
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Bulbostylis pubescens (Presl) Svenson, comb. nov
Abildgaardia pubescens Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1 : 180. 1828.
Fimbristylis Preslii Kunth, Enum. PI. 2 : 228. 1837.
Bulbostylis clavinux Clarke, 111. Cyp. pi. 41, f. 1-3. 1909. (Mexico.)
Annual? Culms filiform, glabrous to slightly hispid, 1-3 dm. high, deeply sulcate; leaves setaceous, glabrous to hispid, much shorter than the culms, the sheaths stramineous, longpilose at the apex; spikelet single and terminal (sometimes with a single acicular bract half the length of the spikelet), ovate, 5-13 mm. long, 3-6 mm. wide; scales nearly glabrous to hirtellous, stramineous to black, with greenish midrib, acute and sometimes prominently mucronate, little or not at all keeled, becoming loose and spreading at maturity; mature achenes broadly obovate, truncate to depressed at the apex and deeply 3-lobed, abruptly narrowed below the middle, prominently transversely rugose ; tubercle conic, trigonous, light brown, frequently deciduous; style elongated and thickened (1.5 mm. long below the branches) ; stamens 3, the anthers 1.0 mm. long.
Type locality : "Mexico and Luzon" (excluded from Philippines by Merrill, Enum. Philip. PI. 1: 127. 1922).
Distribution: Mexico (Morelos, Chiapas, Mexico [state]); Colombia.
citation bibliographique
Henry Knut Svenson. 1957. (POALES); (CYPERACEAE); SCIRPEAE (CONTINUATIO). North American flora. vol 18(9). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora