
Oedogonium elegans var. americanum

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Oedogonium elegans var. americanum Jao, Rhodora
36:204. 1934.
Dioecious, nannandrous, gynandrosporous or (?) idioandrosporous; oogonium solitary, depressed-globose, operculate, division median; oospore depressed-globose, filling the oogonium or not; sporewall smooth; androsporangia 1 or 2, subhypogynous or scattered, generally a little tumid; wall of vegetative cell, oogonium, and androsporangium densely and minutely granulate; vegetative cell broadly capitellate; terminal cell apically obtuse; basal cell subhemispheric to depressed-globose, wall vertically plicate; vegetative cell 4-8 by 25-68 fi; oogonium 27-32 by 24-27 M ; oospore 20-29 by 19-20 fi; androsporangium 8-10 by 9-13 /a; basal cell 14-17 by 11-13 ju.
Type locality: Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Distribution: Massachusetts.
citation bibliographique
Lewis Hanford Tiffany. 1937. OEDOGONIALES; OEDOGONIACEAE. North American flora. vol 11. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora