
Development ( anglais )

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F. iodinea's initial stages of development are in vividly colored egg ribbons usually laid on hydroids that they predate on. After 7 days at 14 degrees Celsius, the eggs transform into planktotrophic veligers that ultimately can grow up to 70mm.

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citation bibliographique
Engel, C. P. (1976) The biology and life history of the nudibranch Flabellinopsis iodinea (Cooper, 1863). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, California.
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Affect of climate on species distribution ( anglais )

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A study in 2010 using climate index response profiling concluded that the shrinking distribution of Pacific nudibranch species is due to La Nina weather conditions that affect larval recruitment back into the environment (Schultz, 2010). Furthermore, species distribution will expand once again when El Nino conditions return (Schultz, 2010).

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Defense ( anglais )

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Nematocysts used by F. iodinea for defense can be very harmful to a predatory species. An experiment on the learned avoidance behavior of the predatory gastropod Pleurobranchaea californica found that the generalist forager learned to recognize Flabellina iodinea as a harmful prey species by its vivid coloring and developes avoidance behavior upon future encounters with F. iodinea.

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citation bibliographique
Noboa, Vanessa, and Rhanor Gillette. "Selective prey avoidance learning in the predatory sea slug Pleurobranchaea californica." The Journal of experimental biology 216.17 (2013): 3231-3236.
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Life Ecologycal of Flabellina iodinea ( anglais )

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Description: This nudibranch displays a stunning set of colors: the body is purple, the cerata are orange and the rhinophores are scarlet. The neon orange appendages on the back of Flabellina iodinea are the cerata which extract oxygen from the sea water they live in. The cerata are also extensions of the digestive system, and are used to store the stinging cells of the anemones and fan-like hydroids they eat. The red rhinophores are sensory structures used for detecting the presence of possible mates and prey. The purple, red, and orange colors are derived from a single carotenoid pigment, astaxanthin. The pigment appears in three modified states, leading to the three distinct colors Life habits: Spanish shawls are hermaphrodites, which means they have both male and female sex organs. However, self-fertilisation very rarely occurs. When threatened by other predators, they can gracefully move away by flexing their body strongly and pushing off from the substrate and into midwater. Distribution: This species is native to the west coast of North America and further south. It has been reported as far north as British Columbia, Canada, and as far south as Punta Asunción, Baja California Sur, Mexico. In addition it is found in the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands. Classification: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gastropoda Ordo: Opisthobranchia Genus: Flabellina Species: Flabellina iodinea
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Adriani Sunuddin
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Spanischer Schal ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Der Spanische Schal (Flabellina iodinea) ist eine Fadenschnecke aus der Familie Flabellinidae, die an der Pazifikküste Nordamerikas heimisch ist. Sie gehört in die Unterordnung der Nacktkiemer (Nudibranchia).


Die bis zu 7 cm lange Flabellina iodinea fällt durch ihre grellen Farben auf: Der Körper ist violett, die Cerata orange und die Rhinophoren, mit denen die Schnecke Sexualpartner und Beute wahrnimmt, scharlachrot. Die grellen Farben werden durch das Carotinoid-Pigment Astaxanthin gebildet, das in drei Modifikationen die drei Farben hervorbringt und aus den Tentakeln gefressener Hydroidpolypen von Eudendrium ramosum stammt. Neben den Pigmenten sorgen lichtreflektirende Kristalle von Purinen in speziellen Epidermiszellen für die Leuchtkraft.[1] Die auffällige Warnfärbung gilt als Aposematismus der durch die Kleptocniden (nicht explodierte Nesselkapseln von gefressenen Hydroidpolypen) nesselnden Schnecke, wirkt aber gleichzeitig auf ähnlich gefärbten Beutetieren als Tarnung.[2] Darüber hinaus atmet Flabellina iodinea mit ihren Cerata.

Bei Bedrohung vermag sich die Schnecke durch kräftiges Beugen ihres Körpers vom Boden abzustoßen und in freies Wasser zu entkommen.

Der Spanische Schal ist ein Hermaphrodit, doch tritt Selbstbefruchtung sehr selten auf. Vielmehr begatten sich zwei Tiere wechselseitig.


Flabellina iodinea frisst als Nahrungsspezialist Hydroidpolypen der Art Eudendrium ramosum. Wie andere Fadenschnecken speichert sie in ihren Cerata auf ihrem Rücken Kleptocniden.


Nach der gegenseitigen Begattung der hermaphroditischen Schnecken legen diese an den Beutehydrozoen hellrosa-orangefarbene Eibänder ab. Bei 14 °C entwickeln sich die Eier in 7 Tagen zu Veliger-Larven, die sich von Plankton ernähren und nach einer Phase als Zooplankton zu fertigen Schnecken metamorphosieren.


Flabellina iodinea lebt an der nordamerikanischen Pazifikküste zwischen British Columbia (Kanada) und Punta Asunción (Baja California Sur, Mexiko). Darüber hinaus tritt sie im Golf von Kalifornien und an den Galapagos-Inseln auf. Die Schnecke ist ebenso vor Santa Catalina Island (Kalifornien) gefunden worden.[3] Sie lebt in Meerestiefen von der Gezeitenzone bis zu 40 m.


  • J. Duane Sept: The Beachcomber's Guide to Seashore Life of California. Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park (BC Canada) 2002. Spanish Shawl, Flabellina iodinea, S. 122.


  1. Savannah J. Dearden, Amitabh Ghoshal, Daniel G. DeMartini, Daniel E. Morse: Sparkling reflective stacks of purine crystals in the Nudibranch Flabellina iodinea. In: The Biological Bulletin, Band 234, Nr. 2, 2018, S. 116–129.
  2. Jeff H. R. Goddard: The Sea Slug Forum - Flabellina iodinea. Australian Museum. 2000. Abgerufen am 3. Oktober 2017.
  3. Jeff H. R. Goddard: Spanish Shawl. The Slugsite. 2000. Abgerufen am 3. Oktober 2017.
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wikipedia DE

Spanischer Schal: Brief Summary ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Der Spanische Schal (Flabellina iodinea) ist eine Fadenschnecke aus der Familie Flabellinidae, die an der Pazifikküste Nordamerikas heimisch ist. Sie gehört in die Unterordnung der Nacktkiemer (Nudibranchia).

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Flabellinopsis iodinea ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Flabellinopsis iodinea, the Spanish shawl, is a species of aeolid nudibranch, a very colorful sea slug. This is a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Flabellinidae.


This species is native to the west coast of North America and farther south. It has been reported as far north as British Columbia, Canada, and as far south as Punta Asunción, Baja California Sur, Mexico. In addition it is found in the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands.

It has been found off the coast of Santa Catalina Island, California.[1] It has also been found off the coast of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and San Diego, California .


This nudibranch displays a stunning set of colors: the body is purple, the cerata are orange and the rhinophores are scarlet. The neon orange appendages on the back of Flabellinopsis iodinea are the cerata which extract oxygen from the sea water they are surrounded by and live in. The cerata are also extensions of the digestive system, and are used to store the stinging cells of the anemones and fan-like hydroids they eat. The red rhinophores are sensory structures used for detecting the presence of possible mates and prey. The purple, red, and orange colors are derived from a single carotenoid pigment, astaxanthin. The pigment appears in three modified states, leading to the three distinct colors.[2]

Scientists think the reason why the Spanish Shawl's gills are orange is so they can camouflage with their prey while they are eating. The orange gills on their backs are also a warning to potential predators. The color tells their predators that they are either poisonous or distasteful.

Life habits

Spanish shawls are hermaphrodites, which means they have both male and female reproductive organs. However, self-fertilisation very rarely occurs. When threatened by other predators, they can gracefully move away by flexing their body strongly and pushing off from the substrate and into midwater.



  1. ^ "Spanish Shawl". The Slugsite. Retrieved 16 April 2006.
  2. ^ "The Sea Slug Forum - Flabellina iodinea". Australian Museum. Archived from the original on 17 October 2007. Retrieved 15 April 2008.
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Flabellinopsis iodinea: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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Flabellinopsis iodinea, the Spanish shawl, is a species of aeolid nudibranch, a very colorful sea slug. This is a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Flabellinidae.

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Flabellina iodinea ( espagnol ; castillan )

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Flabellina iodinea, también conocida como chal español, es una colorida babosa de mar perteneciente a los gasterópodos que forma parte de la familia Flabellinidae. Habita en zonas del intermareal del Océano Pacífico.[1]

Clasificación y descripción

Flabellina iodinea es un nudibranquio de la familia Flabellinidae, del orden Nudibranchia. Su color es bastante particular; tiene un cuerpo de color morado obscuro y una serie de ceratas del mismo color del cuerpo en la base y en el resto presenta un color anaranjado brillante. Los rinóforos son perfoliados, de color marrón y con el raquis de color blanco. Los tentáculos orales son del mismo color del cuerpo y de color más blanquecino hacía la zona más apical. Alcanza hasta os 60 mm de longitud.[1]​ Ocasionalmente se le puede observar nadando en la columna de agua.


Esta especie se distribuye desde la Isla de Vancouver, en la Columbia Británica, hasta Baja California, incluyendo el Golfo de California; en México y también hasta las islas Galápagos.[1]


Flabellina iodinea habita en el submareal profundo.[1]

Estado de conservación

Hasta el momento, en México no se encuentra en ninguna categoría de protección, ni en la Lista Roja de la IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) ni en CITES (Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres).


  1. a b c d Behrens D.W. & Hermosillo A. 2005. Eastern Pacific nudibranch, a guide to the opisthobranchs from Alaska to Central America. Sea Challengers, Monterey, California. 137 pp.

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Flabellina iodinea: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

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Flabellina iodinea, también conocida como chal español, es una colorida babosa de mar perteneciente a los gasterópodos que forma parte de la familia Flabellinidae. Habita en zonas del intermareal del Océano Pacífico.​

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Flabellina iodinea

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Flabellinopsis iodinea[3], unique représentant du genre Flabellinopsis, est une espèce de mollusques nudibranches de la famille des Flabellinopsidae.


L'espèce Flabellinopsis iodinea a été initialement décrite en 1863 par le chirurgien et naturaliste américain James Graham Cooper (1830-1902) sous le protonyme d’Aeolis iodinea[1],[4].

Le malacologiste américain Frank Mace MacFarland (d) (1869-1951) crée le genre Flabellinopsis pour l'y ranger sous le taxon actuel[1]. À noter que ce n'est que 15 ans après sa mort qu'a été publié son mémoire et que c'est la date de 1966 qui est reconnue[5].

Publication originale

  • Genre Flabellinopsis :
    • (en) Frank Mace MacFarland, « Studies of opisthobranchiate mollusks of the Pacific coast of North America », Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Inconnu, vol. 6,‎ 8 avril 1966, p. 1-546 (ISSN , OCLC , lire en ligne)
  • Espèce Flabellinopsis iodinea (sous le taxon Aeolis iodinea) :

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Flabellina iodinea: Brief Summary

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Flabellinopsis iodinea, unique représentant du genre Flabellinopsis, est une espèce de mollusques nudibranches de la famille des Flabellinopsidae.

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Španjolski šal ( Croate )

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Španjolski šal (Flabellina iodinea) vrsta je morskog puža golaća iz porodice Flabellinidae.

Ova se vrsta može naći kraj zapadne obale Sjeverne Amerike. Tijelo puža je ljubičasto, s narančastim izraslinama.

Premda je ova vrsta hermafrodit (ima i muške i ženske spolne organe), rijetko dolazi do samooplodnje.


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Španjolski šal: Brief Summary ( Croate )

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Španjolski šal (Flabellina iodinea) vrsta je morskog puža golaća iz porodice Flabellinidae.

Ova se vrsta može naći kraj zapadne obale Sjeverne Amerike. Tijelo puža je ljubičasto, s narančastim izraslinama.

Premda je ova vrsta hermafrodit (ima i muške i ženske spolne organe), rijetko dolazi do samooplodnje.

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Flabellina iodinea ( italien )

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Flabellinopsis iodinea (J.G.Cooper, 1863) è un mollusco nudibranchio, unica specie nota del genere Flabellinopsis e della famiglia Flabellinopsidae.[1]


Corpo violaceo, rinofori rossi, cerata arancio, molto evidenti.


Si nutre in modo esclusivo dell'idrozoo Eudendrium racemosum.


  1. ^ (EN) MolluscaBase eds. 2020, Flabellinopsis iodinea (J.G.Cooper, 1863), in WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). URL consultato il 20/7/2020.

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Flabellina iodinea: Brief Summary ( italien )

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Flabellinopsis iodinea (J.G.Cooper, 1863) è un mollusco nudibranchio, unica specie nota del genere Flabellinopsis e della famiglia Flabellinopsidae.

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