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Português do Brasil
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Português do Brasil
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Organismes Cellulaires
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
vue d’ensemble
Noms scientifiques
Noms préférés
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
Espèces reconnu par
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis On-line Systematic Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta - Heteroptera - Miridae) in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Prepops flavovarius
(Reuter 1910)
Espèces reconnu par
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Platytylellus flavovarius
Reconnu par
BHL data coverage
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
Espèces reconnu par
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Noms alternatifs
Platytylellus flavovarius Reuter 1910
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis On-line Systematic Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta - Heteroptera - Miridae) in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Prepops flavivarius Carvalho & Ferreira 1972
Not accepted selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis On-line Systematic Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta - Heteroptera - Miridae) in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Platytylellus flavovarius
Reuter 1910
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Prepops flavivarius
Carvalho & Ferreira 1972
Synonym selon
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Platytylellus flavovarius Reuter 1910
Not accepted selon
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Platytylellus flavovarius Reuter 1910
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Prepops flavivarius Carvalho & Ferreira 1972
Not accepted selon
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Prepops flavivarius Carvalho & Ferreira 1972
Synonym selon
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Noms communs
Il n’y a aucun nom commun associé avec ce taxon.
Hiérarchies supervisées pour Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
(cette page)
Prepops accinctus (Distant 1893)
Prepops adluteiceps Carvalho 1988
Prepops albomarginatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops alienus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops areatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops atripennis (Reuter 1876)
Prepops atroluteus (Walker 1873)
Prepops barueriensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops bastensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops bechynei Carvalho 1988
Prepops bicolor (Distant 1883)
Prepops bivittatus (Stal 1860)
Prepops borealis (Knight 1923)
Prepops caatinganus Carvalho 1988
Prepops cajuruensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops caliensis Carvalho 1989
Prepops carioca Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops catamarcanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops chanchamaianus Carvalho 1988
Prepops circumcinctus (Say 1832)
Prepops circummaculatus (Stal 1854)
Prepops columbiensis (Carvalho & Fontes 1972)
Prepops comarapanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops concisus (Knight 1929)
Prepops confraternus (Uhler 1872)
Prepops correntinoides Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops crassicornis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops cruciferoides Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops cuzcoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops decoratus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops eremicola (Knight 1929)
Prepops erubescens (Distant 1883)
Prepops fernandopolis Carvalho 1988
Prepops flavoniger (Stal 1860)
Prepops fragosoi Carvalho 1988
Prepops fraterculus (Knight 1923)
Prepops fraternus (Knight 1923)
Prepops goianus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops guttaticeps (Reuter 1910)
Prepops hogbergi (Stal 1862)
Prepops huanucanus Carvalho 1974
Prepops huascaraiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops iconnicoffi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops iguazuensis Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops imperatrizensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops insignis (Say 1832)
Prepops insitivoides Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops interpunctus (Distant 1883)
Prepops jamaicensis (Walker 1873)
Prepops latipennis (Stal 1862)
Prepops limbicollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops lineatus Carvalho 1975
Prepops luteiceps (Stal 1859)
Prepops maldonadoi Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops marginalis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops meinerti (Reuter 1905)
Prepops mielkei Carvalho 1988
Prepops missionesus Carvalho 1988
Prepops montevidensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops montivagus (Distant 1883)
Prepops nicaraguensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops nigritus Carvalho 1988
Prepops nigroscutellatus (Knight 1923)
Prepops nigrus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops nitidipennis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nobilis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nuevoleonensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops oaxacaenus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops olmosensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops paulistanus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops persimilis (Reuter 1907)
Prepops piraporanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops plaumann Carvalho 1989
Prepops plenus (Distant 1883)
Prepops quadriguttatus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops roppai Carvalho 1974
Prepops rubellicollis (Knight 1923)
Prepops saltensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops santiagoensis Hernandez & Henry 2010
Prepops schaffneri Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops semifemoratus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops serranus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops similaris Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops simplex (Kuhlgatz 1902)
Prepops subandinus Carvalho & Wallerstein 1978
Prepops subannulatus (Stal 1860)
Prepops teapensis (Distant 1893)
Prepops teutonianus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops tingoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops tiquiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops trivittatus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops turrialbanus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops uruguayensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops vianai Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops vittatus Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops vitticollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops wallersteini Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops xavantinoides Carvalho & Fontes 1972
Prepops xavantinus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops zetterstedti (Stal 1860)
96 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
(cette page)
Prepops guttaticeps (Reuter 1910)
Prepops hambletoni Carvalho 1988
Prepops hogbergi (Stal 1862)
Prepops horvathi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops howardi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops huanucanus Carvalho 1974
Prepops iconnicoffi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops iguazuensis Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops imperatrizensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops insitivoides Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops insitivus (Say 1832)
Prepops interpunctus (Distant 1883)
Prepops itatiaiensis Carvalho & Fontes 1968
Prepops jamaicensis (Walker 1873)
Prepops koschevnikovi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops latipennis (Stal 1862)
Prepops liliae Carvalho 1988
Prepops limbicollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops lineatus Carvalho 1975
Prepops lopesi Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops luteofasciatus (Distant 1883)
Prepops maldonadoi Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops malkini Carvalho 1988
Prepops marginalis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops mariliensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops meinerti (Reuter 1905)
Prepops mielkei Carvalho 1988
Prepops mimosus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops minensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops minutulus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops montevidensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops montivagus (Distant 1883)
Prepops nicaraguensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops nigricollis (Reuter 1876)
Prepops nigripennis (Stal 1860)
Prepops nigripilus (Knight 1929)
Prepops nigritus Carvalho 1988
Prepops nigroscutellatus (Knight 1923)
Prepops nigrus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops nobilis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops notaticollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nuevoleonensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops oaxacaenus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops obscurans (Distant 1883)
Prepops olmosensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops omphalophorus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops paraensis Carvalho & Fontes 1971
Prepops paranaensis Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops patricius (Reuter 1910)
Prepops paulistanus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops pauloi Carvalho 1988
Prepops pentheri (Reuter 1907)
Prepops persignandus (Distant 1883)
Prepops persimilis (Reuter 1907)
Prepops peruvianus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops piraporanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops plaumann Carvalho 1989
Prepops plenus (Distant 1883)
Prepops poppii (Bergroth 1910)
Prepops prepopsoides Carvalho 1974
Prepops procorrentinus Carvalho & Carpintero 1992
Prepops quadriguttatus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops riodocensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops rollei (Reuter 1910)
Prepops roppai Carvalho 1974
Prepops rubellicollis (Knight 1923)
Prepops rubrovittatus (Stal 1862)
Prepops rufocapitis Carvalho & Fontes 1971
Prepops rurrenabaquensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops saltensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops santiagoensis Hernandez & Henry 2010
Prepops schaffneri Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops semifemoratus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops seminiger (Stal 1860)
Prepops serranus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops signifer (Reuter 1910)
Prepops similaris Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops simplex (Kuhlgatz 1902)
Prepops stricturalis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops subandinus Carvalho & Wallerstein 1978
Prepops subannulatus (Stal 1860)
Prepops subsimilis (Reuter 1907)
Prepops teapensis (Distant 1893)
Prepops teutonianus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops teutoniensis Carvalho 1993
Prepops thoracicus (Distant 1883)
Prepops tingoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops tiquiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops trilineatus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops tristicolor (Reuter 1910)
Prepops trivittatus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops trujilloi (Distant 1893)
Prepops tucumanensis Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops tupianus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops turrialbanus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops ubirajarai Carvalho 1989
Prepops univittatoides Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops univittatus (Berg 1878)
Prepops uruguayensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops variabilis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
96 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
(cette page)
Prepops accinctus (Distant 1893)
Prepops adluteiceps Carvalho 1988
Prepops albomarginatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops alienus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops areatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops atripennis (Reuter 1876)
Prepops atroluteus (Walker 1873)
Prepops barueriensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops bastensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops bechynei Carvalho 1988
Prepops bicolor (Distant 1883)
Prepops bivittatus (Stal 1860)
Prepops borealis (Knight 1923)
Prepops caatinganus Carvalho 1988
Prepops cajuruensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops caliensis Carvalho 1989
Prepops carioca Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops catamarcanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops chanchamaianus Carvalho 1988
Prepops circumcinctus (Say 1832)
Prepops circummaculatus (Stal 1854)
Prepops columbiensis (Carvalho & Fontes 1972)
Prepops comarapanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops concisus (Knight 1929)
Prepops confraternus (Uhler 1872)
Prepops correntinoides Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops crassicornis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops cruciferoides Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops cuzcoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops decoratus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops eremicola (Knight 1929)
Prepops erubescens (Distant 1883)
Prepops fernandopolis Carvalho 1988
Prepops flavoniger (Stal 1860)
Prepops fragosoi Carvalho 1988
Prepops fraterculus (Knight 1923)
Prepops fraternus (Knight 1923)
Prepops goianus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops guttaticeps (Reuter 1910)
Prepops hogbergi (Stal 1862)
Prepops huanucanus Carvalho 1974
Prepops huascaraiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops iconnicoffi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops iguazuensis Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops imperatrizensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops insignis (Say 1832)
Prepops insitivoides Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops interpunctus (Distant 1883)
Prepops jamaicensis (Walker 1873)
Prepops latipennis (Stal 1862)
Prepops limbicollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops lineatus Carvalho 1975
Prepops luteiceps (Stal 1859)
Prepops maldonadoi Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops marginalis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops meinerti (Reuter 1905)
Prepops mielkei Carvalho 1988
Prepops missionesus Carvalho 1988
Prepops montevidensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops montivagus (Distant 1883)
Prepops nicaraguensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops nigritus Carvalho 1988
Prepops nigroscutellatus (Knight 1923)
Prepops nigrus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops nitidipennis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nobilis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nuevoleonensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops oaxacaenus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops olmosensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops paulistanus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops persimilis (Reuter 1907)
Prepops piraporanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops plaumann Carvalho 1989
Prepops plenus (Distant 1883)
Prepops quadriguttatus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops roppai Carvalho 1974
Prepops rubellicollis (Knight 1923)
Prepops saltensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops santiagoensis Hernandez & Henry 2010
Prepops schaffneri Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops semifemoratus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops serranus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops similaris Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops simplex (Kuhlgatz 1902)
Prepops subandinus Carvalho & Wallerstein 1978
Prepops subannulatus (Stal 1860)
Prepops teapensis (Distant 1893)
Prepops teutonianus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops tingoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops tiquiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops trivittatus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops turrialbanus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops uruguayensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops vianai Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops vittatus Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops vitticollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops wallersteini Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops xavantinoides Carvalho & Fontes 1972
Prepops xavantinus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops zetterstedti (Stal 1860)
96 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
(cette page)
Prepops accinctus (Distant 1893)
Prepops adluteiceps Carvalho 1988
Prepops albomarginatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops alienus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops areatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops atripennis (Reuter 1876)
Prepops atroluteus (Walker 1873)
Prepops barueriensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops bastensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops bechynei Carvalho 1988
Prepops bicolor (Distant 1883)
Prepops bivittatus (Stål 1860)
Prepops borealis (Knight 1923)
Prepops caatinganus Carvalho 1988
Prepops cajuruensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops caliensis Carvalho 1989
Prepops carioca Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops catamarcanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops chanchamaianus Carvalho 1988
Prepops circumcinctus (Say 1832)
Prepops circummaculatus (Stål 1854)
Prepops columbiensis (Carvalho & Fontes 1972)
Prepops comarapanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops concisus (Knight 1929)
Prepops confraternus (Uhler 1872)
Prepops correntinoides Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops crassicornis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops cruciferoides Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops cuzcoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops decoratus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops eremicola (Knight 1929)
Prepops erubescens (Distant 1883)
Prepops fernandopolis Carvalho 1988
Prepops flavoniger (Stål 1860)
Prepops fragosoi Carvalho 1988
Prepops fraterculus (Knight 1923)
Prepops fraternus (Knight 1923)
Prepops goianus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops guttaticeps (Reuter 1910)
Prepops hogbergi (Stål 1862)
Prepops huanucanus Carvalho 1974
Prepops huascaraiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops iconnicoffi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops iguazuensis Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops imperatrizensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops insignis (Say 1832)
Prepops insitivoides Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops interpunctus (Distant 1883)
Prepops jamaicensis (Walker 1873)
Prepops latipennis (Stål 1862)
Prepops limbicollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops lineatus Carvalho 1975
Prepops luteiceps (Stal 1859)
Prepops maldonadoi Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops marginalis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops meinerti (Reuter 1905)
Prepops mielkei Carvalho 1988
Prepops missionesus Carvalho 1988
Prepops montevidensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops montivagus (Distant 1883)
Prepops nicaraguensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops nigritus Carvalho 1988
Prepops nigroscutellatus (Knight 1923)
Prepops nigrus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops nitidipennis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nobilis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nuevoleonensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops oaxacaenus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops olmosensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops paulistanus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops persimilis (Reuter 1907)
Prepops piraporanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops plaumann Carvalho 1989
Prepops plenus (Distant 1883)
Prepops quadriguttatus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops roppai Carvalho 1974
Prepops rubellicollis (Knight 1923)
Prepops saltensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops santiagoensis Hernandez & Henry 2010
Prepops schaffneri Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops semifemoratus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops serranus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops similaris Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops simplex (Kuhlgatz 1902)
Prepops subandinus Carvalho & Wallerstein 1978
Prepops subannulatus (Stål 1860)
Prepops teapensis (Distant 1893)
Prepops teutonianus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops tingoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops tiquiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops trivittatus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops turrialbanus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops uruguayensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops vianai Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops vittatus Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops vitticollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops wallersteini Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops xavantinoides Carvalho & Fontes 1972
Prepops xavantinus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops zetterstedti (Stål 1860)
96 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
(cette page)
Prepops accinctus (Distant 1893)
Prepops adluteiceps Carvalho 1988
Prepops albomarginatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops alienus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops areatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops atripennis (Reuter 1876)
Prepops atroluteus (Walker 1873)
Prepops barueriensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops bastensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops bechynei Carvalho 1988
Prepops bicolor (Distant 1883)
Prepops bivittatus (Stal 1860)
Prepops borealis (Knight 1923)
Prepops caatinganus Carvalho 1988
Prepops cajuruensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops caliensis Carvalho 1989
Prepops carioca Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops catamarcanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops chanchamaianus Carvalho 1988
Prepops circumcinctus (Say 1832)
Prepops circummaculatus (Stal 1854)
Prepops columbiensis (Carvalho & Fontes 1972)
Prepops comarapanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops concisus (Knight 1929)
Prepops confraternus (Uhler 1872)
Prepops correntinoides Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops crassicornis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops cruciferoides Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops cuzcoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops decoratus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops eremicola (Knight 1929)
Prepops erubescens (Distant 1883)
Prepops fernandopolis Carvalho 1988
Prepops flavoniger (Stal 1860)
Prepops fragosoi Carvalho 1988
Prepops fraterculus (Knight 1923)
Prepops fraternus (Knight 1923)
Prepops goianus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops guttaticeps (Reuter 1910)
Prepops hogbergi (Stal 1862)
Prepops huanucanus Carvalho 1974
Prepops huascaraiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops iconnicoffi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops iguazuensis Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops imperatrizensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops insignis (Say 1832)
Prepops insitivoides Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops interpunctus (Distant 1883)
Prepops jamaicensis (Walker 1873)
Prepops latipennis (Stal 1862)
Prepops limbicollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops lineatus Carvalho 1975
Prepops luteiceps (Stal 1859)
Prepops maldonadoi Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops marginalis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops meinerti (Reuter 1905)
Prepops mielkei Carvalho 1988
Prepops missionesus Carvalho 1988
Prepops montevidensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops montivagus (Distant 1883)
Prepops nicaraguensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops nigritus Carvalho 1988
Prepops nigroscutellatus (Knight 1923)
Prepops nigrus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops nitidipennis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nobilis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops nuevoleonensis Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops oaxacaenus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops olmosensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops paulistanus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops persimilis (Reuter 1907)
Prepops piraporanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops plaumann Carvalho 1989
Prepops plenus (Distant 1883)
Prepops quadriguttatus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops roppai Carvalho 1974
Prepops rubellicollis (Knight 1923)
Prepops saltensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops santiagoensis Hernandez & Henry 2010
Prepops schaffneri Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops semifemoratus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops serranus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops similaris Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops simplex (Kuhlgatz 1902)
Prepops subandinus Carvalho & Wallerstein 1978
Prepops subannulatus (Stal 1860)
Prepops teapensis (Distant 1893)
Prepops teutonianus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops tingoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops tiquiensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops trivittatus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops turrialbanus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops uruguayensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops vianai Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops vittatus Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops vitticollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops wallersteini Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops xavantinoides Carvalho & Fontes 1972
Prepops xavantinus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops zetterstedti (Stal 1860)
96 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
GBIF classification
Prepops Reuter 1905
Prepops flavovarius (Reuter 1910)
(cette page)
Prepops alienus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops anasueliae Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops areatus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops atripennis (Reuter 1876)
Prepops atroluteus (Walker 1873)
Prepops bachmanni Carvalho & Carpintero 1990
Prepops bastensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops bivittis (Stal 1862)
Prepops borealis (Knight 1923)
Prepops caatinganus Carvalho 1988
Prepops caracensis Carvalho 1974
Prepops casualis Carvalho 1988
Prepops catamarcanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops chanchamaianus Carvalho 1988
Prepops circumcinctus (Say 1832)
Prepops columbiensis (Carvalho & Fontes 1972)
Prepops comarapanus Carvalho 1988
Prepops commissuralis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops concinnus (Stal 1860)
Prepops concisus (Knight 1929)
Prepops confraternus (Uhler 1872)
Prepops cordobanus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops correntinoides Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops crassicornis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops cruciferus (Berg 1878)
Prepops cubanus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops diminutus Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops dissociatus (Berg 1892)
Prepops divisus (Herrich-Schaeffer 1850)
Prepops englemani Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops entrerianus Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops eremicola (Knight 1929)
Prepops erubescens (Distant 1883)
Prepops fernandopolis Carvalho 1988
Prepops fiuzai Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops fragosoi Carvalho 1988
Prepops fraterculus (Knight 1923)
Prepops fraternus (Knight 1923)
Prepops frontalis (Reuter 1905)
Prepops goianus Carvalho & Costa 1992
Prepops gracilis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops horvathi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops howardi (Reuter 1910)
Prepops huanucanus Carvalho 1974
Prepops iguazuensis Carvalho & Carpintero 1987
Prepops insignis (Say 1832)
Prepops insitivus (Say 1832)
Prepops jamaicensis (Walker 1873)
Prepops luteofasciatus (Distant 1883)
Prepops mariliensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops meinerti (Reuter 1905)
Prepops mielkei Carvalho 1988
Prepops mimosus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops minutulus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops montevidensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops nigricollis (Reuter 1876)
Prepops nigripennis (Stal 1860)
Prepops nigripilus (Knight 1929)
Prepops nigritus Carvalho 1988
Prepops nigroscutellatus (Knight 1923)
Prepops nigrus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops nitidipennis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops oaxacaenus Carvalho & Schaffner 1974
Prepops olmosensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops omphalophorus (Reuter 1910)
Prepops paraguaiensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops paranaensis Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops pauloi Carvalho 1988
Prepops persignandus (Distant 1883)
Prepops persimilis (Reuter 1907)
Prepops platensis (Berg 1878)
Prepops poppii (Bergroth 1910)
Prepops prepopsoides Carvalho 1974
Prepops rollei (Reuter 1910)
Prepops rondoniensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops rubellicollis (Knight 1923)
Prepops rubroscutellatus (Knight 1929)
Prepops rubrovittatus (Stal 1862)
Prepops rufocapitis Carvalho & Fontes 1971
Prepops rurrenabaquensis Carvalho & Costa 1991
Prepops saltensis Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops schaffneri Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops serranus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops signifer (Reuter 1910)
Prepops similaris Carvalho & Fontes 1973
Prepops simplex (Kuhlgatz 1902)
Prepops subandinus Carvalho & Wallerstein 1978
Prepops teapensis (Distant 1893)
Prepops teutonianus Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops tingoensis Carvalho 1988
Prepops trilineatus Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops tristicolor (Reuter 1910)
Prepops tucumanensis Carvalho & Fontes 1969
Prepops univittatoides Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops uruguayensis (Berg 1883)
Prepops vittatus Carvalho & Schaffner 1987
Prepops vitticollis (Reuter 1910)
Prepops wallersteini Carvalho & Fontes 1970
Prepops zetterstedti (Stal 1860)
Prepops zonatus (Knight 1926)
97 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.