
Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par INOTAXA archive
Hab.MEXICO¹, Juquila, Panistlahuaca, Etla (Sallé), Jalapa, Oaxaca (Höge).
droit d’auteur
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Sharp, D.
visiter la source
site partenaire
INOTAXA archive

Physical description ( anglais )

fourni par INOTAXA archive
The specimens I assign to this species are in all twelve in number, there being only two or three from each locality; they vary a great deal, so as to leave some doubt as to their all belonging to one species. Two or three agree satisfactorily with Boheman's description, having only a slight depression on the rostrum, but in others the depression is larger. The pallid colour of the sides also varies, and in some specimens is not conspicuous, while in others it is nearly pure white, and in one or two is white, delicately tinted with green. Such examples were labelled Epicærus marginalis, Chevr., in Sallé's collection.
A typical example of E. convexus, communicated from Schönherr's collection by Dr. Aurivillius, is rather larger and more elongate than any of our series, and has the rostrum still less distinctly impressed; but I consider it to be only an extreme form of the same species as our series.
droit d’auteur
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Sharp, D.
visiter la source
site partenaire
INOTAXA archive