Image de "Rosier à petites fleurs, Églantier à petites fleurs"
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"Rosier à Petites Fleurs, églantier à Petites Fleurs"

Rosa micrantha Borrer ex Sm.

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Rosa micrantha Borrer; Smith, Engl. Bot. pi. 2490. 1813
Stems branched, 1-2 m. high, terete, armed with uniform, hooked, flattened prickles 5-10 mm. long; leaves 5-7-foliolate; stipules adnate, 1-1.5 cm. long, the lower narrow, the upper dilated, pubescent and glandular beneath, glandular-ciliate on the margins; petioles and rachis pubescent, and glandular-hispid, rarely prickly; leaflets broadly ovate, rounded at the base, short-acuminate at the apex, 1-3 cm. long, more or less pubescent on both sides, and densely glandular-pruinose beneath, doubly serrate with gland-tipped teeth; flowers 1-4 together, leaf y-bracted ; pedicels glandular-hispid, 1-2 cm. long; hypanthium narrowly elliptic, tapering at both ends, glabrous, in fruit 8-10 mm. thick, 15-20 mm. long; sepals lanceolate, caudate-attenuate, 12-18 mm. long, glandular-hispid on the back, tomentose within, more or less lobed; petals 10-15 mm. long, obcordate, rose-colored; styles distinct, glabrous, at last slightly exserted; achenes inserted both in the bottom and on the sides of the hypanthium.
Type locality: Not given, probably near London.
Distribution: Roadsides, from Massachusetts and New York to South Carolina and Texas; in Oregon and Washington ; escaped from cultivation and sometimes naturalized ; native of Europe.
citation bibliographique
Per Axel Rydberg. 1918. ROSACEAE (conclusio). North American flora. vol 22(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora