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Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner
Espèces reconnu par EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra physalodes
Espèces reconnu par Eswatini Species List, wikipedia 中文维基百科, wikipedia NL, wikipedia POL, wikipedia VI, wikipedia CZ, Pignatti, 1982, wikipedia FI, wikipedia NO, wikipedia RO, wikipedia CA, wikipedia SV, Austria Species List, Australia Species List, Belgium Species List, Bolivia Species List, Brazil Species List, Canada Species List, Cape Verde Species List, Chile Species List, China Species List, Colombia Species List, Costa Rica Species List, Democratic Republic of the Congo Species List, Denmark Species List, Ecuador Species List, El Salvador Species List, Eritrea Species List, Ethiopia Species List, Finland Species List, France Species List, Germany Species List, Greece Species List, Guatemala Species List, Hungary Species List, India Species List, Iran Species List, Ireland Species List, Isle of Man Species List, Israel Species List, Italy Species List, Kenya Species List, Lesotho Species List, Luxembourg Species List, Madagascar Species List, Nepal Species List, New Caledonia Species List, New Zealand Species List, Nicaragua Species List, Norfolk Island Species List, Norway Species List, Oman Species List, Papua New Guinea Species List, Peru Species List, Poland Species List, Portugal Species List, Puerto Rico Species List, Russia Species List, Slovenia Species List, Somalia Species List, South Africa Species List, Spain Species List, Sweden Species List, Tanzania Species List, The Netherlands Species List, Uganda Species List, United Kingdom Species List, Venezuela Species List, Zambia Species List, Zimbabwe Species List, Argentina Species List, Japan Species List, Indonesia Species List, Mexico Species List, Indian Ocean Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Pacific Species List, South Atlantic Species List, South Pacific Species List, wikipedia AST, wikipedia LT, NCBI, wikipedia emerging languages, and United States Species List
Nicandra physalodes
Nicandra physalodes (L. (1849))
Reconnu par IABIN
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.
Reconnu par INBio and Flora of Zimbabwe
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Scopoli.
Nicandra physalodes (Linnaeus) Gaertner
Reconnu par eFloras
Atropa daturifolia
Espèces reconnu par wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Atropa physalodes
Espèces reconnu par wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Atropa physalodes
Reconnu par BHL data coverage
Calydermos erosus
Espèces reconnu par wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Nicandra physalodes
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Scop.
Espèces reconnu par USDA Plants data
Nicandra physalodes (Linnaeus 1753) Gaertn.
Espèces reconnu par TreatmentBank
Nicandra physalodes var. violacea
Nicandra physalodes var. violacea (André ex H. Lemoine) P. D. Sell
Pentagonia physalodes
Espèces reconnu par wikidata_hierarchy tar gz

Noms alternatifs

Atropa daturifolia Thore
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Atropa physalodes L.
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Boberella nicandra E. H. L. Krause
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Calydermos erosus Ruiz & Pav.
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra brevicorollata Bitter
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra macrocalyx Bitter
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra minor Hort. ex Fisch. Mey. & Ave-Lall.
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra nana Bitter
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra nebulosa Bitter
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra parvimaculata Bitter
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra physalodes var. violacea (Andre ex H. Lemoine) P. D. Sell
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra undulata Bitter
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Nicandra violacea Andre ex Lemoine
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Pentagonia physalodes (L.) Hiern
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Physalis daturifolia Lam.
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Physalodes peruviana Kuntze
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britt.
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Atropa daturifolia Thore
Boberella nicandra E. H. L. Krause
Calydermos erosus Ruiz & Pav.
Nicandra brevicorollata Bitter
Nicandra macrocalyx Bitter
Nicandra minor Hort. ex Fisch. Mey. & Ave-Lall.
Nicandra nana Bitter
Nicandra nebulosa Bitter
Nicandra parvimaculata Bitter
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.
Nicandra physalodes Scop.
Nicandra physalodes var. violacea (Andre ex H. Lemoine) P. D. Sell
Nicandra physaloides
Synonym selon NCBI
Nicandra undulata Bitter
Nicandra violacea Andre ex Lemoine
Pentagonia physalodes (L.) Hiern
Physalis daturifolia Lam.
Physalodes peruviana Kuntze
Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britt.
Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britton
Synonym selon Flora of Zimbabwe
Atropa daturifolia Thore
Atropa daturifolia Thore
Atropa physalodes L.
Boberella nicandra E. H. L. Krause
Boberella nicandra E. H. L. Krause
Calydermos erosus Ruiz & Pav.
Calydermos erosus Ruiz & Pav.
Nicandra brevicorollata Bitter
Nicandra brevicorollata Bitter
Nicandra macrocalyx Bitter
Nicandra macrocalyx Bitter
Nicandra minor Hort. ex Fisch. Mey. & Ave-Lall.
Nicandra minor Hort. ex Fisch., C. A. Mey. & Avé-Lall.
Nicandra nana Bitter
Nicandra nana Bitter
Nicandra nebulosa Bitter
Nicandra nebulosa Bitter
Nicandra parvimaculata Bitter
Nicandra parvimaculata Bitter
Nicandra physalodes var. immaculatum Wender.
Nicandra physalodes var. violacea (Andre ex H. Lemoine) P. D. Sell
Nicandra physalodes var. violacea Prasse et al.
Nicandra physalodes var. viridis Prasse et al.
Nicandra undulata Bitter
Nicandra undulata Bitter
Nicandra violacea Andre ex Lemoine
Nicandra violacea André ex Lemoine
Pentagonia physalodes (L.) Hiern
Pentagonia physalodes (L.) Hiern
Physalis daturifolia Lam.
Physalis daturifolia Lam.
Physalis peruviana Mill.
Ambiguous synonym selon Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Physalodes peruviana Kuntze
Physalodes peruviana Kuntze
Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britt.
Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britton
Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britton

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Hiérarchies supervisées pour Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner