close up image of Solidago graminifolia COMMON GRASS-LEAVED GOLDENROD at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single specimen's leaf structure, highlighting the five parallel veins on the underside of a leaf.
field image of Solidago graminifolia COMMON GRASS-LEAVED GOLDENROD at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - a single specimen at full bloom.
close up image of Solidago graminifolia COMMON GRASS-LEAVED GOLDENROD at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single specimen's stem and leaf structure detailing the distinctive, parallel five leaf veins.
field image of Solidago graminifolia COMMON GRASS-LEAVED GOLDENROD at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a small stand at the beginning of full bloom.
close up image of Solidago graminifolia COMMON GRASS-LEAVED GOLDENROD at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single specimen's flower head containing several flower buds from just starting to open through the beginning of full bloom.This species is featured in the soon-to-be-published book, Elusive Splendor: Wildflowers of the Tall Grass Prairie. Contact frank@black-sweater-art.com for more information.
close up image of Solidago graminifolia COMMON GRASS-LEAVED GOLDENROD at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single flower head in full bloom.