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Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
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Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
Espèces reconnu par
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Penstemon hirsutus
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wikipedia VI
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The US National Vegetation Classification USNVC
Penstemon hirsutus
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Penstemon hirsutus
(L.) Willd.
Espèces reconnu par
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF national node type records UK
Penstemon hirsutus
Espèces reconnu par
GBIF classification
Penstemon pubescens
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United States Species List
Chelone hirsuta
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Chelone hirsuta
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BHL data coverage
Penstemon hirsutus
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Wikidata Common Names
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Global Biotic Interactions
Global Biotic Interactions
iNaturalist data coverage
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TRY database summary
Penstemon hirsutus
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North American Flora
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
Espèces reconnu par
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
USDA Plants data
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Penstemon hirsutus (Linnaeus 1753) Willd.
Espèces reconnu par
Penstemon hirsutus var. minimus A. W. Benn.
Reconnu par
NMNH type specimens
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmaeus A. W. Benn.
Reconnu par
NMNH type specimens
Noms alternatifs
Bartramia concinna Salisb.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Chelone hirsuta L.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Chelone pubescens Sweet
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Penstemon hirsutus var. minimus Benn.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmaeus Benn.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Penstemon longifolius Scheele
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Penstemon mackayanus Knowles & Westc.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Penstemon pubescens Soland.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Bartramia concinna
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Chelone hirsuta
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Chelone pubescens
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Penstemon hirsutus
Doubtful selon
GBIF classification
Penstemon hirsutus
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Penstemon hirsutus
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Penstemon longifolius
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Penstemon mackayanus
Knowles & Westc.
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Penstemon pubescens
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Bartramia concinna Salisb.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Bartramia concinna Salisb.
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Chelone hirsuta L.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Chelone hirsuta L.
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Chelone pentstemon L.
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Chelone pubescens Sweet
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Chelone pubescens Sweet
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon amplexicaulis Moench
Ambiguous synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon crassifolius Shuttlew. ex Benth.
Ambiguous synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd. var. minimus Benn.
Synonym selon
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd. var. pygmaeus Benn.
Synonym selon
Penstemon hirsutus minimus Benn.
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon hirsutus pygmaeus Benn.
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon hirsutus var. hirsutus (L.) Willd.
Not accepted selon
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Penstemon hirsutus var. minimus Benn.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Penstemon hirsutus var. minimus R. W. Benn.
Not accepted selon
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmaeus Benn.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Penstemon hirsutus var. pygmaeus R. W. Benn.
Not accepted selon
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Penstemon latifolius Hoffmanns.
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon longifolius Scheele
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Penstemon longifolius Scheele
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon mackayanus Knowles & Westc.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Penstemon mackayanus Knowles & Westc.
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon pentstemon (L.) Britton
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon pubescens Aiton
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Penstemon pubescens Soland.
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Noms communs
hairy beardtongue
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Wikidata Common Names
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Wikidata Common Names
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Wikidata Common Names
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Hiérarchies supervisées pour Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
(cette page)
Penstemon albertinus Greene
Penstemon ambiguus Torr.
Penstemon amphorellae Crosswhite
Penstemon anguineus Eastw.
Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh
Penstemon aridus Rydb.
Penstemon atropurpureus (Sweet) G. Don
Penstemon australis Small
Penstemon azureus Benth.
Penstemon barnebyi N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon bolanius Straw
Penstemon bracteatus D. D. Keck
Penstemon buckleyi Pennell
Penstemon caesius A. Gray
Penstemon cardwellii Howell
Penstemon carnosus Pennell apud E. H. Graham
Penstemon cedrosensis Krautter
Penstemon centranthifolius Benth.
Penstemon cinicola D. D. Keck
Penstemon compactus (Keck) Crosswhite
Penstemon confusus M. E. Jones
Penstemon cusickii A. Gray
Penstemon cyananthus Hook.
Penstemon cyaneus Pennell
Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb.
Penstemon deaveri Crosswhite
Penstemon debilis S. L. O'Kane & J. L. Anderson
Penstemon digitalis Nutt.
Penstemon dissectus Ell.
Penstemon eriantherus Pursh
Penstemon floribundus D. M. Danley
Penstemon flowersii E. Neese & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene
Penstemon gibbensii R. D. Dorn
Penstemon globosus (Piper) Pennell & D. D. Keck
Penstemon goodrichii N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon gracilentus A. Gray
Penstemon grandiflorus Fras.
Penstemon griffinii A. Nels.
Penstemon grinnellii Eastw.
Penstemon hartwegii Benth.
Penstemon henricksonii R. M. Straw
Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl.
Penstemon hidalgensis Straw
Penstemon idahoensis N. D. Atwood & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon incertus Brandeg.
Penstemon kingii S. Wats.
Penstemon kralii D. Estes
Penstemon labrosus (A. Gray) Mast. ex Hook. fil.
Penstemon laevigatus (L.) Ait.
Penstemon longiflorus (Pennell) S. L. Clark
Penstemon lyalli (A. Gray) A. Gray
Penstemon marcusii (Keck) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon mensarum Pennell
Penstemon mirus A. Nels.
Penstemon monoensis A. A. Heller
Penstemon moronensis Crosswhite
Penstemon murrayanus Hook.
Penstemon nitidus Dougl. ex Benth.
Penstemon nudiflorus A. Gray
Penstemon ophianthus Pennell
Penstemon parryi A. Gray
Penstemon peckii Pennell
Penstemon penlandii W. A. Weber
Penstemon perfoliatus A. Brongn.
Penstemon petiolatus Brandeg.
Penstemon pinifolius Greene
Penstemon potosinus Straw
Penstemon pratensis Greene
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones
Penstemon pudicus Reveal & Beatley
Penstemon radicosus A. Nels.
Penstemon ramosus Crosswhite
Penstemon retrorsus Payson
Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg
Penstemon rotundifolius A. Gray.
Penstemon rubicundus D. D. Keck
Penstemon rupicola (Piper) T. J. Howell
Penstemon rydbergii A. Nels.
Penstemon schaffneri (Hemsl.) Straw
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth.
Penstemon seorsus (A. Nels.) D. D. Keck
Penstemon sepalulus A. Nels.
Penstemon spatulatus Pennell
Penstemon stenophyllus A. Gray
Penstemon strictiformis Rydb.
Penstemon subglaber Rydberg
Penstemon subulatus M. E. Jones
Penstemon tepicensis Straw
Penstemon teucrioides Greene
Penstemon triphyllus Dougl.
Penstemon unilateralis Rydb.
Penstemon utahensis Eastwood.
Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb.
Penstemon vizcainensis R. Moran
Penstemon watsonii A. Gray
Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray
Penstemon wislizenii (A. Gray) Straw
Penstemon yampaensis Penland
185 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Lamiales Bromhead
Plantaginaceae Juss.
Chelonoideae Luerss.
Penstemon Schmidel
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
(cette page)
Penstemon cinicola D. D. Keck
Penstemon clevelandii A. Gray
Penstemon cobaea Nutt.
Penstemon concinnus D. D. Keck
Penstemon cusickii A. Gray
Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb.
Penstemon euglaucus English
Penstemon eximius D. D. Keck
Penstemon fasciculatus A. Gray
Penstemon filisepalis Straw
Penstemon floribundus Danley
Penstemon flowersii Neese & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon fremontii Torr. & A. Gray
Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene
Penstemon gairdneri Hook.
Penstemon gentianoides (Kunth) Poir.
Penstemon glaber Pursh
Penstemon glandulosus Douglas ex Lindl.
Penstemon globosus (Piper) Pennell & D. D. Keck
Penstemon gormanii Greene
Penstemon grahamii D. D. Keck apud E. H. Graham
Penstemon griffinii A. Nelson
Penstemon guadalupensis A. Heller
Penstemon harbourii A. Gray
Penstemon hartwegii Benth.
Penstemon haydenii S. Watson ex Coult.
Penstemon henricksonii Straw
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl.
Penstemon newberryi A. Gray
Penstemon nitidus Douglas ex Benth.
Penstemon nudiflorus A. Gray
Penstemon occiduus Straw
Penstemon oklahomensis Pennell
Penstemon oliganthus Wooton & Standl.
Penstemon ophianthus Pennell
Penstemon osterhoutii Pennell
Penstemon ovatus Douglas
Penstemon pachyphyllus A. Gray ex Rydb.
Penstemon pahutensis Holmgren
Penstemon pallidus Small
Penstemon palmeri A. Gray
Penstemon papillatus Howell
Penstemon parryi A. Gray
Penstemon parvus Pennell
Penstemon patens (M. E. Jones) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon payettensis A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr.
Penstemon paysoniorum D. D. Keck
Penstemon pennellianus D. D. Keck
Penstemon perfoliatus Brongn.
Penstemon personatus D. D. Keck
Penstemon pinifolius Greene
Penstemon plagapineus Straw
Penstemon pratensis Greene
Penstemon procerus Douglas ex Graham
Penstemon pseudoputus (Crosswh.) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon pudicus Reveal & Beatley
Penstemon punctatus Brandegee
Penstemon radicosus A. Nelson
Penstemon rattanii A. Gray
Penstemon retrorsus Payson
Penstemon rhizomatosus N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon roezlii Regel
Penstemon roseus (Sweet) G. Don
Penstemon rotundifolius A. Gray
Penstemon rupicola (Piper) Howell
Penstemon saltarius Crosswh.
Penstemon scapoides D. D. Keck
Penstemon schaffneri (Hemsl.) Straw
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth.
Penstemon seorsus (A. Nelson) D. D. Keck
Penstemon sepalulus A. Nelson
Penstemon serrulatus Menzies
Penstemon smallii A. Heller
Penstemon spatulatus Pennell
Penstemon speciosus Douglas
Penstemon spectabilis Thurb. ex Torr. & A. Gray
Penstemon stephensii Brandegee
Penstemon strictiformis Rydb.
Penstemon subglaber Rydb.
Penstemon subserratus Pennell
Penstemon sudans M. E. Jones
Penstemon superbus A. Nelson
Penstemon tenuiflorus Pennell
Penstemon tenuifolius Benth.
Penstemon tepicensis Straw
Penstemon teucrioides Greene
Penstemon thompsoniae (A. Gray) Rydb.
Penstemon tidestromii Pennell
Penstemon tracyi D. D. Keck
Penstemon triphyllus Douglas
Penstemon uintahensis Pennell
Penstemon utahensis Eastw.
Penstemon venustus Douglas
Penstemon virgatus A. Gray
Penstemon wardii A. Gray
Penstemon washingtonensis D. D. Keck
Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray
Penstemon wislizenii (A. Gray) Straw
Penstemon × crideri A. Nelson
Penstemon × mirus A. Nelson
187 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
(cette page)
Penstemon albertinus Greene
Penstemon ambiguus Torr.
Penstemon amphorellae Crosswhite
Penstemon anguineus Eastw.
Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh
Penstemon aridus Rydb.
Penstemon atropurpureus (Sweet) G. Don
Penstemon australis Small
Penstemon azureus Benth.
Penstemon barnebyi N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon bolanius Straw
Penstemon bracteatus D. D. Keck
Penstemon buckleyi Pennell
Penstemon caesius A. Gray
Penstemon cardwellii Howell
Penstemon carnosus Pennell apud E. H. Graham
Penstemon cedrosensis Krautter
Penstemon centranthifolius Benth.
Penstemon cinicola D. D. Keck
Penstemon compactus (Keck) Crosswhite
Penstemon confusus M. E. Jones
Penstemon cusickii A. Gray
Penstemon cyananthus Hook.
Penstemon cyaneus Pennell
Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb.
Penstemon deaveri Crosswhite
Penstemon debilis S. L. O'Kane & J. L. Anderson
Penstemon digitalis Nutt.
Penstemon dissectus Ell.
Penstemon eriantherus Pursh
Penstemon floribundus D. M. Danley
Penstemon flowersii E. Neese & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon fremontii Torr. & Gray
Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene
Penstemon gibbensii R. D. Dorn
Penstemon globosus (Piper) Pennell & D. D. Keck
Penstemon goodrichii N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon gracilentus A. Gray
Penstemon grandiflorus Fras.
Penstemon griffinii A. Nels.
Penstemon grinnellii Eastw.
Penstemon hartwegii Benth.
Penstemon henricksonii R. M. Straw
Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl.
Penstemon hidalgensis Straw
Penstemon idahoensis N. D. Atwood & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon incertus Brandeg.
Penstemon kingii S. Wats.
Penstemon kralii D. Estes
Penstemon labrosus (A. Gray) Mast. ex Hook. fil.
Penstemon laevigatus (L.) Ait.
Penstemon longiflorus (Pennell) S. L. Clark
Penstemon lyalli (A. Gray) A. Gray
Penstemon marcusii (Keck) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon mensarum Pennell
Penstemon mirus A. Nels.
Penstemon monoensis A. A. Heller
Penstemon moronensis Crosswhite
Penstemon murrayanus Hook.
Penstemon nitidus Dougl. ex Benth.
Penstemon nudiflorus A. Gray
Penstemon ophianthus Pennell
Penstemon parryi A. Gray
Penstemon peckii Pennell
Penstemon penlandii W. A. Weber
Penstemon perfoliatus A. Brongn.
Penstemon petiolatus Brandeg.
Penstemon pinifolius Greene
Penstemon potosinus Straw
Penstemon pratensis Greene
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones
Penstemon pudicus Reveal & Beatley
Penstemon radicosus A. Nels.
Penstemon retrorsus Payson
Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg
Penstemon rotundifolius A. Gray.
Penstemon rubicundus D. D. Keck
Penstemon rupicola (Piper) T. J. Howell
Penstemon rydbergii A. Nels.
Penstemon schaffneri (Hemsl.) Straw
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth.
Penstemon seorsus (A. Nels.) D. D. Keck
Penstemon sepalulus A. Nels.
Penstemon spatulatus Pennell
Penstemon stenophyllus A. Gray
Penstemon strictiformis Rydb.
Penstemon subglaber Rydberg
Penstemon subulatus M. E. Jones
Penstemon tepicensis Straw
Penstemon teucrioides Greene
Penstemon triphyllus Dougl.
Penstemon unilateralis Rydb.
Penstemon utahensis Eastwood.
Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb.
Penstemon vizcainensis R. Moran
Penstemon watsonii A. Gray
Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray
Penstemon wislizenii (A. Gray) Straw
Penstemon yampaensis Penland
180 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
(cette page)
Penstemon albertinus Greene
Penstemon ambiguus Torr.
Penstemon amphorellae Crosswhite
Penstemon anguineus Eastw.
Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh
Penstemon aridus Rydb.
Penstemon atropurpureus (Sweet) G. Don
Penstemon australis Small
Penstemon azureus Benth.
Penstemon barnebyi N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon bolanius Straw
Penstemon bracteatus D. D. Keck
Penstemon buckleyi Pennell
Penstemon caesius A. Gray
Penstemon cardwellii Howell
Penstemon carnosus Pennell apud E. H. Graham
Penstemon cedrosensis Krautter
Penstemon centranthifolius Benth.
Penstemon cinicola D. D. Keck
Penstemon compactus (Keck) Crosswhite
Penstemon confusus M. E. Jones
Penstemon cusickii A. Gray
Penstemon cyananthus Hook.
Penstemon cyaneus Pennell
Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb.
Penstemon deaveri Crosswhite
Penstemon debilis S. L. O'Kane & J. L. Anderson
Penstemon digitalis Nutt.
Penstemon dissectus Ell.
Penstemon eriantherus Pursh
Penstemon floribundus D. M. Danley
Penstemon flowersii E. Neese & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene
Penstemon gibbensii R. D. Dorn
Penstemon globosus (Piper) Pennell & D. D. Keck
Penstemon goodrichii N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon gracilentus A. Gray
Penstemon grandiflorus Fras.
Penstemon griffinii A. Nels.
Penstemon grinnellii Eastw.
Penstemon hartwegii Benth.
Penstemon henricksonii R. M. Straw
Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl.
Penstemon hidalgensis Straw
Penstemon idahoensis N. D. Atwood & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon incertus Brandeg.
Penstemon kingii S. Wats.
Penstemon kralii D. Estes
Penstemon labrosus (A. Gray) Mast. ex Hook. fil.
Penstemon laevigatus (L.) Ait.
Penstemon longiflorus (Pennell) S. L. Clark
Penstemon lyalli (A. Gray) A. Gray
Penstemon marcusii (Keck) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon mensarum Pennell
Penstemon mirus A. Nels.
Penstemon monoensis A. A. Heller
Penstemon moronensis Crosswhite
Penstemon murrayanus Hook.
Penstemon nitidus Dougl. ex Benth.
Penstemon nudiflorus A. Gray
Penstemon ophianthus Pennell
Penstemon parryi A. Gray
Penstemon peckii Pennell
Penstemon penlandii W. A. Weber
Penstemon perfoliatus A. Brongn.
Penstemon petiolatus Brandeg.
Penstemon pinifolius Greene
Penstemon potosinus Straw
Penstemon pratensis Greene
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones
Penstemon pudicus Reveal & Beatley
Penstemon radicosus A. Nels.
Penstemon ramosus Crosswhite
Penstemon retrorsus Payson
Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg
Penstemon rotundifolius A. Gray.
Penstemon rubicundus D. D. Keck
Penstemon rupicola (Piper) T. J. Howell
Penstemon rydbergii A. Nels.
Penstemon schaffneri (Hemsl.) Straw
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth.
Penstemon seorsus (A. Nels.) D. D. Keck
Penstemon sepalulus A. Nels.
Penstemon spatulatus Pennell
Penstemon stenophyllus A. Gray
Penstemon strictiformis Rydb.
Penstemon subglaber Rydberg
Penstemon subulatus M. E. Jones
Penstemon tepicensis Straw
Penstemon teucrioides Greene
Penstemon triphyllus Dougl.
Penstemon unilateralis Rydb.
Penstemon utahensis Eastwood.
Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb.
Penstemon vizcainensis R. Moran
Penstemon watsonii A. Gray
Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray
Penstemon wislizenii (A. Gray) Straw
Penstemon yampaensis Penland
185 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
(cette page)
Penstemon albertinus Greene
Penstemon ambiguus Torr.
Penstemon amphorellae Crosswhite
Penstemon anguineus Eastw.
Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh
Penstemon aridus Rydb.
Penstemon atropurpureus (Sweet) G. Don
Penstemon australis Small
Penstemon azureus Benth.
Penstemon barnebyi N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon bolanius Straw
Penstemon bracteatus D. D. Keck
Penstemon buckleyi Pennell
Penstemon caesius A. Gray
Penstemon cardwellii Howell
Penstemon carnosus Pennell apud E. H. Graham
Penstemon cedrosensis Krautter
Penstemon centranthifolius Benth.
Penstemon cinicola D. D. Keck
Penstemon compactus (Keck) Crosswhite
Penstemon confusus M. E. Jones
Penstemon cusickii A. Gray
Penstemon cyananthus Hook.
Penstemon cyaneus Pennell
Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb.
Penstemon deaveri Crosswhite
Penstemon debilis S. L. O'Kane & J. L. Anderson
Penstemon digitalis Nutt.
Penstemon dissectus Ell.
Penstemon eriantherus Pursh
Penstemon floribundus D. M. Danley
Penstemon flowersii E. Neese & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon fremontii Torr. & Gray
Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene
Penstemon gibbensii R. D. Dorn
Penstemon globosus (Piper) Pennell & D. D. Keck
Penstemon goodrichii N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon gracilentus A. Gray
Penstemon grandiflorus Fras.
Penstemon griffinii A. Nels.
Penstemon grinnellii Eastw.
Penstemon hartwegii Benth.
Penstemon henricksonii R. M. Straw
Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl.
Penstemon hidalgensis Straw
Penstemon idahoensis N. D. Atwood & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon incertus Brandeg.
Penstemon kingii S. Wats.
Penstemon kralii D. Estes
Penstemon labrosus (A. Gray) Mast. ex Hook. fil.
Penstemon laevigatus (L.) Ait.
Penstemon longiflorus (Pennell) S. L. Clark
Penstemon lyalli (A. Gray) A. Gray
Penstemon marcusii (Keck) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon mensarum Pennell
Penstemon mirus A. Nels.
Penstemon monoensis A. A. Heller
Penstemon moronensis Crosswhite
Penstemon murrayanus Hook.
Penstemon nitidus Dougl. ex Benth.
Penstemon nudiflorus A. Gray
Penstemon ophianthus Pennell
Penstemon parryi A. Gray
Penstemon peckii Pennell
Penstemon penlandii W. A. Weber
Penstemon perfoliatus A. Brongn.
Penstemon petiolatus Brandeg.
Penstemon pinifolius Greene
Penstemon potosinus Straw
Penstemon pratensis Greene
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones
Penstemon pudicus Reveal & Beatley
Penstemon radicosus A. Nels.
Penstemon retrorsus Payson
Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg
Penstemon rotundifolius A. Gray.
Penstemon rubicundus D. D. Keck
Penstemon rupicola (Piper) T. J. Howell
Penstemon rydbergii A. Nels.
Penstemon schaffneri (Hemsl.) Straw
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth.
Penstemon seorsus (A. Nels.) D. D. Keck
Penstemon sepalulus A. Nels.
Penstemon spatulatus Pennell
Penstemon stenophyllus A. Gray
Penstemon strictiformis Rydb.
Penstemon subglaber Rydberg
Penstemon subulatus M. E. Jones
Penstemon tepicensis Straw
Penstemon teucrioides Greene
Penstemon triphyllus Dougl.
Penstemon unilateralis Rydb.
Penstemon utahensis Eastwood.
Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb.
Penstemon vizcainensis R. Moran
Penstemon watsonii A. Gray
Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray
Penstemon wislizenii (A. Gray) Straw
Penstemon yampaensis Penland
180 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
GBIF classification
Penstemon Schmidel
Penstemon hirsutus Willd.
(cette page)
Penstemon hirsutus f. hirsutus
Penstemon absarokensis Evert
Penstemon alamosensis Pennell & Nisbet
Penstemon albertinus Greene
Penstemon albidus Nutt.
Penstemon alluviorum Pennell
Penstemon ambiguus Torr.
Penstemon anguineus Eastw.
Penstemon angustifolius Fraser fil. ex Pursh
Penstemon arenarius Greene
Penstemon arenicola A. Nelson
Penstemon aridus Rydb.
Penstemon azureus Benth.
Penstemon bryantiae D. D. Keck
Penstemon buckleyi Pennell
Penstemon caespitosus Nutt. ex A. Gray
Penstemon calcareus Brandegee
Penstemon californicus (Munz & I. M. Johnst.) Keck
Penstemon calycosus Small
Penstemon canescens Britton.
Penstemon cardinalis Wooton & Standl.
Penstemon clevelandii A. Gray
Penstemon compactus (D. D. Keck) Crosswh.
Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb.
Penstemon dasyphyllus A. Gray
Penstemon davidsonii Greene
Penstemon deaveri Crosswhite
Penstemon degeneri Crosswh.
Penstemon diphyllus Rydb.
Penstemon discolor D. D. Keck
Penstemon franklinii S. L. Welsh
Penstemon gairdneri Hook.
Penstemon glaber Pursh
Penstemon goodrichii N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon gormanii Greene
Penstemon gracilentus A. Gray
Penstemon gracilis Nutt.
Penstemon grahamii Keck
Penstemon grinnellii Eastw.
Penstemon guadalupensis A. Heller
Penstemon hallii A. Gray
Penstemon harbourii A. Gray
Penstemon hartwegii Benth.
Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl.
Penstemon humilis A. Gray
Penstemon idahoensis N. D. Atwood & S. L. Welsh
Penstemon lanceolatus Benth.
Penstemon leptanthus Pennell
Penstemon longiflorus (Pennell) S. L. Clark
Penstemon mirus A. Nelson
Penstemon moffattii Eastw.
Penstemon monoensis A. Heller
Penstemon moriahensis N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon murrayanus Hook.
Penstemon nanus Keck
Penstemon navajoa N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon newberryi A. Gray
Penstemon nitidus Dougl. ex Benth.
Penstemon osterhoutii Pennell
Penstemon palmeri A. Gray
Penstemon parryi A. Gray
Penstemon patens (M. E. Jones) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon pauciflorus Buckley
Penstemon payettensis A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr.
Penstemon paysoniorum D. D. Keck
Penstemon peckii Pennell
Penstemon penlandii W. A. Weber
Penstemon pennellianus Keck
Penstemon perpulcher A. Nelson
Penstemon personatus D. D. Keck
Penstemon petiolatus Brandegee
Penstemon pinifolius Greene
Penstemon platyphyllus Rydb.
Penstemon pratensis Greene
Penstemon procerus Dougl. ex Graham
Penstemon pseudoputus (Crosswhite) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones
Penstemon ramosus Crosswh.
Penstemon rhizomatosus N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon roezlii Regel
Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg
Penstemon stephensii Brandegee
Penstemon strictiformis Rydb.
Penstemon subglaber Rydb.
Penstemon subserratus Pennell
Penstemon subulatus M. E. Jones
Penstemon sudans M. E. Jones
Penstemon superbus A. Nelson
Penstemon tenuiflorus Pennell
Penstemon tenuis Small
Penstemon teucrioides Greene
Penstemon thompsoniae (A. Gray) Rydb.
Penstemon thurberi Torr.
Penstemon tidestromii Pennell
Penstemon tiehmii N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon tracyi D. D. Keck
Penstemon triflorus A. Heller
Penstemon tusharensis N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon uintahensis Pennell
Penstemon unilateralis Rydb.
203 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Penstemon Schmidel
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.
(cette page)
Penstemon abietinus Pennell
Penstemon acaulis L. O. Williams
Penstemon acuminatus Douglas ex Lindl.
Penstemon alamosensis Pennell & G. T. Nisbet
Penstemon albertinus Greene
Penstemon albidus Nutt.
Penstemon ambiguus Torr.
Penstemon anguineus Eastw.
Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh
Penstemon arenarius Greene
Penstemon arenicola A. Nelson
Penstemon aridus Rydb.
Penstemon arkansanus Pennell
Penstemon attenuatus Douglas ex Lindl.
Penstemon atwoodii S. L. Welsh
Penstemon auriberbis Pennell
Penstemon australis Small
Penstemon azureus Benth.
Penstemon baccharifolius Hook.
Penstemon barbatus (Cav.) Roth
Penstemon barnebyi N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon barrettiae A. Gray
Penstemon bicolor (Brandegee) Clokey & D. D. Keck
Penstemon bracteatus D. D. Keck
Penstemon breviculus (D. D. Keck) G. T. Nisbet & R. C. Jacks.
Penstemon brevisepalus Pennell
Penstemon buckleyi Pennell
Penstemon caesius A. Gray
Penstemon caespitosus Nutt. ex A. Gray
Penstemon calcareus Brandegee
Penstemon californicus (Munz & I. M. Johnst.) D. D. Keck
Penstemon calycosus Small
Penstemon carnosus Pennell
Penstemon caryi Pennell
Penstemon centranthifolius (Benth.) Benth.
Penstemon cobaea Nutt.
Penstemon confusus M. E. Jones
Penstemon cyaneus Pennell
Penstemon deamii Pennell
Penstemon eatonii A. Gray
Penstemon eriantherus Pursh
Penstemon floridus Brandegee
Penstemon gairdneri Hook.
Penstemon glaber Pursh
Penstemon grahamii D. D. Keck
Penstemon hallii A. Gray
Penstemon harbourii A. Gray
Penstemon haydenii S. Watson
Penstemon humilis Nutt. ex A. Gray
Penstemon jamesii Benth.
Penstemon kingii S. Watson
Penstemon laetus A. Gray
Penstemon laevis Pennell
Penstemon laxus A. Nelson
Penstemon lentus Pennell
Penstemon leonardii Rydb.
Penstemon mensarum Pennell
Penstemon miser A. Gray
Penstemon montanus Greene
Penstemon newberryi A. Gray
Penstemon nitidus Douglas ex Benth.
Penstemon osterhoutii Pennell
Penstemon palmeri A. Gray
Penstemon parryi (A. Gray) A. Gray
Penstemon patens (M. E. Jones) N. H. Holmgren
Penstemon peckii Pennell
Penstemon penlandii W. A. Weber
Penstemon pratensis Greene
Penstemon procerus Douglas ex Graham
Penstemon pseudospectabilis M. E. Jones
Penstemon pumilus Nutt.
Penstemon putus A. Nelson
Penstemon rattanii A. Gray
Penstemon richardsonii Douglas ex Lindl.
Penstemon saxosorum Pennell
Penstemon scapoides D. D. Keck
Penstemon scariosus Pennell
Penstemon sepalulus A. Nelson
Penstemon smallii A. Heller
Penstemon speciosus Douglas ex Lindl.
Penstemon stenophyllus A. Gray
Penstemon strictus Benth.
Penstemon subglaber Rydb.
Penstemon subserratus Pennell
Penstemon subulatus M. E. Jones
Penstemon superbus A. Nelson
Penstemon tenuiflorus Pennell
Penstemon tenuis Small
Penstemon thurberi Torr.
Penstemon tracyi D. D. Keck
Penstemon tubiflorus Nutt.
Penstemon utahensis Eastw.
Penstemon virgatus A. Gray
Penstemon wardii A. Gray
Penstemon washingtonensis D. D. Keck
Penstemon watsonii A. Gray
Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray
Penstemon wilcoxii Rydb.
Penstemon wrightii Hook.
Penstemon yampaensis Penland
147 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
cellular organisms
Penstemon hirsutus
(cette page)
Penstemon absarokensis
Penstemon acaulis
Penstemon acuminatus
Penstemon albertinus
Penstemon albidus
Penstemon albomarginatus
Penstemon alpinus
Penstemon ambiguus
Penstemon ammophilus
Penstemon amphorellae
Penstemon aridus
Penstemon attenuatus
Penstemon australis
Penstemon azureus
Penstemon barbatus
Penstemon barrettiae
Penstemon bracteatus
Penstemon brevisepalus
Penstemon buckleyi
Penstemon calycosus
Penstemon campanulatus
Penstemon cardinalis
Penstemon cardwellii
Penstemon cerrosensis
Penstemon cobaea
Penstemon compactus
Penstemon cusickii
Penstemon dasyphyllus
Penstemon davidsonii
Penstemon deaveri
Penstemon debilis
Penstemon deustus
Penstemon digitalis
Penstemon dissectus
Penstemon ellipticus
Penstemon eriantherus
Penstemon euglaucus
Penstemon eximius
Penstemon filiformis
Penstemon flavescens
Penstemon flowersii
Penstemon fruticosus
Penstemon glaber
Penstemon gracilis
Penstemon grandiflorus
Penstemon hallii
Penstemon hartwegii
Penstemon henricksonii
Penstemon heterophyllus
Penstemon hidalgensis
Penstemon isophyllus
Penstemon kunthii
Penstemon laevigatus
Penstemon laevis
Penstemon leiophyllus
Penstemon leonensis
Penstemon linarioides
Penstemon longiflorus
Penstemon lyallii
Penstemon miniatus
Penstemon montanus
Penstemon mucronatus
Penstemon multiflorus
Penstemon murrayanus
Penstemon navajoa
Penstemon neotericus
Penstemon newberryi
Penstemon nudiflorus
Penstemon parvus
Penstemon peckii
Penstemon penlandii
Penstemon personatus
Penstemon petiolatus
Penstemon pinifolius
Penstemon potosinus
Penstemon procerus
Penstemon pruinosus
Penstemon putus
Penstemon richardsonii
Penstemon roseus
Penstemon rostriflorus
Penstemon rupicola
Penstemon saltarius
Penstemon skutchii
Penstemon smallii
Penstemon speciosus
Penstemon stephensii
Penstemon strictus
Penstemon subulatus
Penstemon tenuiflorus
Penstemon tepicensis
Penstemon tidestromii
Penstemon triflorus
Penstemon tubiflorus
Penstemon uintahensis
Penstemon utahensis
Penstemon venustus
Penstemon wardii
Penstemon wislizeni
unclassified Penstemon
112 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Penstemon hirsutus
(cette page)
Penstemon alluviorum
Penstemon amphorellae
Penstemon apateticus
Penstemon atropurpureus
Penstemon azureus
Penstemon baccharifolius
Penstemon bolanius
Penstemon breviculus
Penstemon brevisepalus
Penstemon caesius
Penstemon campanulatus
Penstemon compactus
Penstemon dasyphyllus
Penstemon davidsonii
Penstemon duchesnensis
Penstemon dugesii
Penstemon eriantherus
Penstemon eximius
Penstemon fasciculatus
Penstemon fendleri
Penstemon filisepalis
Penstemon franklinii
Penstemon fruticosus
Penstemon galloensis
Penstemon gentianoides
Penstemon gentryi
Penstemon glaber
Penstemon globosus
Penstemon gormanii
Penstemon gracilis
Penstemon hartwegii
Penstemon henricksonii
Penstemon hidalgensis
Penstemon higginsii
Penstemon hintonii
Penstemon humilis
Penstemon imberbis
Penstemon incanus
Penstemon isophyllus
Penstemon jamesii
Penstemon kralii
Penstemon kunthii
Penstemon lanceolatus
Penstemon lemhiensis
Penstemon leonensis
Penstemon linarioides
Penstemon longiflorus
Penstemon luteus
Penstemon marcusii
Penstemon miniatus
Penstemon minor
Penstemon moffattii
Penstemon mohinoranus
Penstemon moronensis
Penstemon multiflorus
Penstemon nitidus
Penstemon occiduus
Penstemon pallidus
Penstemon pandus
Penstemon pentstemon
Penstemon perfoliatus
Penstemon pinifolius
Penstemon plagapineus
Penstemon potosinus
Penstemon pringlei
Penstemon pseudoputus
Penstemon pulchellus
Penstemon punctatus
Penstemon richardsonii
Penstemon roseus
Penstemon rotundifolius
Penstemon rubicundus
Penstemon rydbergii
Penstemon saltarius
Penstemon saxosorum
Penstemon secundiflorus
Penstemon seorsus
Penstemon sepalulus
Penstemon serrulatus
Penstemon smallii
Penstemon stenophyllus
Penstemon stenosepalus
Penstemon strictiformis
Penstemon subglaber
Penstemon subserratus
Penstemon subulatus
Penstemon superbus
Penstemon tenuiflorus
Penstemon tenuifolius
Penstemon tenuis
Penstemon tepicensis
Penstemon teucrioides
Penstemon tidestromii
Penstemon tiehmii
Penstemon triphyllus
Penstemon tubiflorus
Penstemon versicolor
Penstemon violaceus
Penstemon virgatus
Penstemon wislizenii
274 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Chelone hirsuta
(cette page)
Chelone atropurpurea
Chelone barbata
Chelone caeruleum
Chelone campanulata
Chelone centranthifolia
Chelone cuthbertii
Chelone formosa
Chelone gentianoides
Chelone glabra
Chelone imberbis
Chelone lyonii
Chelone nemorosa
Chelone obliqua
Chelone penstemon
Chelone rosea
Chelone subgen. Nothochelone