Figures 1–5.Male of Protandrena (Andinopanurgus) amyae Gonzalez and Engel, sp. n. 1 Lateral habitus of holotype. 2 Detail of paratype antenna showing crenulations. 3 Facial aspect of holotype. 4 Oblique ventral view of paratype head showing hypostomal tooth (arrow). 5 Lateral aspect of paratype head.
Figures 6–12.Male terminalia of Protandrena (Andinopanurgus) amyae Gonzalez and Engel, sp. n. 6 Apical view of tergum VII. 7 Sternum V. 8 Sternum VI 9 Sternum VII. 10 Sternum VIII. 11 Genital capsule (left half is dorsal aspect, right half is ventral aspect). 12 Lateral aspect of genital capsule.
Figures 15–20.Male terminalia of Protandrena (Andinopanurgus) femoralis Gonzalez and Engel, sp. n. 15 Sternum V. 16 Sternum VI. 17 Sternum VII. 18 Sternum VIII. 19 Genital capsule (left half is dorsal aspect, right half is ventral aspect). 20 Lateral aspect of genital capsule.