Image de Schmidtea mediterranea Benazzi, Baguna, Ballester & del Papa 1975
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Schmidtea mediterranea Benazzi, Baguna, Ballester & del Papa 1975

Schmidtea mediterranea ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Schmidtea mediterranea és una espècie de triclàdide dugèsid que viu al sud d'Europa i a Tunísia.[2] És un model pels estudis de regeneració i desenvolupament de teixits.[3][4]


Schmidtea mediterranea es troba en algunes àrees costaneres i illes de l'oest del Mediterrani: Catalunya, Menorca, Mallorca, Còrsega, Sardenya, Sicília i Tunísia.[5][6][7][8][2]


Aquesta espècie presenta dos tipus de reproducció: sexual anfimíctica i asexual fissípara.[9] La majoria de les poblacions de Schmidtea mediterranea són diploides.

Aquells individus que es reprodueixen per fissió presenten una translocació heteromòrfica entre el primer i el tercer cromosoma, afectant un únic cromosoma de cada parell.[5][6][7] Les poblacions diploides de reproducció asexual es troben únicament a Catalunya i a les illes Balears. A Menorca es troba una població triploide també asexual.[1]

Es coneix una població triploid de reproducció sexual a l'illa de Sardenya.[10]


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  1. 1,0 1,1 Eva M Lázaro, Abdul Halim Harrath, Giacinta A Stocchino, Maria Pala, Jaume Baguñà, Marta Riutort. Schmidtea mediterranea phylogeography: an old species surviving on a few Mediterranean islands?. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:274.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Abdel Halim Harrath, Mohamed Charni, Ronald Sluys, Fathia Zghal & Saida Tekaya «Ecology and distribution of the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea in Tunisia». Italian Journal of Zoology, 71, 3, 2004, pàg. 233–236. DOI: 10.1080/11250000409356577.
  3. Salo E, Baguñà J: Regeneration in planarians and other worms: New findings, new tools, and new perspectives. Journal of Experimental Zoology 2002, 292(6):528-539.
  4. Reddien PW, Sanchez-Alvarado A: Fundamentals of planarian regeneration. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2004, 20:725-757.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Benazzi M, Baguñà J, Ballester R, Puccinelli I, Papa RD: Further Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Dugesia lugubris-polychroa Group with Description of Dugesia mediterranea n. sp. (Tricladida, Paludicola). Bolletino di zoologia 1975, 42(1):81-89.
  6. 6,0 6,1 Ribas M: Cariologia, sistematica i biogeografia de les Planaries d'aigues dolces al Països Catalans. 1990.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Baguñà J. Carranza S, Pala M, Ribera C, Giribet G, Arnedo M, Ribas M, Riutort M: From morphology and kariology to molecules. New methods for taxonomical identification of asexual populations of freshwater planarians. A tribute to Professor Mario Benazzi. Italian Journal of Zoology 1999, 66:207-214.
  8. De Vries EJ, Baguñà J, Ball IR: Chromosomal polymorphism in planarians and the plate tectonics of the western Mediterranean. Genetica 1984, 62:187-191.
  9. Benazzi M, Baguñà J, Ballester R: First report on an asexual form of the planarian Dugesia lugubris s. l. Lincei - Rendiconti Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, XLVIII:282-283.
  10. Casu S, Pala M, Vacca RA: Distribuzione geografica in Sardegna di planarie d'acqua dolce appartenenti alla specie "Dugesia (S.) polychroa" e "Dugesia (S.) mediterranea". Boll Soc Sarda Sc Naturali 1982, 21:177-184.
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Schmidtea mediterranea: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Schmidtea mediterranea és una espècie de triclàdide dugèsid que viu al sud d'Europa i a Tunísia. És un model pels estudis de regeneració i desenvolupament de teixits.

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Schmidtea mediterranea ( anglais )

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Schmidtea mediterranea is a freshwater triclad that lives in southern Europe and Tunisia.[2] It is a model for regeneration, stem cells and development of tissues such as the brain and germline.[3][4]


Schmidtea mediterranea is found in some coastal areas and islands in the western Mediterranean (Catalonia, Menorca, Mallorca, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Tunisia).[2][5][6][7][8]


High water temperatures of 25–27 °C have deleterious effects on populations of S. mediterranea, while this species tolerates variations in the acidity of the water (pH 6.9–8.9) without a noticeable influence on their survival.[2]

S. mediterranea can be found with associated fauna such as gastropods, bivalves, insects, leeches, and nematodes.[2]


The sexual specimens of Schmidtea mediterranea produce cocoons between November and April. In May, when water temperature rises above 20 °C, they lose their reproductive apparatus. Despite this, they don't reproduce asexually (by fissiparity) during the summer months.[2]


Almost any piece from a Schmidtea mediterranea individual can regenerate an entire organism in a few days.[5] This is in part enabled by the presence of abundant pluripotent stem cells[9] called neoblasts. Transplantation of a single neoblast to a fatally injured animal has been shown to rescue the animal[9]

An analysis of the genome of S. mediterranea indicated the presence of a previously unknown family of long terminal repeats and the lack of several essential genes, including genes responsible for the synthesis of fatty acids and the MAD1 and MAD2 genes, which were thought to be essential components of the spindle assembly checkpoint.[10]


  1. ^ E.M. Lazaro, A.H. Harrath, G.A. Stocchino, M. Pala, J. Baguna, M. Riutort, Schmidtea mediterranea phylogeography: an old species surviving on a few Mediterranean islands?, BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11 (2011) 274.
  2. ^ a b c d e Abdel Halim Harrath; Mohamed Charni; Ronald Sluys; Fathia Zghal & Saida Tekaya (2004). "Ecology and distribution of the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea in Tunisia". Italian Journal of Zoology. 71 (3): 233–236. doi:10.1080/11250000409356577.
  3. ^ Salo E, Baguñà J: Regeneration in planarians and other worms: New findings, new tools, and new perspectives. Journal of Experimental Zoology 2002, 292(6):528-539.
  4. ^ Reddien PW, Sanchez-Alvarado A: Fundamentals of planarian regeneration. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2004, 20:725-757.
  5. ^ a b Benazzi M, Baguñà J, Ballester R, Puccinelli I, Papa RD: Further Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Dugesia lugubris-polychroa Group with Description of Dugesia mediterranea n. sp. (Tricladida, Paludicola). Bolletino di zoologia 1975, 42(1):81-89.
  6. ^ Ribas M: Cariologia, sistematica i biogeografia de les Planaries d'aigues dolces al Països Catalans. 1990.
  7. ^ Baguñà J. Carranza S, Pala M, Ribera C, Giribet G, Arnedo M, Ribas M, Riutort M: From morphology and kariology to molecules. New methods for taxonomical identification of asexual populations of freshwater planarians. A tribute to Professor Mario Benazzi. Italian Journal of Zoology 1999, 66:207-214.
  8. ^ De Vries EJ, Baguñà J, Ball IR: Chromosomal polymorphism in planarians and the plate tectonics of the western Mediterranean. Genetica 1984, 62:187-191.
  9. ^ a b Wagner, Daniel E.; Wang, Irving E.; Reddien, Peter W. (2011-05-13). "Clonogenic Neoblasts Are Pluripotent Adult Stem Cells That Underlie Planarian Regeneration". Science. 332 (6031): 811–816. doi:10.1126/science.1203983. hdl:1721.1/110557. ISSN 0036-8075. PMC 3338249. PMID 21566185.
  10. ^ Grohme, M. A.; Schloissnig, S.; Rozanski, A.; Pippel, M.; Young, G. R.; Winkler, S.; Brandl, H.; Henry, I.; Dahl, A.; Powell, S.; Hiller, M.; Myers, E.; Rink, J. C. (2018). "The genome of Schmidtea mediterranea and the evolution of core cellular mechanisms". Nature. 554 (7690): 56–61. doi:10.1038/nature25473. PMC 5797480. PMID 29364871.

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wikipedia EN

Schmidtea mediterranea: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Schmidtea mediterranea is a freshwater triclad that lives in southern Europe and Tunisia. It is a model for regeneration, stem cells and development of tissues such as the brain and germline.

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Schmidtea mediterranea ( espagnol ; castillan )

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Schmidtea mediterranea es una especie de tricládidos de agua dulce, de la familia de los dugésidos, que vive en el sur de Europa y Túnez.[2]​ Es un modelo muy usado en estudios sobre regeneración, células madre y el desarrollo de tejidos como el cerebro y la línea germinal.[3][4]


Schmidtea mediterranea se encuentra en algunas zonas costeras e islas del Mediterráneo occidental: Cataluña, Menorca, Mallorca, Córcega, Cerdeña, Sicilia y Túnez.[2][5][6][7][8]


Las altas temperaturas del agua (25-27 °C) tienen efectos deletéreos en las poblaciones de S. mediterranea, mientras que las variaciones en el pH del agua (6,9-8,9) no parecen tener una influencia importante en la supervivencia de esta especie.[2]

S. mediterranea se puede encontrar con fauna asociada como gasterópodos, bivalvos, insectos, sanguijuelas y nemátodos.[2]


Los ejemplares sexuales de Schmidtea mediterranea producen capullos entre noviembre y abril. En mayo, cuando la temperatura del agua aumenta por encima de los 20 °C, pierden su aparato reproductor. A pesar de esto, no se reproducen asexualmente (por escisión) durante los meses de verano.[2]


Casi cualquier parte de un individuo de Schmidtea mediterranea puede regenerar un organismo completo en pocos días.[5]​ Esto es en parte posible gracias a la presencia de abundantes células madre pluripotentes[9]​ llamadas neoblastos.


  1. E.M. Lazaro, A.H. Harrath, G.A. Stocchino, M. Pala, J. Baguna, M. Riutort, Schmidtea mediterranea phylogeography: an old species surviving on a few Mediterranean islands?, BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11 (2011) 274.
  2. a b c d e Abdel Halim Harrath, Mohamed Charni, Ronald Sluys, Fathia Zghal & Saida Tekaya (2004). «Ecology and distribution of the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea in Tunisia». Italian Journal of Zoology 71 (3): 233-236. doi:10.1080/11250000409356577.
  3. Salo E, Baguñà J: Regeneration in planarians and other worms: New findings, new tools, and new perspectives. Journal of Experimental Zoology 2002, 292(6):528-539.
  4. Reddien PW, Sanchez-Alvarado A: Fundamentals of planarian regeneration. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2004, 20:725-757.
  5. a b Benazzi M, Baguñà J, Ballester R, Puccinelli I, Papa RD: Further Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Dugesia lugubris-polychroa Group with Description of Dugesia mediterranea n. sp. (Tricladida, Paludicola). Bolletino di zoologia 1975, 42(1):81-89.
  6. Ribas M: Cariologia, sistematica i biogeografia de les Planaries d'aigues dolces al Països Catalans. 1990.
  7. Baguñà J. Carranza S, Pala M, Ribera C, Giribet G, Arnedo M, Ribas M, Riutort M: From morphology and kariology to molecules. New methods for taxonomical identification of asexual populations of freshwater planarians. A tribute to Professor Mario Benazzi. Italian Journal of Zoology 1999, 66:207-214.
  8. De Vries EJ, Baguñà J, Ball IR: Chromosomal polymorphism in planarians and the plate tectonics of the western Mediterranean. Genetica 1984, 62:187-191.
  9. Wagner, Daniel E.; Wang, Irving E.; Reddien, Peter W. (13 de mayo de 2011). «Clonogenic Neoblasts Are Pluripotent Adult Stem Cells That Underlie Planarian Regeneration». Science (en inglés) 332 (6031): 811-816. ISSN 0036-8075. PMC 3338249. PMID 21566185. doi:10.1126/science.1203983.
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wikipedia ES

Schmidtea mediterranea: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Schmidtea mediterranea es una especie de tricládidos de agua dulce, de la familia de los dugésidos, que vive en el sur de Europa y Túnez.​ Es un modelo muy usado en estudios sobre regeneración, células madre y el desarrollo de tejidos como el cerebro y la línea germinal.​​

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Schmidtea mediterranea ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

Schmidtea mediterranea is een platworm (Platyhelminthes). De worm is tweeslachtig. De soort leeft in of nabij zoet water.

Het geslacht Schmidtea, waarin de platworm wordt geplaatst, wordt tot de familie Dugesiidae gerekend. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd, als Dugesia mediterranea, voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1975 door Benazzi, Baguna, Ballester & del Papa.

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Schmidtea mediterranea ( norvégien )

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Schmidtea mediterranea er ein flatmakk som lever i ferskvatn. Han vert nytta som modellorganisme mellom anna for regenerering. Arten er i stand til å danna heile organismar frå små avskorne bitar på sju dagar.[1]

S. mediterranea finst vest i Middelhavet, på øyar som Mallorca og Sicilia og i Tunisia og Catalonia.[2]


  1. Robb, S. M.C.; Ross, E.; Alvarado, A. S. (2008). «SmedGD: The Schmidtea mediterranea genome database». Nucleic Acids Research 36 (Database issue): D599–606. PMC 2238899. PMID 17881371. doi:10.1093/nar/gkm684.
  2. Lázaro, Eva M; Harrath, Abdul Halim; Stocchino, Giacinta A; Pala, Maria; Baguñà, Jaume; Riutort, Marta (26. september 2011). «Schmidtea mediterranea phylogeography: An old species surviving on a few Mediterranean islands?». BMC Evolutionary Biology 11. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-274.
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Schmidtea mediterranea: Brief Summary ( norvégien )

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Schmidtea mediterranea er ein flatmakk som lever i ferskvatn. Han vert nytta som modellorganisme mellom anna for regenerering. Arten er i stand til å danna heile organismar frå små avskorne bitar på sju dagar.

S. mediterranea finst vest i Middelhavet, på øyar som Mallorca og Sicilia og i Tunisia og Catalonia.

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Schmidtea mediterranea ( vietnamien )

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Schmidtea mediterranea là một loài giun dẹp nước ngọt sống ở miền nam châu ÂuTunisia.[2] Đây là một sinh vật mô hình cho sự tái sinh và phát triển của các mô như não.[3][4]

Phân bố

Schmidtea mediterranea được tìm thấy ở một số vùng ven biển và hải đảo ở Tây Địa Trung Hải: Catalonia, Menorca, Mallorca, Corsica, Sardinia, SicilyTunisia.[2][5][6][7][8]

Sinh thái

Nhiệt độ nước cao (25-27 °C) có tác dụng tiêu diệt S. mediterranea, trong khi sự khác biệt về độ pH của nước (6,9-8,9) dường như không có ảnh hưởng quan trọng tới sự tồn tại của loài này.[2]

S. mediterranea có thể có liên hệ với các động vật như các loài chân bụng, hai mảnh vỏ, côn trùng, đỉa, và tuyến trùng.[2]

Sinh sản

Mẫu vật sinh sản của Schmidtea mediterranea đón kén giữa tháng 11 và tháng tư. Trong tháng Năm, khi nhiệt độ nước tăng lên trên 20 °C, chúng sẽ mất bộ máy sinh sản của chúng. Mặc dù vậy, chúng không sinh sản vô tính (bằng cách phân đôi) trong những tháng mùa hè.[2]

Chú thích

  1. ^ E.M. Lazaro, A.H. Harrath, G.A. Stocchino, M. Pala, J. Baguna, M. Riutort, Schmidtea mediterranea phylogeography: an old species surviving on a few Mediterranean islands?, BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11 (2011) 274.
  2. ^ a ă â b c Abdel Halim Harrath, Mohamed Charni, Ronald Sluys, Fathia Zghal & Saida Tekaya (2004). “Ecology and distribution of the freshwater planarian Schmidtea mediterranea in Tunisia”. Italian Journal of Zoology 71 (3): 233–236. doi:10.1080/11250000409356577.
  3. ^ Salo E, Baguñà J: Regeneration in planarians and other worms: New findings, new tools, and new perspectives. Journal of Experimental Zoology 2002, 292(6):528-539.
  4. ^ Reddien PW, Sanchez-Alvarado A: Fundamentals of planarian regeneration. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2004, 20:725-757.
  5. ^ Benazzi M, Baguñà J, Ballester R, Puccinelli I, Papa RD: Further Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Dugesia lugubris-polychroa Group with Description of Dugesia mediterranea n. sp. (Tricladida, Paludicola). Bolletino di zoologia 1975, 42(1):81-89.
  6. ^ Ribas M: Cariologia, sistematica i biogeografia de les Planaries d'aigues dolces al Països Catalans. 1990.
  7. ^ Baguñà J. Carranza S, Pala M, Ribera C, Giribet G, Arnedo M, Ribas M, Riutort M: From morphology and kariology to molecules. New methods for taxonomical identification of asexual populations of freshwater planarians. A tribute to Professor Mario Benazzi. Italian Journal of Zoology 1999, 66:207-214.
  8. ^ De Vries EJ, Baguñà J, Ball IR: Chromosomal polymorphism in planarians and the plate tectonics of the western Mediterranean. Genetica 1984, 62:187-191.

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Schmidtea mediterranea: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Schmidtea mediterranea là một loài giun dẹp nước ngọt sống ở miền nam châu ÂuTunisia. Đây là một sinh vật mô hình cho sự tái sinh và phát triển của các mô như não.

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