-Andrade (full squares), Falsocis egregius sp. n. (open triangle), Falsocis occultus sp. n. (open circles), Falsocis opacus Pic (x) and Falsocis sp. (open star inside full circle). The question mark indicates an imprecise location of Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. in Colombia.