Coral Sea, Duration 11 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 14 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 13 seconds
Lethrinus olivaceus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Cheilinus undulatus (Humphead maori wrasse). Coral Sea, Duration 33 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 34 seconds, Shot includes Parupeneus spilurus (Blackspot goatfish)
Coral Sea, Duration 31 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 14 seconds
Lethrinus olivaceus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Cheilinus undulatus (Humphead maori wrasse). Coral Sea, Duration 19 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 8 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 20 seconds, Shot includes Caranx melampygus (Bluefin trevally)
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 9 seconds
Lethrinus olivaceus is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Cheilinus undulatus (Humphead maori wrasse). Coral Sea, Duration 29 seconds
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 21 seconds, Shot includes Chaetodon vagabundus (Criss-cross butterflyfish), Tubastrea micrantha (Green tubastrea), Zanclus cornutus (Moorish idol)
Coral Sea, Duration 30 seconds
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 35 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 16 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 9 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 22 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Shot at night, Duration 9 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 14 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 21 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 20 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 13 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 9 seconds