
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Uva-ursi manzanita (Parry) Abrams
Arctostaphylos Manzanita Parry, Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 491. 1887. Arctosiaphylos elegans Jepson, Erythea 1: 15. 1893.
An erect bushy or arborescent shrub, 2-4 m. high, with dark reddish-brown bark and
puberulent or rarely nearly glabrous branchlets; leaf-blades ovate to suborbicular or obovate,
25-45 mm. long, obtuse or rounded and mucronate at the apex, firm-coriaceous, dull-green
with a bloom, somewhat puberulent when young, becoming glabrous; flowers in more or less
ample panicles ; branches of the inflorescence hoarytomentose to nearly glabrous ; calyx-lobes
broadly ovate, glabrous; corolla 7-8 mm. long, pale-pink to white; ovary glabrous; fruit
more or less depressed-globose, 8-12 mm. broad; nutlets irregularly coalescent, carinate on
the back and rugose.
Type locality: Foothills of the coast ranges north of San Francisco, California. Distribution: Southern Oregon, and southward through the foothills of the coast ranges and the Sierra Nevada to central California.
citation bibliographique
John Kunkel Small, NathanieI Lord Britton, Per Axel Rydberg, LeRoy Abrams. 1914. ERICALES, CLETHRACEAE, LENNOACEAE, PTROLACEAE, MONOTROPACEAE, ERICACEAE, UVA-URSI. North American flora. vol 29(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora