
Xenophora pallidula ( anglais )

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Xenophora pallidula is a species of large sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Xenophoridae, the carrier shells.[1]


Xenophora pallidula, also known as the Pallid Carrier Shells, are relatively small, averaging about 68-78mm in length and 72-82mm in width.[2] These snails have a light appearance, usually white or off-white in color. These snails get their name from the Latin word, Xenophoridae which means “foreign carrying”. In other words, these species will attach objects like coral skeletons, fragmented shells, and other debris to the dorsal side of their shell. These attachments often create a radial pattern around the whorls. While this is a commonality amongst the species in this family, the Xenophora pallidula are known to cover more of their shell than other species in the family, with over half their shell hidden. And as the organism grows, there will be more and larger foreign material attached.[3] This is not energetically favorable as the snails secrete mucus, which acts as a glue to hold the material in position.[3] Yet the layout of the shell is a source of protection in various ways. The unique shell makes it harder to put into a predator's mouth and swallow. Additionally, due to the type of objects glued to the shell, it serves as a method of camouflage amongst any debris. A spire is also attached to the shell of these snails and only adds to its intricacy. Most have a fairly high spire, with a spire angle ranging between 65 and 92 degrees.[2]


Xenophora pallidula was originally found in the Mascarene Basin in the Indian Ocean. [1] Currently, they are found in tropical areas such as the Indo-Pacific ocean area. This species is commonly found in or near Australia, India, Nicobar Islands, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines and occasionally by South Africa.[4] In these areas, the Xenophora pallidula is found in shallower waters of the benthic zone. They are commonly found at depths of 200 meters to 570 meters but can be as deep as 960 meters.[2]


As a part of the Xenophora family, the Pallid Carrier shells are grazers that feed upon detritus from the sea floor.[5] The snails are able to acquire food since they are mobile, even though it is limited. This marine species reproduce sexually and externally but are not hermaphroditic.[4] Rather have individuals that identify with a distinct sex and have specific reproduction organs for the entirety of their lifespan. Once reproduction has begun, embryos develop into planktonic trochophore, which is a young larvae and then into the final larval stage before becoming fully grown adults.[4]


  1. ^ a b c Xenophora pallidula (Reeve, 1842). WoRMS (2010). Xenophora (Xenophora) pallidula (Reeve, 1842). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=208542 on 9 July 2010 .
  2. ^ a b c Bijoy Nandan, S.; Priyaja, P.; Jayachandran, P.R. (2020). Frontiers in Benthic Science. Kochi, India: Directorate of Public Relations and Publications. ISBN 978-81-936217-7-6.
  3. ^ a b Prem Anand, T.; Deepak Samuel, V.; Patterson Edward, J.K. (2001). "Gastropod shells attach to the surface of Xenophora pallidula (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)" (PDF). Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication. 25 (2): 363–365.
  4. ^ a b c "Xenophora pallidula, Pallid carrier-shell". www.sealifebase.ca. Retrieved 2022-04-26.
  5. ^ "Xenophora pallidula". www.mindat.org. Hudson Institute of Mineralogy. 1993. Retrieved 2022-04-26.

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Xenophora pallidula: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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Xenophora pallidula is a species of large sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Xenophoridae, the carrier shells.

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Xenophora (Xenophora) pallidula ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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Xenophora (Xenophora) pallidula is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Xenophoridae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1842 door Reeve.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. WoRMS (2012). Xenophora (Xenophora) pallidula (Reeve, 1842). Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=208542
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Śmieciarka blada ( polonais )

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Śmieciarka blada (Xenophora pallidula) – gatunek średniej wielkości ślimaka morskiego z rodziny Xenophoridae. Występuje w bentosie szelfu kontynentalnego wokół Afryki Południowej, Japonii, w Indo-Pacyfiku.

Etymologia nazwy

Nazwa rodzajowa (Xenophora) odzwierciedla zdolności ślimaka do trwałego wbudowywania w muszlę najrozmaitszych ciał obcych (xenos grek. – obcy, phorein – przenosić), epitet gatunkowy (pallidula łac. – zupełnie blada[1]).

Cechy morfologiczne

Widok od strony otworu muszli śmieciarki bladej (Xenophora pallidula).

Muszle średniej wielkości (średnica od 2,2 do 10 cm), o niskiej, szeroko stożkowatej skrętce, z zaostrzonymi obwodowymi krańcami skrętów. Muszla cienka. Na wszystkich skrętach, zwłaszcza na obwodzie i w dolnej części, ślimak wbudowuje muszle innych mięczaków, koralowce, kamyki. Muszle przyczepiane są w regularnych odstępach, promieniście. Dołek osiowy wąski, ale głęboki. Podstawa muszli z promieniście rozbiegającymi się łukowatymi powrózkami. Szew nieregularny, wgłębiony. Powierzchnia muszli tam, gdzie nie ma wbudowanych „obcych” elementów jest biała, delikatnie karbowana. Wieczko cienkie, gładkie, konchiolinowe. Otwór muszli owalny, lekko spłaszczony, biały, z porcelanowym połyskiem[2][3]. Dobrze rozwinięta noga jest podzielona na dwie części, z których jedna (tylna) wytwarza i przenosi wieczko, a druga (przednia) służy do lokomocji. Para czułków na głowie, oczy leżą u ich podstawy[2].


Występuje w wodach wokół Afryki południowej, Japonii, w Indopacyfiku. Gatunek niezbyt pospolity[2].

Biologia i ekologia

Zajmowane siedliska

Żyją w sublitoralu, aż do podnóży stoku kontynentalnego. W środowisku poruszają się szybkimi skokami[2].

Maskowanie muszli

Podobnie jak inni przedstawiciele Xenophoridae, mają zdolność do wbudowywania w zewnętrzną ścianę muszli najrozmaitszych przedmiotów i ciał obcych, które znajdują w otaczającym je środowisku, m.in.: kamyków, muszli innych mięczaków, szkieletów i żywych kolonii koralowców, gąbek, rurek wieloszczetów. Obiekty te są przytwierdzane do muszli za pomocą wydzieliny produkowanej przez nogę. Wydzielina ta produkowana jest przez całe życie ślimaka[2].


  1. Kumaniecki K. 1975. Słownik łacińsko-polski. PWN Warszawa, str 546.
  2. a b c d e Wąsowski R. 2000. Przewodnik: Muszle. Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza Sp. Z o.o., Warszawa, ​ISBN 83-7073-250-X​, str. 116-117.
  3. Dance P. 1998. Muszle. Seria: „Kolekcjoner”. Wydawnictwo Wiedza i Życie. Warszawa, ​ISBN 83-7184-921-4​. str. 55.


  • Wąsowski R. 2000. Przewodnik: Muszle. Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza Sp. Z o.o., Warszawa, ​ISBN 83-7073-250-X​, pp.336.
  • Dance P. 1998. Muszle. Seria: „Kolekcjoner”. Wydawnictwo Wiedza i Życie. Warszawa, ​ISBN 83-7184-921-4​.

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Śmieciarka blada: Brief Summary ( polonais )

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Śmieciarka blada (Xenophora pallidula) – gatunek średniej wielkości ślimaka morskiego z rodziny Xenophoridae. Występuje w bentosie szelfu kontynentalnego wokół Afryki Południowej, Japonii, w Indo-Pacyfiku.

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Xenophora pallidula ( portugais )

fourni par wikipedia PT

Xenophora pallidula (nomeada, em inglês, pallid carrier-shell[5][6][7][8] ou pale carrier-shell[2]; na tradução para o português, "concha-transportadora-pálida") é uma espécie de molusco gastrópode marinho pertencente à família Xenophoridae, na ordem Littorinimorpha. Foi classificada por Lovell Augustus Reeve, em 1842, originalmente denominada Phorus pallidulus[1][5][9]; sendo distribuída pela região sul da África e costas do Indo-Pacífico, incluindo Filipinas, sul do Japão e Nova Caledônia, na areia da zona nerítica até profundidades consideráveis de quase 1.000 metros.[2][5][7][8]

Descrição da concha

Concha de formato circular, em vista superior ou inferior, e cônica de espiral baixa, em vista lateral, chegando até 13 centímetros, quando desenvolvida e de coloração branca a amarelada.[10] Ela é caracterizada por aglutinações, na superfície de sua concha, de outras conchas, completas ou quebradas, de moluscos bivalves, gastrópodes, escafópodes e ramos ou fragmentos de corais, Porifera, seixos a detritos de rochas, podendo formar um arranjo radial simétrico; após a Revolução Industrial também aglutinando objetos não-marinhos como tampas de metal. Seu umbílico pode ser encoberto pelo crescimento da concha.[2][3][6][7][9][10][11]


  1. a b c d e f g h i «Xenophora pallidula» (em inglês). World Register of Marine Species. 1 páginas. Consultado em 14 de maio de 2019
  2. a b c d WYE, Kenneth R. (1989). The Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guide to Shells of the World (em inglês). London: Mitchell Beazley Publishers. p. 46. 192 páginas. ISBN 0-85533-738-9
  3. a b Ottaviani, Marco (22 de janeiro de 2016). «Xenophora pallidula» (em italiano). Flickr. 1 páginas. Consultado em 14 de maio de 2019
  4. «Xenophora Fischer von Waldheim, 1807» (em inglês). World Register of Marine Species. 1 páginas. Consultado em 14 de maio de 2019
  5. a b c d ABBOTT, R. Tucker; DANCE, S. Peter (1982). Compendium of Seashells. A color Guide to More than 4.200 of the World's Marine Shells (em inglês). New York: E. P. Dutton. p. 75. 412 páginas. ISBN 0-525-93269-0
  6. a b c DANCE, S. Peter (2002). Smithsonian Handbooks: Shells. The Photographic Recognition Guide to Seashells of the World (em inglês) 2ª ed. London, England: Dorling Kindersley. p. 55. 256 páginas. ISBN 0-7894-8987-2
  7. a b c LINDNER, Gert (1983). Moluscos y Caracoles de los Mares del Mundo (em espanhol). Barcelona, Espanha: Omega. p. 138-139. 256 páginas. ISBN 84-282-0308-3
  8. a b «Xenophora pallidula (Reeve, 1842) pallid carrier-shell» (em inglês). SeaLifeBase. 1 páginas. Consultado em 14 de maio de 2019
  9. a b FERRARIO, Marco (1992). Guia del Coleccionista de Conchas (em espanhol). Barcelona, Espanha: Editorial de Vecchi. p. 75. 220 páginas. ISBN 84-315-1972-X
  10. a b «Xenophora (Xenophora) pallidula» (em inglês). Hardy's Internet Guide to Marine Gastropods. 1 páginas. Consultado em 14 de maio de 2019. Arquivado do original em 11 de agosto de 2021
  11. Poppe, Guido T.; Poppe, Philippe. «Xenophora pallidula WITH OBJECT» (em inglês). Conchology, Inc. 1 páginas. Consultado em 14 de maio de 2019. Philippines. Balicasag Island. Tangle nets, 200 m. 2010.
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Xenophora pallidula: Brief Summary ( portugais )

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Xenophora pallidula (nomeada, em inglês, pallid carrier-shell ou pale carrier-shell; na tradução para o português, "concha-transportadora-pálida") é uma espécie de molusco gastrópode marinho pertencente à família Xenophoridae, na ordem Littorinimorpha. Foi classificada por Lovell Augustus Reeve, em 1842, originalmente denominada Phorus pallidulus; sendo distribuída pela região sul da África e costas do Indo-Pacífico, incluindo Filipinas, sul do Japão e Nova Caledônia, na areia da zona nerítica até profundidades consideráveis de quase 1.000 metros.

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Xenophora pallidula ( vietnamien )

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Xenophora pallidula là một loài ốc biển lớn, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển trong họ Xenophoridae, the carrier shells.[1]

Miêu tả

Phân bố

vùng bể Mascarene[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă â Xenophora pallidula (Reeve, 1842). WoRMS (2010). Xenophora (Xenophora) pallidula (Reeve, 1842). Truy cập through: Cơ sở dữ liệu sinh vật biển at http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=208542 on 9 tháng 7 năm 2010.

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Xenophora pallidula: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Xenophora pallidula là một loài ốc biển lớn, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển trong họ Xenophoridae, the carrier shells.

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綴殼螺 ( chinois )

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二名法 Xenophora pallidula
Reeve英语Lovell Augustus Reeve, 1843

綴殼螺学名Xenophora pallidula)为綴殼螺科綴殼螺屬下的一个种。



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綴殼螺: Brief Summary ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科

綴殼螺(学名:Xenophora pallidula)为綴殼螺科綴殼螺屬下的一个种。

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