Image de Chalicodoma (Alocanthedon) apoicola Engel
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Chalicodoma (Alocanthedon) apoicola Engel

Description ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
As described forChalicodoma odontophorum(vide supra) except as follows:Male: Total body length 24.6 mm; forewing length 19.3 mm. Head broader than long (width 7.4 mm, length 5.5 mm); intertorular distance 1.9 times torulorbital distance; interocellar distance 1.5 times median ocellar width, 1.1 times ocellocular distance; ocelloccipital distance 3.5 times median ocellar width; compound eye about twice as long as wide, about as wide as gena in profile. Protibia with outer posterior carina running along apical three-quarters of length, apically produced into small posteriorly-directed spine before continuing transversely across apex to outer, anterior border where it forms a carinate ridge for short distance along depression, apical anterior surface distinctly depressed; protarsus modified as infigure 14; mesotibial spur relatively straight; mesobasitarsus with inner surface deeply concave basally, posterior border along concavity notched, such that there is a posterior protuberance bordering the concavity. Metasomal terga II–V with apical transverse ridge (caudad postgradular depression), somewhat sinuate laterally, distinctly carinate on terga II–III except medially, strongly ridged on tergum IV, weak on tergum V; carina of sixth tergum produced, medioapical margin of carina of sixth metasomal tergum strongly and deeply concave (Fig. 10). Wings dark fuscous, infumate (Fig. 10); venation black. Mesoscutum anteriorly and medially transversely somewhat wrinkled (not as strongly so as inChalicodoma odontophorum) with irregular punctures, such integument blending laterally outside of parapsidal lines and posteriorly to coarsely punctate, punctures separated by less than a puncture width, nearly contiguous in many areas, those punctures outside of parapsidal lines somewhat smaller and more regularly defined than those posteriorly, integument between punctures finely imbricate; lateral surface of propodeum imbricate with small punctures separated by a puncture width or less, gradually becoming more widely spaced posteriorly and on posterior surface. Dorsal-facing surface of first metasomal tergum imbricate with small punctures separated by a puncture width or less, nearly contiguous in most areas, with large laterobasal areas of impunctate (and asetose) and more distinctly imbricate integument; remaining terga sculptured as on dorsal-facing surface of first metasomal tergum, although punctures typically more tightly packed. Pubescence generally dark fuscous to black except as follows: clypeus and face outside of antennal toruli with dense, long, minutely-branched, reddish setae, largely obscuring the integument, those on clypeus more strongly reddish and largely appressed and apically directed; supraclypeal area with similar setae to those on face except more tawny in color (Fig. 12); wing setae generally fine and black, dense cluster of short, black setae forming a conspicuous spot in posterior half of forewing medial cell (Fig. 11). Female: Unknown.
droit d’auteur
Michael S. Engel, Victor H. Gonzalez
citation bibliographique
Engel M, Gonzalez V (2011) Alocanthedon, a new subgenus of Chalicodoma from Southeast Asia (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) ZooKeys 101: 51–80
Michael S. Engel
Victor H. Gonzalez
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