Cinara est un genre de pucerons, des insectes de l'ordre des hémiptères, de la super-famille des Aphidoidea et de la famille des Aphididae.
↑ (en) Curtis, J. 1835. British Entomology, being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain and Ireland; containing coloured figures from nature of the most rare and beautiful species, and in many instances of the plant upon which they are found. Homoptera. Hemiptera. Aphaniptera. Vol. VII - printed for the author (London).
(en) Durak, R. & Durak, T. 2015. Redescription of males of the aphid species Cinara (Cupressobium) tujafilina and Cinara (Cupressobium) cupressi (Hemiptera, Lachninae). Zootaxa 4032(2): 209–214. .