Image de Polyrhachis arcuata (Le Guillou 1842)
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Polyrhachis arcuata (Le Guillou 1842)

Taxonomic History ( anglais )

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Extant: 1 valid subspecies

Formica arcuata Le Guillou, 1842 PDF: 315 (w.q.) BORNEO. Indomalaya. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

Combination in Polyrhachis: Mayr, 1863a PDF: 443.Combination in Polyrhachis (Chariomyrma): Viehmeyer, 1916a PDF: 166.Junior synonym of Polyrhachis latreillii: Roger, 1863b PDF: 9; Dalla Torre, 1893 PDF: 264; Emery, 1896j PDF: 380.Status as species: Mayr, 1863a PDF: 443; Smith, 1871a PDF: 308; Emery, 1897: 583 (in key); Emery, 1898a PDF: 230; Emery, 1900: 714; Forel, 1905f PDF: 26; Forel, 1907d PDF: 38; Forel, 1912o PDF: 71; Forel, 1913l PDF: 136; Forel, 1915a PDF: 43; Viehmeyer, 1916a PDF: 166; Wheeler, 1919f PDF: 129; Emery, 1925d PDF: 186; Stitz, 1925c PDF: 134; Karavaiev, 1927f PDF: 14 (redescription); Karavaiev, 1930a PDF: 213; Chapman & Capco, 1951 PDF: 259; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 132; Taylor, 1987a PDF: 59; Kohout & Taylor, 1990 PDF: 511; Bolton, 1995b: 343; Dorow, 1995 PDF: 17; Kohout, 1998: 510; Jaitrong & Nabhitabhata, 2005 PDF: 37; Kohout, 2008a PDF: 260; Pfeiffer et al., 2011 PDF: 40; Sarnat et al., 2013 PDF: 70.Senior synonym of Polyrhachis arcuata continentis: Kohout, 1998: 510.Senior synonym of Polyrhachis latifrons: Emery, 1897: 583; Emery, 1898a PDF: 230; Forel, 1901c: 32; Wheeler, 1919f PDF: 129; Emery, 1925d PDF: 186; Bolton, 1995b: 343; Dorow, 1995 PDF: 16; Kohout, 1998: 510.Senior synonym of Polyrhachis modiglianii: Emery, 1897: 583; Emery, 1898a PDF: 230; Forel, 1901c: 32; Wheeler, 1919f PDF: 129; Emery, 1925d PDF: 186; Bolton, 1995b: 343; Dorow, 1995 PDF: 16; Kohout, 1998: 510.
droit d’auteur
California Academy of Sciences
citation bibliographique
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Polyrhachis arcuata ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL


Polyrhachis arcuata is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de schubmieren (Formicinae).[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1842 door Le Guillou.

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Polyrhachis arcuata ( portugais )

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Polyrhachis arcuata é uma espécie de formiga do gênero Polyrhachis, pertencente à subfamília Formicinae.[1]


  1. «Polyrhachis arcuata» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov)
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wikipedia PT

Polyrhachis arcuata: Brief Summary ( portugais )

fourni par wikipedia PT

Polyrhachis arcuata é uma espécie de formiga do gênero Polyrhachis, pertencente à subfamília Formicinae.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT