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Sphacelotheca ischaemi (Fuckel) G. P. Clinton 1902

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Sphacelotheca ischaemi (Fuckel) Clinton, Jour. Myc. 8 : 140. 1902
Cintractia Ischaemi Sydow, Oesterr. Bot. Zeits. 51 : 12. 1901. Sori often involving entire inflorescence, linear, usually enclosed by leaf-sheaths, about 10-30 mm. in length by 1-3 mm. wide, with false membrane soon rupturing and black-brown spore-mass becoming scattered, eventually leaving behind the naked columella ; sterile cells besides forming false membrane also scattered through spore-mass in subspherical groups 25^0 /^ in diameter, the individual cells being hyaline, subspherical, flattened where in contact, 7-18/^ in diameter ; spores usually ovoid to spherical, smooth or sometimes very minutely granular, 7-10 // in length.
On Poaceae :
Andropogon furcatus^ Kansas.
Andropogon saccharoides, Mexico.
Andropogon Torreyanus, Arizona, Texas.
Andropogon sp., Arizona.
Heieropogon contorius {^Andropogon contort'us)^ Arizona ; Mexico.
Schizachyrium scopariitm {Andropogon scoparius), Illinois. Type locality : Biebrich, Germany, on Andropogon Ischaemum.
Distribution : Kansas, Texas, Arizona, and Mexico ; also in South America, Kurope, Africa, and Asia.
citation bibliographique
George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora