Indo-Vestpacifiske region
Sæby, Jylland, Danmark
Sæby, Jylland, Danmark
Sødringholm, Randers Fjord
Sødringholm, Randers Fjord
Indo-Vestpacifiske region
Indo-Vestpacifiske region
Vestlige stillehav
Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) from Kiener 1834
Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) shells, Guadeloupe
Two rows of the radula of Cypraea tigris L..
Cypraea tigris (Linnaeus).
Two species of Eulima: A is sessile on the skin of a Holothurian through which it plunges its sucking proboscis )Pr); B creeps freely in the stomach of a Holothurian.
Pterocera lambis (Linnaeus).
Cypraea mappa.
Generative and other organs of Littorina obtusata L., female.
Three stages in the growth of Cypraea exanthema L..
Cypraea exanthema.
Cypraea bistrio (Linn.).
Cypraea histrio (Linn.).
Littorina litorea.
Two rows of the radula of Littorina littorea L..
Indian Deep-Sea Mollusca. A specimen of Xenophora pallidula, from the Andaman Sea, 185 fathoms.... Among the dead shells used as a fortification are--(a) Pleurotoma congener, (b) Pleurotoma travancorica, (c) Pleurotoma carinata, and (d) Drillia captiva. The dead shells utilised as biulding-material are not stuck on indiscriminately, but are arranged along the edge of each whorl
Xenophora (Phorus) pallidula Reeve. A mollusc which escapess detection by covering itself with dead shells of other species.