Comprehensive Description
fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Brachydeutera hardyi Wirth
Brachydeutera hardyi Wirth, 1964:6.—Cogan and Wirth, 1977:337 [Oriental catalog].
DIAGNOSIS.—Small to moderately small shore flies, length 1.45–2.10 mm.
Head (Figures 4, 5): Frons mostly uniformly brown except for olivaceous to greenish inverted U-shaped figure, with arms immediately laterad of ocelli, extended posteriorly around ocelli and united on occiput just below vertex; prominent, 2 lateroclinate fronto-orbital bristles. Antenna mostly concolorous with frons, first flagellomere paler, especially basally, slightly yellowish; aristal branches 8–10. Facial carina rather sharp, acutely pointed ventrally, extended from ptilinal suture to oral emargination. Face mostly concolorous, gray to grayish or silvery white. Palpus mostly pale, yellowish.
Thorax (Figure 6): Mesonotal chaetotaxy comparatively poorly developed; bristles barely evident, setae of main setal tracks small. Mesonotum mostly brown, but with stripes distinct, grayish to olivaceous blue, on either side of acrostichal track, laterad of dorsocentral track, and a single, median scutellar stripe; lateral margins of mesonotum lighter brown. Scutellum short, scutellar ratio 0.57; distance between apical bristle greater than that between basolateral scutellar bristle and apical one. Anterior notopleural bristle present, although very weakly developed compared to posterior one; katepisternal bristle lacking. Brownish coloration of mesonotum continued ventrally to dorsal ¼–⅙ of anepisternum, thereafter abruptly delimited from grayish to silvery white coloration of ventral portion of pleural areas; anepisternum with posterior margin silvery gray. Femora and tibiae mostly pale, yellowish; forefemur lacking sparsely microtomentose area anterodorsally toward base; tarsomeres dark brown; male hind tibia lacking patch of ventral, long setae. Wing hyaline, clear; R2+3 conspicuously arched; R4+5 very slightly arched, nearly straight; costal vein ratio 4.57; M vein ratio 0.49.
Abdomen: Dorsum mostly uniformly dark brown, posterolateral corners of terga 4–5 grayish, vestiture sparsely microtomentose, slightly subshiny. Male terminalia (Figures 7, 8) as follows: dorsal surface of epandrium in posterior view shallowly and evenly concave, epandrial width at dorsum not extended laterally beyond lateral margins of cerci; lateral margins of epandrium gradually curved inward to fused epandrium + surstyli; epandrium + surstyli broadly spatulate, apex broadly rounded, setose, in lateral view with anterior margin markedly angulate, U-shaped before narrow curvature to epandrial connection; gonite slender, more or less parallel sided, shallowly sinuate.
PRIMARY TYPE MATERIAL.—Holotype male is labeled “Misamari 35 mi [56 km] N W Tezpur Assam India/D E Hardy Jan. 29 [month and day handwritten], [19]44/ HOLOTYPE Brachydeutera hardyi W.W. Wirth [sex symbol, species name handwritten, red ink].” The holotype is double mounted (glued to a paper point) and is in good condition (antennae missing, some setae of head misdirected; USNM 66451).
OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—AUSTRALIA. Queensland: Kuranda, 23 Dec 1958, D.K. McAlpine (1; AM). CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh, 23 May 1967, light trap, M. Delfinado (1; USNM). CAROLINE ISLANDS. Yap Islands: Yap Island, Weloy, 15 Jun 1957, C.W. Sabrosky (2, 1; USNM). INDIA. Andhra Pradesh: Hyderabad, 28 Oct–4 Nov 1971, A.C. Pont, J.C. Deeming (1; BMNH). Assam: Misamari 35 mi [56 km] NW Tezpur, 29 Jan 1944, D.E. Hardy (1, paratype; USNM); 10 mi [16 km] N Tinsukia, 29 May 1944, D.E. Hardy (1; USNM). Karnataka: Bangalore, 916 m, 22 Oct 1979, K.D. Ghorpadé (7, 8; KDG, USNM). MALAYSIA. Malacca: Malacca, Jan 1964, rubber plantation (1; BMNH). Sarawak: Santubong (1.43°N, 110.19°E), 27 Oct–3 Nov 1976, P.S. Cranston (2, 2; BMNH). NEW GUINEA. Kandanggei, Sepik River, 2 Mar 1964, D.H. Colless (1, 1; ANIC); Siutmeri, Sepik River 16 Mar 1964, D.H. Colless (1; ANIC); Lower Sepik River, Oct 1959, R. Pullen (1, 1; ANIC). PHILIPPINES. Samar, Osmena, 23 May 1945, at light, K.L. Knight (1; USNM). SINGAPORE. Singapore Island: Pasir Panjang Nature Reserve, 11 Jan 1973, A.E. Stubbs (1, BMNH). SOLOMON ISLANDS. Guadalcanal Island: Lunga River, 16 Sep 1944, J. Laffoon (1; USNM). SRILANKA. Anuradhapura: Mihintale, 20 Feb 1974, P.J. Chandler, A.E. Stubbs (1; BMNH). Colombo: Colombo, 14 Apr 1980, W.N. Mathis (1; USNM); Yongammulla (3 mi [5 km] E), Yakkala (18 mi [29 km] NE Colombo), 7 Jan 1962, L. Cederholm (1; BMNH). Polonnaruwa: Polonnaruwa, 5 May 1980, W.N. Mathis, T. Wijesinhe, L. Jayuawickrema (19, 11; USNM). THAILAND. Bangkok: Huai kwang, Aug–Sep 1962, at light, J. Scanlon (5, 2; USNM); Makasan, 11–12 May 1959, at light, Manop (2; USNM); Plukchit, Aug–Sep 1962, at light, J. Scanlon (2; USNM); Pratoomvan, 9–10 May, Aug–Sep 1959, at light, Manop, J. Scanlon (1, 3; USNM); Thonglo, Aug–Sep 1962, at light, J. Scanlon (2, 5; USNM). Rat Buri: Banpong, 26 Dec 1958, Manop (1; USNM). Ayudhaya, 2 Jan 1959, Manop (2; USNM). Samuthprakan, 22 Dec 1958, Manop (1, 1; USNM). Thonburi, 23 Dec 1958, Manop (1; USNM). Pechaburi, 27 Dec 1958, Manop (3; USNM). VIETNAM. Hanoi, 30 Aug–6 Oct 1963, T. Pocs (2, 1; HNHM).
DISTRIBUTION (Figure 9).—Cambodia, Caroline Islands (Yap Island), India (Assam, Karnataka), Malaysia, New Guinea, Philippines (Samar), Solomon Islands (Guadalcanal), Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.
- citation bibliographique
- Mathis, Wayne Neilsen and Ghorpade, K. D. 1985. "Studies of Parydrinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), I: A Review of the Genus Brachydeutera Loew from the Oriental, Australian, and Oceanian regions." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-25.