Asyneuma is a genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family, Campanulaceae. They are native to North Africa and Eurasia.[2] Many are endemic to Turkey.[3][4] Plants of the genus may be known commonly as harebells, but this name can also apply to the entire family.[5] There are up to about 33 species.[2][6]
Characters used to identify Asyneuma species include a generally wheel-shaped (rotate) corolla with the petals fused at the bases and spreading outward into very narrow lobes, lacking or rudimentary appendages on the calyx, a stigma with 2 to 4 lobes, and an oblong or roughly spherical fruit capsule that breaks open via pores on the sides.[7] These characters are not always helpful in distinguishing Asyneuma from the closely related genus Campanula, because authors disagree on which character is more important: the extent to which the flower petals are joined versus the position of the pores on the fruit capsule. Molecular data has been required to determine the best genus in which to place certain species.[8]
Species include:
Asyneuma is a genus of flowering plants in the bellflower family, Campanulaceae. They are native to North Africa and Eurasia. Many are endemic to Turkey. Plants of the genus may be known commonly as harebells, but this name can also apply to the entire family. There are up to about 33 species.
Characters used to identify Asyneuma species include a generally wheel-shaped (rotate) corolla with the petals fused at the bases and spreading outward into very narrow lobes, lacking or rudimentary appendages on the calyx, a stigma with 2 to 4 lobes, and an oblong or roughly spherical fruit capsule that breaks open via pores on the sides. These characters are not always helpful in distinguishing Asyneuma from the closely related genus Campanula, because authors disagree on which character is more important: the extent to which the flower petals are joined versus the position of the pores on the fruit capsule. Molecular data has been required to determine the best genus in which to place certain species.
Species include:
Asyneuma amplexicaule (Willd.) Hand.-Mazz. - Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Caucasus Asyneuma anthericoides (Janka) Bornm. - Balkans Asyneuma argutum (Regel) Bornm. - Central Asia Asyneuma babadaghense Yildiz & Kit Tan - Turkey Asyneuma campanuloides (M.Bieb. ex Sims) Bornm. - Caucasus Asyneuma canescens (Waldst. & Kit.) Griseb. & Schenk - Balkans, Ukraine Asyneuma chinense D.Y.Hong - Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan Asyneuma compactum Damboldt - Turkey Asyneuma davisianum Yildiz & Kit Tan - Turkey Asyneuma ekimianum Yildiz & Kit Tan - Turkey Asyneuma filipes (Nábelek) Damboldt - Turkey, Iraq Asyneuma fulgens (Wall.) Briq. - Indian Subcontinent, Tibet, Myanmar Asyneuma giganteum (Boiss.) Bornm. - Greek Islands Asyneuma ilgazense Yildiz & Kit Tan - Turkey Asyneuma isauricum Contandr., Quézel & Pamukç - Turkey Asyneuma japonicum (Miq.) Briq. - Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Russian Far East Asyneuma junceum Parolly - Turkey Asyneuma limonifolium (L.) Janch. - Balkans, Italy, Turkey Asyneuma linifolium (Boiss. & Heldr.) Bornm. - Turkey Asyneuma lobelioides (Willd.) Hand.-Mazz. - Turkey, Caucasus Asyneuma lycium (Boiss.) Bornm. - Turkey Asyneuma macrodon (Boiss. & Hausskn.) Bornm. - Iran Asyneuma michauxioides (Boiss.) Damboldt - Turkey Asyneuma persicum (A.DC.) Bornm. - Turkey, Iraq, Iran Asyneuma pulchellum (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Bornm.- Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Caucasus Asyneuma pulvinatum P.H.Davis - Turkey Asyneuma rigidum (Willd.) Grossh. - Algeria, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Sinai, Syria Asyneuma thomsonii (C.B.Clarke) Bornm. - western Himalayas Asyneuma trichocalycinum (Boiss.) Bornm. - Turkey Asyneuma trichostegium (Boiss.) Bornm. - Turkey Asyneuma virgatum (Labill.) Bornm. - Greek Islands, Turkey, Iran, Caucasus, SyriaAsyneuma es un género de plantas perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Es originario desde el centro de Europa hasta Japón e Indochina.[1] Comprende 83 especies descritas y de estas, solo 33 aceptadas.[2]
Son plantas perennes o monocárpicas, herbáceas, con un rizoma o raíz tuberosa. Hojas caulinares y radicales. Las hojas caulinares alternas, sésiles a poco pecioladas. Flores en racimos espigados, con 5 sépalos, unidos en la base. Corola con 5 lóbulos, dividido casi a la base, los segmentos lineales. 5 estambres libres. Los estigmas 2 o 3. Fruto capsular, dehiscente.[3]
El género fue descrito por Griseb. & Schenk y publicado en Archiv für Naturgeschichte 18(1): 335. 1852.[3] La especie tipo es: Asyneuma canescens (Waldst.) Griseb. & Schenk.
Asyneuma es un género de plantas perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Es originario desde el centro de Europa hasta Japón e Indochina. Comprende 83 especies descritas y de estas, solo 33 aceptadas.
Asyneuma on kellokasvien suku, johon kuuluu yhdeksän lajia. Ne kasvavat Lähi-Idässä ja Välimeren itäpäässä.[2]
Asyneuma on kellokasvien suku, johon kuuluu yhdeksän lajia. Ne kasvavat Lähi-Idässä ja Välimeren itäpäässä.
Asyneuma é um gênero botânico pertencente à família Campanulaceae.[1]
Asyneuma é um gênero botânico pertencente à família Campanulaceae.
Asyneuma Griseb. & Schenk (1852)
СинонимыСвободноцветка, или Азинеума (лат. Asyneuma) — род растений семейства Колокольчиковые (Campanulaceae), распространённый в субтропических и умеренных областях Северного полушария Старого Света.
Однолетние, двулетние или многолетние травянистые растения с веретеновидным корнем или тонким корневищем. Стебли простые или ветвистые, одиночные или немногочисленные. Листья очередные, цельные, почти сидячие, стеблевые и/или розеточные.
Цветки собраны в колосовидные, колосовидно-кистевидные или кистевидно-метельчатые соцветия. Чашечка пятираздельная, без придатков. Венчик голубой, синеватый, сиреневый, пурпурный, или белый, пятилопастный: разделён почти до основания, доли всегда свободные, линейно-ланцетные. Тычинок 5, пыльники свободные, удлинённые. Столбик волосистый, рыльце трехраздельное. Завязь (2)3(4)-гнёздная. Плод — цилиндрическая, округлая или обратноконическая коробочка. Семена коричневые, блестящие.
Свободноцветка, или Азинеума (лат. Asyneuma) — род растений семейства Колокольчиковые (Campanulaceae), распространённый в субтропических и умеренных областях Северного полушария Старого Света.