After the heavy winter rain seaze a bit, the crown anemones are carpeting the open sunny areas in Israel. In the north part of the country they come in all colours, in central and southern Israel they are only red.
This is one of the common and beautiful flowers of the eastern Mediterranean and Israel. It is a protected species that oftem appears in dense carpets. The flowers are visited by beetles that pollinate them and eat the datk pollen. A typicaql white patch appears bedind the dark anthers, enhancing them, thus attrating the insects.
Crowned Anemone (Anemone coronaria) is one of the commonest late winter Mediterranean bulbs. It occurs in different colours - white, pink, violet and red. These ones qere taken in the Golan Heights.
Spring is almost here and carpets of Anemone coronaria are decorating plains and hills.
Many know the anemone flowers, but few photograph its wooly fruit. The seeds are wind distersed.
A common Mediterranean plant. Here in very pale violet,
The crown anemone is a common and protected species in Israel. The law for plant preservations have protected its carpets along the country. Just like in a flower shop it has several flower colours in nature as well. The tiny corm produces several flowers and several leaves, in summer it is almost completely dry (unlike many other bulbs).