
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Cyathea concinna (Baker) Jenman, Bull. Dep. Agr
Jamaica 26 : 4. 1891.
Cyathea arborea concinna Baker; Jenman, Jour. Bot. 19: 52. 1881.
Caudex erect, very stout, post-like, 4-6 meters high, 15-20 cm. in diameter, of uniform thickness and rough-surfaced throughout, the fronds freely deciduous, frequently all falling together seasonally, leaving close deep pit-like broadly oval scars, these rough with projecting fibrovascular bundles ; stipe 2 cm. or less in diameter, 35 cm. or more long, lightor dark-brown, densely furfuraceous, darker at the base, with long (1.5-2.5 cm.) lanceolate bright-brown scariose-margined scales and relatively slender antrorse curved scattered darkbrown spines 9 mm. or less long, tuberculate above; lamina rather narrow, 2-3 meters long, 70-90 cm. broad, subcortaceous, dark -green above, paler below, unequally tripinnatifid, the primary rachis pale-brown, pubescent and sparingly fibrillose above, below smoothish and lightly puberulo-furfuraceous, the secondary rachis similar, with a few deciduous lustrous brown lanceolate scales ; pinnae numerous, alternate, close-set, sessile, linear to linear-lanceolate, 35-45 cm. long, 7-8 cm. broad, acuminate; pinnules 35-45 pairs, approximate or a little spaced, sessile, unequal in length (3-5 cm.) and width (4-9 mm.), lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, irregularly cut one half to three fourths the distance to the costa into about 14-17 pairs of close unequal oblong or deltoid-oblong subacute segments below the short or acute serrateapex, or, in fertile specimens, the lower half (excluding theouter basal segment) lightly and irregularly lobate, the lobes mostly unisoriate, the margins frequently incurved and embracing the sorus, the pinnule thus appearing oblanceolate or 1 in ear-spat ulate ; costa glabrous above or setose with a few appressed hairs, below pilose and paleaceous, the scales olivaceous or brownish, lanceolate or broader and somewhat bullate ; costules similar below ; veins few, mostly simple ; sori basal upon the veins and segments ; indusia deeply cyathiform, membranous, very fragile ; receptacle large, equaling, or with age extruding from, the indusium.
Type locality : Below New Haven Gap (north), Jamaica.
Distribution : Not infrequent in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica at altitudes of from 1500 to
citation bibliographique
Lucien Marcus Underwood, Ralph Curtiss BenedictWilliam Ralph Maxon. 1909. OPHIOGLOSSALES-FILICALES; OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, MARATTIACEAE, OSMUNDACEAE, CERATOPTERIDACEAE, SCHIZAEACEAE, GLEICHENIACEAE, CYATHEACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 16(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora