
Diagnostic Description ( anglais )

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Chiapas, soil. Dr. Goodnight's specimens could not with certainty be referred to any of the species named in the "Wheeler Collection. This genus, while small, seems greatly in need of revision. Phylogenetically, it has been related by Wheeler and Emery to the Ectatommini . I would place it closer to the Amblyoponini , and provisionally include it in the latter tribe. It has "amblyoponine teeth" at the sides of the head anteriorly, and several species have the anterior clypeal margin denticulate as in Amblyopone . The structure of the alitrunk and especially the petiole also point to such a relationship. The mandibles seem only relatively slightly modified from certain types seen today among the amblyoponines.

A small, headless male specimen in the Wheeler Collection among unidentified miscellany, bearing Wheeler's handwritten label " Prionopelta ," is probably correctly placed. The structure of the petiole and sculpture and pilosity are those of the worker. The venation in this specimen is unusually complete for such a small ant, and is further unusual in that Mf1 comes off well basad of cu-a.

In a recent paper (Brown and Nutting, 1950, pp. 116-121 and plate 8) it was stated that such basal displacement of the origin of Mf1 was more primitive than was an origin of this vein lined up with cu-a or apicad of cu-a. In a recent conversation, Dr. J. C. Bradley pointed out to me that this interpretation is questionable and cited examples in the Vespidae and other aculeate groups to prove his point. I had originally arrived at the conclusion cited in our wing venation paper through study of certain drawings by H. II. Ross of primitive sawfly wings, referred to in the homologization on the first few pages of our paper.

In Dr. Bradley's opinion, these primitive sawfly wings just happen to be specialized in origin of Mf1. I am now willing to admit that in the ants, at least, basal displacement of this vein is probably derived. The true primitive position would then be the lining-up with cu-a, which checks with other primitive features as found in many myrmeciines and amblyoponines. The most important change this would make in our conclusions concerns the Dorylinae, which would seem to have arisen from within or near the amblyoponine stock instead of having arisen, as we stated in the paper in question, from a "pre-ponerine" stock. We most emphatically stand, however, on our conclusion that the cerapachyines cannot be considered as in the line of descent of the dorylines; the evidence of the wings and thorax shows that these two stocks are basically divergent. Prionopelta is an amblyoponine (or very close relative) with definite "doryline tendencies'' in the venation of the forewing.

It may be mentioned here, in connection with the discussion of ant wing venation, that both Dr. J. C. Bradley and Dr. R. M. Schuster have communicated to me their belief that the vein we called "Rsx" in our wing venation paper cited above, the same element known as the "spurious vein" by mutillid specialists, is a secondary development in both ants and mutilloid wasps forming at the bending of certain crossveins such as the second or third r-m. This interpretation seems reasonable to me, especially in the light of Schuster's recent (1949, pp. 69-75, pl. 13, fig. 9) discovery of the very primitive mutillid Prototilla , which lacks the spurious vein.

Returning to Prionopelta and relatives, the genera Onychomyrmex Emery, Lithomyrmex Clark , and Examblyopone Donisthorpe, which have been separated chiefly on the condition of the spurs of the middle and hind tibiae, must in my opinion also be included in the Amblyoponini despite present classifications which place them in separate tribes. Onychomyrmex ( O. hedleyi Emery , O. mjobergi Forel, O. doddi Wheeler ) in the Wheeler Collection actually possess very small rudimentary spurs. These genera, with Prionopelta , represent a developmental series with regard to the spurs of such continuity that it becomes evident that such a character in the Ponerinae may be accepted as of no more than generic significance. The same applies to the spurs in some ponerine tribes other than the Amblyoponini , as will be seen under Belonopelta below.

not applicable
citation bibliographique
Brown, W. L., 1950, Morphological, taxonomic and other notes on ants., Wasmann Journal of Biology, pp. 241-250, vol. 8
Brown, W. L.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( anglais )

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Femina. Generi " Stigmatomma " proxima. Mandibulae cruciatae, deplanatae, augustae', parallelae, margine masticatorio obliquo tridentato, dente antico longo curvata, acuto, dente intermedio minuto, postico intermedio majori et paulo recurvalo Antennarum 11 articulatarum funiculus clava quadriarticulata, ceteris articulis adunum distincte longiore, funiculi articuli 4 - 6. minutissimi, breviores quam longiores, articulus apicalis articulis tribus penultimis ad unum longior. Clypeus longitudine duplo latior, subrhomboideus, medio fornicatus, haud carinatus margine antico angulato-rotundato, minutissime et densissime serrulato, angulo postico breviter acuto inter antennarum articulationes interserto. Antennarum articulationes valde approarimatae pone clypei margines posticos ipsos situatae. Laminae frontales post antennarum articulationes ipsas incipientes, brevissimae, curvatim extrorsum et postice versus evanescentes. Area frontalis nulla. Oculi subrotundi, mediocres, in medio capitis laterum. Sulcus frontalis haud visibilis. Capitis margo posticus vix arcuatim emarginatus. Thorax inermis; metanoti pars basalis brevis, pars declivis obliqua parte basali plus duplo longior. Petiolus uniarticulatus rotundato-subcubicus, latior quam longior, abdominis basi paulo angustior, postice segmento abdominis basali coalitus, antice breviter petiolatus. Abdomen inter segmentum primum et secundum constrictus. Unguiculi simplices. (Alae mihi ignotae.)

Beim ersten Anblick hielt ich das mir vorliegende Exemplar fuer ein Stigmatomma-Weibchen, von welcher Gattung bisher nur Arbeiter bekannt sind, doch ersah ich bald an den Mandibeln und Fuehlern, dass ich es mit einer neuen Gattung zu thun hatte.

Dass in Bezug der Anzahl der Fuehlerglieder von Seite Dr. Roger's keine Irrung stattgefunden hat, bestaetigen meine Notizen ueber Stigmatomma , welche ich auf Grundlage eines Exemplares, das mir Dr. Roger vor der Aufstellung und Beschreibung dieser Gattung zur Ansicht und Beurtheilung gesendet hatte, geschrieben habe, in welchen ebenfalls 12 gliedrige Fuehler angegeben sind. Die Zeichnung, die ich damals angefertigt habe, stimmt ganz gut mit der spaeter von Roger publicirten Abbildung des Kopfes ueberein, nur ist es mir unerklaerlich, dass in der von mir angefertigten Abbildung der Kopf hinten sehr tief winkelig eingeschnitten erscheint, waehrend Roger in der Beschreibung davon keine Erwaehnung macht und in der Abbildung der Kopf hinten gerade abgestutzt ist.

Die neue Gattung unterscheidet sich von Stigmatomma jedenfalls durch die Gegenwart eines zu den zwei anderen Raendern schief gestellten, gezaehnten, kurzen Kaurandes, durch die sich fast beruehrenden Gelenkskoepfe der ganz anders gebildeten Fuehler, sowie durch die erst hinter dem Fuehlerursprunge beginnenden sehr kurzen, ziemlich wulstfoermigen Stirnleisten. Einen Zahn an den Wangen konnte ich nicht auffinden.

not applicable
citation bibliographique
Mayr, G., 1866, Myrmecologische Beitraege., Sitzungsberichte der Koenigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, pp. 484-517, vol. 53
Mayr, G.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Prionopelta ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Prionopelta is a genus of ants in the subfamily Amblyoponinae.[2] Of its 15 species, four are known from Africa, five from the Americas and six from the Indo-Pacific region.[3]



  1. ^ Bolton, B. (2014). "Prionopelta". AntCat. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  2. ^ "Genus: Prionopelta". antweb.org. AntWeb. Retrieved 21 September 2013.
  3. ^ Shattuck, S. O. (2008). "Revision of the ant genus Prionopelta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Indo-Pacific region". Zootaxa. 1846: 21–34. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.1846.1.2.

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wikipedia EN

Prionopelta: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Prionopelta is a genus of ants in the subfamily Amblyoponinae. Of its 15 species, four are known from Africa, five from the Americas and six from the Indo-Pacific region.

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wikipedia EN

Prionopelta ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Prionopelta es un género de hormigas, familia Formicidae. Se distribuyen por el Neotrópico, el África subsahariana, la región indomalaya y Oceanía.


Se reconocen las siguientes:


  • Ward, P.S. & Fisher, B.L. 2016. Tales of dracula ants: the evolutionary history of the ant subfamily Amblyoponinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Systematic Entomology, 41, 683–693.
  • AntWiki - Bringing Ants to the World. Prionopelta. Acceso: 18 de julio de 2016.
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wikipedia ES

Prionopelta: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Prionopelta es un género de hormigas, familia Formicidae. Se distribuyen por el Neotrópico, el África subsahariana, la región indomalaya y Oceanía.

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wikipedia ES

Prionopelta ( portugais )

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wikipedia PT

Prionopelta: Brief Summary ( portugais )

fourni par wikipedia PT

Prionopelta é um gênero de insetos, pertencente à família Formicidae.

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wikipedia PT

Prionopelta ( russe )

fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию
Муравей Prionopelta punctulata (рабочий).
Голова самки Prionopelta punctulata.

Prionopelta (лат.) — род мелких примитивных муравьёв (Formicidae) из подсемейства Amblyoponinae. Около 20 видов[1][2].


Тропические области Старого и Нового Света. Афротропика (3 вида), Мадагаскар (7), Неотропика (5), Юго-Восточная Азия и Океания (6 видов). Prionopelta это лишь один из четырёх муравьиных родов (наряду с Mystrium, Euponera и Leptogenys), которые на Мадагаскаре представлены большим числом видов, чем во всей тропической Африке[1][2].


Мелкие земляные муравьи (длина 2-3 мм) желтовато-коричневого цвета. Усики рабочих с 3-4-члениковой булавой (общее число члеников варьирует от 8 до 12), скапус короткий. У самцов усики 13-члениковые, без булавы. Глаза рабочих мелкие, расположены в среднебоковой части головы (у самок глаза среднего размера, а у самцов крупные). Жвалы вытянутые, субтреугольные с тремя зубцами: апикальный зубец самый большой, преапикальный зубец самый маленький, третий зубец средней длины. Нижнечелюстные щупики 2-члениковые, нижнегубные щупики состоят из 2 сегментов (формула щупиков 2,2). Шпоры на всех ногах гребенчатые, но на задней паре ног есть дополнительная простая шпора (формула шпор: 1гр-1гр-1гр+1пр). Стебелёк между грудкой и брюшком состоит из одного членика петиолюса, у которого отсутствует задняя поверхность, так как он широко прикреплён к брюшку. Гнездятся в почве под какими-либо объектами (камнями, корнями), муравьи редко появляются на поверхности и фуражируют в припочвенном лиственном слое[1][3][2].


Около 20 видов. Ранее род включали в подсемейство Понерины (Ponerinae; Ectatommini или Proceratiini). Prionopelta был впервые описан в 1866 году австрийским мирмекологом Густавом Майром[4] по типовому виду Prionopelta punctulata и материалам из Бразилии. Ранее описанные английским энтомологом Горацием Донисторпом (Horace St. John Kelly Donisthorpe, 1870—1951) таксоны Examblyopone Donisthorpe, 1949[5] и Renea Donisthorpe, 1947[6] оказались синонимами рода Prionopelta[1][2].


  1. 1 2 3 4 Shattuck S. O. Revision of the ant genus Prionopelta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Indo-Pacific region. (англ.) // Zootaxa : Журнал. — Auckland, New Zealand: Magnolia Press, 2008. — Vol. 1846. — P. 21–34. — ISSN 1175-5326.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Rick Overson, Brian Fisher. Taxonomic revision of the genus Prionopelta (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the Malagasy region (англ.) // ZooKeys : Журнал. — Sofia: Pensoft Publishers, 2015. — Vol. 507. — P. 115-150. — ISSN 1313-2970. (09 Jun 2015)
  3. Brown, W. L., Jr. (1960). “Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. III. Tribe Amblyoponini (Hymenoptera)”. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 122: 143—230. (page 173, Prionopelta в составе Ponerinae, Amblyoponini)
  4. Mayr, G. 1866. Myrmecologische Beiträge. Sitzungsber. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math.-Naturwiss. Cl. Abt. I 53: 484—517 (page 503, описание Prionopelta как отдельного нового рода муравьёв)
  5. Donisthorpe, H. 1949. Donisthorpe, H. 1949. A seventh instalment of the Ross Collection of ants from New Guinea. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 12(2): 401—422
  6. Donisthorpe, H. 1947. Some new ants from New Guinea. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 11(14): 183—197
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Prionopelta: Brief Summary ( russe )

fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Муравей Prionopelta punctulata (рабочий).  src= Голова самки Prionopelta punctulata.

Prionopelta (лат.) — род мелких примитивных муравьёв (Formicidae) из подсемейства Amblyoponinae. Около 20 видов.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии