plants in shallow swales on exposed, weathered volcanic rhyolitic tuff of narrow plateau forming Continental Divide, Note phyllaries
in shallow swales on exposed, weathered volcanic rhyolitic tuff on east rim of Barranca Candamena
in shallow swales on exposed, weathered volcanic rhyolitic tuff on east rim of Barranca Candamena
basal foliage
note nodding head
in shallow swales on exposed weathered rhyolitic tuff of eastern Barranca Candamena rim
open roadside, crest of eastern escarpment of Madrean plateau in thin soil & gravel over volcanic tuffaceous substrate.
open roadside, ta crest of eastern escarpment of Madrean plateau in thin soil & gravel over volcanic tuffaceous substrate. Note: Mature flowers usually nodding
open roadside, ta crest of eastern escarpment of Madrean plateau in thin soil & gravel over volcanic tuffaceous substrate. Note: Mature flowers usually nodding
open roadside, ta crest of eastern escarpment of Madrean plateau in thin soil & gravel over volcanic tuffaceous substrate. Note: Mature flowers usually nodding