Hedycarya is a genus of dioecious[1] trees and shrubs of the family Monimiaceae. Species occur in South East Asia, New Caledonia, Australia and Polynesia including New Zealand.[2] The genus was named and formerly described in 1776 by botanists Johann and Georg Forster in Characteres Generum Plantarum.[3] The limit of the genus may require change as it appears paraphyletic in phylogenetic analyses,[4] with the genera Kibaropsis and Levieria nested in it.
Hedycarya is a genus of dioecious trees and shrubs of the family Monimiaceae. Species occur in South East Asia, New Caledonia, Australia and Polynesia including New Zealand. The genus was named and formerly described in 1776 by botanists Johann and Georg Forster in Characteres Generum Plantarum. The limit of the genus may require change as it appears paraphyletic in phylogenetic analyses, with the genera Kibaropsis and Levieria nested in it.
Hedycarya es un género con 41 especies de plantas de flores perteneciente a la familia Monimiaceae. Son nativas de Nueva Caledonia, Nueva Zelanda, Australia y Fiyi.
Hedycarya es un género con 41 especies de plantas de flores perteneciente a la familia Monimiaceae. Son nativas de Nueva Caledonia, Nueva Zelanda, Australia y Fiyi.