
Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par ReptileDB
Continent: Asia Europe
Distribution: W/NE Georgia (Small Caucasus, Sukhumi region, Valleys of the rivers Kodori, Inguri in the SW Caucasus Mts., central south-slope of the Caucasus Mts.) and adjacent NE Turkey, Southern Georgian Black Sea coast and NE coastal regions of Turkey, Western south-slope of the Caucasus Mts. in Russia and Georgia, S Russia (northwestern slope of the Caucasus Mts., Krasnodar Kray), NW Azerbaijan abchasica: Sukhumi region barani: Black Sea coast from Batumi to NE Turkey orlowae: Georgia.
Type locality: œbei Pasanauri, Georgische SSR/UdSSR. boehmei: extreme West of the Southern slope of the Caucasus Range;
Type locality: œSotschi [Russia]. silvatica: Caucasus
Type locality: Artvin, Turkey
droit d’auteur
Peter Uetz
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