Parabasalid flagellate with an elongated body pointed posteriorly (20-80 µm) with three anterior free flagella and a recurrent trailing flagellum forming a cord or a ribbon. Short falx-shaped cresta, parabasal body spiraled around the trunk of the axostyle in 1/2 to 5 turns, not branched. Axostyle with a posterior end enclosed in the cytoplasm. About twenty species reported in Kalotermitidae. This species, Devescovina striata, is from Neotermes castaneus, three anterior flagella, recurrent flagellum ribbon-shaped and non-adherent (phase contrast).
Parabasalid flagellate with an elongated body pointed posteriorly (20-80 µm) with three anterior free flagella and a recurrent trailing flagellum forming a cord or a ribbon. Short falx-shaped cresta, parabasal body spiraled around the trunk of the axostyle in 1/2 to 5 turns, not branched. Axostyle with a posterior end enclosed in the cytoplasm. About twenty species reported in Kalotermitidae. This species, Devescovina striata, is from Neotermes castaneus, three anterior flagella, recurrent flagellum ribbon-shaped and non-adherent (phase contrast).
Parabasalid flagellate with an elongated body pointed posteriorly (20-80 µm) with three anterior free flagella and a recurrent trailing flagellum forming a cord or a ribbon. Short falx-shaped cresta, parabasal body spiraled around the trunk of the axostyle in 1/2 to 5 turns, not branched. Axostyle with a posterior end enclosed in the cytoplasm. About twenty species reported in Kalotermitidae. This species, Devescovina striata, is from Neotermes castaneus, three anterior flagella, recurrent flagellum ribbon-shaped and non-adherent (phase contrast).
Parabasalid flagellate with an elongated body pointed posteriorly (20-80 µm) with three anterior free flagella and a recurrent trailing flagellum forming a cord or a ribbon. Short falx-shaped cresta, parabasal body spiraled around the trunk of the axostyle in 1/2 to 5 turns, not branched. Axostyle with a posterior end enclosed in the cytoplasm. About twenty species reported in Kalotermitidae. Devescovina striata - immunofluorescence with an anti-tubulin antibody revealing the axostyle, three anterior flagella and one long recurrent flagellum.
Parabasalid flagellate with an elongated body pointed posteriorly (20-80 µm) with three anterior free flagella and a recurrent trailing flagellum forming a cord or a ribbon. Short falx-shaped cresta, parabasal body spiraled around the trunk of the axostyle in 1/2 to 5 turns, not branched. Axostyle with a posterior end enclosed in the cytoplasm. About twenty species reported in Kalotermitidae. Devescovina striata - protargol staining revealing the parabasal body twisted around the axostyle.
Scanning EM showing the cell body covered with long rod-shaped Fusiformis bacteria and the ribbon-shaped recurrent flagellum.
Scanning EM showing the cell body covered with long rod-shaped Fusiformis bacteria and the ribbon-shaped recurrent flagellum.