Erigeron arenarioides (Eaton ex Gray) Rybg. A northern Utah endemic plant species. Occurs mainly in the Wasatch range from between Ogden and Provo (Weber, Salt Lake, Utah cos.) but also known from nearby Stansbury Island (Tooele Co.) and in the Newfoundland Mtns. (Box Elder Co.). Commonly found in its range in crevices of quartzite and limestone outcrops at mainly foothill to subalpine elevations.May 5, 2011, lower Mt. Olympus trail area, Wasatch range, Salt Lake County, Utah, here growing in quartzite, elev approx 4,925 ft. The lowest elevation on the east benches of Salt Lake County where I have seen this species is at about 4,780 ft. (but it no doubt occurred lower than that historically; the natural space where it probably occurred is now simply gone).To see plants in flower, see: