
Trophic Strategy ( anglais )

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Found inshore (Ref. 75154).
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Auda Kareen Ortañez
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Morphology ( anglais )

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Dorsal spines (total): 3; Dorsal soft rays (total): 25 - 29; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 13 - 15
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Diagnostic Description ( anglais )

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Various color variations from almost blackish brown to bright yellow (Ref. 48635).Description: Characterized by having anterior lateral line scales 17-55; predorsal scales 20.385; depth of body 29.7-35.7 of SL (Ref. 90102).
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Biology ( anglais )

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Found among corals of subtidal lagoon and seaward reefs (Ref. 9710). Also found in crevices and ledges. Usually found in association with branching corals (e.g. Acropora and Pocillopora). Sometimes enters the aquarium fish trade (Ref. 37748). Has been reared in captivity (Ref. 35413). Solitary (Ref 90102).
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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Importance ( anglais )

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aquarium: commercial
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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分布 ( anglais )

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利用 ( anglais )

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描述 ( anglais )

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體細長而側扁;頭呈鈍圓形。吻短。眼大。口中大;上下頜齒數列,部分為犬齒;鋤骨及腭骨均具齒。體被小櫛鱗,主鰓蓋骨具鱗;側線斷成二段,鱗孔數分別為25-33 + 6-11。鰓蓋有鱗,背鰭及臀鰭基底有鱗片。背鰭具硬棘III,軟條26-27;臀鰭長約背鰭之一半,具硬棘III,軟條14;胸鰭鈍圓形;腹鰭具I硬棘及5軟條,其中第3根最長;尾鰭圓形。體呈淡黃至暗灰色;鱗片基部有一黑斑點,於體側形成一列橫點線。鰭條為淡黃或暗棕色;尾鰭緣有鑲著黑斑紋;胸鰭基有暗色斑。以前所記載之金色擬雀鯛(/Pseudochromis aureus/)及黃尾擬雀鯛(/Pseudochromis xanthochir/)為本種之同種異名。
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棲地 ( anglais )

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Pseudochromis fuscus ( anglais )

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A dusky dottyback, Pseudochromis fuscus, at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia.

Pseudochromis fuscus is a species of saltwater fish in the dottyback family. Dottybacks are generally very bright in color and relatively small, factors which have made them popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Besides their coloration and size, they are probably best known for their aggressive temperament.[1] While many of the more common dottybacks are in the Pseudochromis genus, there are also species in other genera.[2] Common names for this particular species include the brown dottyback, the golden dottyback, and the musky dottyback.[3] The common name “Golden dottyback” is shared with another species of dottyback, the Pseudochromis pseudoplesiopinae.[4] The species name, fuscus, means dark or dusky in Latin.[5]


Brown dottybacks grow to a maximum length of about 10 centimeters and they have three dorsal spines, several dorsal soft rays, three anal spines and a few anal soft rays. The spine count is what distinguishes them from their close neighbor, the true basses from the family Serranidae.[6] Like most dottybacks, they are very long and slender.[7][8] They are also the largest species within the genus Pseudochromis. Brown dottybacks have pear-shaped eyes, not unlike bass, and canine teeth.[9] Color usually ranges from bright yellow to dark brown, but orange, pink, and gray fish of this species have been found as well.[10][11] Blue spots can often be seen on the nape and the anterior part of the body.[12] Studies have shown that the color differences in wild brown dottybacks are not due to genetic changes. In fact, individuals seem to be able to change their color, though the factors causing color changes are undetermined. The shade of yellow or brown that a dottyback displays seems to correlate with the shade of prey that a dottyback targets. For example, brown dottybacks with a bright yellow coloration are more likely to be found near prey with a bright yellow coloration.[13][14] Brighter brown dottybacks are also more likely to be found in deeper areas, while their browner cousins are more likely to be found in shallower areas.[15]


Pseudochromis fuscus is a member of the family Pseudochromidae, which includes other dottybacks like the purple dottyback (Pseudochromis porphyreus) and the bluelined dottyback (Pseudochromis cyanotaenia).[16] Pseudochromidae are members of the suborder Percoidei, which falls under the order Perciformes.[17][18] This is a very large order that includes many of the bony fish in the ocean. In fact, Perciformes is the largest order of vertebrates, with over 10,000 species.[19] Perciformes is in the class Actinopterygii, which, is in the superclass Pisces. Pisces is in the phylum Chordata, which is in the kingdom Animalia.[20][21][22][23][24]


Pseudochromis fuscus is native to the south-western Pacific Ocean and the eastern Indian Ocean.[25] Its range is from Sri Lanka east to Vanuatu and from Australia north to Hong Kong.[26] A map showing the distribution of this fish can be seen here, with red spots showing the range of this dottyback. As is shown on the map, the southern limit of the distribution stops at about the southern limit of the reefs off the eastern coast of Australia. This is because the brown dottyback is most often found in coral reef habitats.[27]


Pseudochromis fuscus is a very common fish on coral reefs. It can make up as much as 10% of the piscivorous fishes in the community,[28] with competing predators consisting of fish like the moon wrasse or lizardfish.[29][30] The brown dottyback is often found in crevices or ledges. It is also often found swimming near branching corals.[31]


Pseudochromis fuscus is a carnivorous fish that often feeds on juvenile coral reef fish or crustaceans, though they also will feed on mollusks. Typically, juvenile fish are only targeted for predation during the summer, as the survivors outgrow their vulnerability to dottyback predation by the winter.[32][33][34] Common predatory targets include many species of damselfish.[35][36][37][38][39][40] Unlike other species of competing piscivors, predation of juvenile fish by the brown dottyback is not affected by the presence of adult males guarding the juveniles. Sometimes, adult male damselfish will guard the nests of their young. While this reduces predation on the young by other predators, predation by dottyback appears to be unaffected.[41] Because of this predatory behavior, the brown dottyback is considered an important regulator of the composition of the coral reef community.[42]


The brown dottyback is a very aggressive predatory fish, and therefore, most of the behavioral research conducted on it relates to the predatory relationship that this fish has with others in the coral reef community. Brown dottybacks appear to preferentially prey on fish with longer bodies, an observation which is consistent with the optimal foraging theory.[43] While long body types were preferred in prey, various studies have conflicting results when examining the effects of overall prey size on targeting. Some studies have found that brown dottybacks prefer larger prey,[44] while others have found that smaller prey are preferred.[45] Brown dottybacks also appear to target rare fish for predation more often than common fish.[46][47] Preference is also given to targeting prey in good condition over prey in bad condition, a distinction that is often made through chemical cues. In fact, it appears as though chemical signals are the primary means by which a foraging response is stimulated.[48] Predatory behavior also increases for brown dottybacks in a bleached coral reef environment, as the lack of coloration of the coral makes it easier for the predators to detect their prey.[49]


Pseudochromis fuscus, along with many other species in the dottyback family, are often kept as aquarium fish. These fish are as aggressive in captivity as they are in the wild, so brown dottybacks are often kept with fish that will not disturb their territory or they are kept completely separate from other fish. For this reason, it is very important to have only one brown dottyback in a tank. Because this fish is so large relative to other dottybacks, the brown dottyback is even more of a bully than the other aggressive species within the genus Pseudochromis. Still, they are a relatively easy fish to keep in captivity, and they can be kept with larger fish like adult damselfish or parrotfish. It is best to feed brown dottybacks with finely chopped meaty foods, like krill or squid, but this fish will also adapt to eating flakes, pellets, and herbivorous foods. Special attention must be given to the choice of foods, because the brown dottyback's diet will affect its coloration. This is why a diet high in vitamins is recommended, as this diet should maintain a rich golden color. Another important consideration for a tank containing a brown dottyback is the need for rocky ledges, crevices, and caves.[50]


  1. ^ V. Messmer, G. P. Jones, L. van Herwerden, P. L. Munday, Genetic and ecological characterisation of colour dimorphism in a coral reef fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes 74, 175-183 (2005); published online EpubOct (10.1007/s10641-005-7430-8).
  2. ^ H. C. Schultz, in Reefkeeping. (2008).
  3. ^ J. E. Randall, G. R. Allen, R. C. Steene, in fishbase.org. (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990).
  4. ^ M. Goren, M. Dor, in Fishbase.org. (The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, Israel, 1994).
  5. ^ J. E. Randall, G. R. Allen, R. C. Steene, in fishbase.org. (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990).
  6. ^ B. Fenner, in Wet Web Media.
  7. ^ J. E. Randall, G. R. Allen, R. C. Steene, in fishbase.org. (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990).
  8. ^ A. Ryanskiy, in diveplanet. (2013).
  9. ^ B. Fenner, in Wet Web Media.
  10. ^ A. Ryanskiy, in diveplanet. (2013).
  11. ^ V. Messmer, L. van Herwerden, P. L. Munday, G. P. Jones, Phylogeography of colour polymorphism in the coral reef fish Pseudochromis fuscus, from Papua New Guinea and the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 24, 392-402 (2005); published online EpubNov (10.1007/s00338-005-0001-9).
  12. ^ E. E. Capuli, R. R. Valdestamon, in Discover Life (2012).
  13. ^ V. Messmer, G. P. Jones, L. van Herwerden, P. L. Munday, Genetic and ecological characterisation of colour dimorphism in a coral reef fish. Environmental Biology of Fishes 74, 175-183 (2005); published online EpubOct (10.1007/s10641-005-7430-8).
  14. ^ P. L. Munday, P. J. Eyre, G. P. Jones, Ecological mechanisms for coexistence of colour polymorphism in a coral-reef fish: an experimental evaluation. Oecologia 137, 519-526 (2003); published online EpubDec (10.1007/s00442-003-1356-7).
  15. ^ P. L. Munday, P. J. Eyre, G. P. Jones, Ecological mechanisms for coexistence of colour polymorphism in a coral-reef fish: an experimental evaluation. Oecologia 137, 519-526 (2003); published online EpubDec (10.1007/s00442-003-1356-7).
  16. ^ UniProt, in UniProt Taxonomy.
  17. ^ UniProt, in UniProt Taxonomy.
  18. ^ N. Bailly, in World Register of Marine Species. (2008).
  19. ^ N. Weisz, in Encyclopedia of Life.
  20. ^ UniProt, in UniProt Taxonomy.
  21. ^ N. Bailly, in World Register of Marine Species. (2008).
  22. ^ M. Hayashi, First record of Pseudochromis fuscus (Pisces: Pseudochromidae) from Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. Science Report of the Yokosuka City Museum 40, 65-68 (1992); published online EpubDecember
  23. ^ P. Myers, R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, T. A. Dewey, in The Animal Diversity Web. (2013).
  24. ^ G. S. Myers, Some forgotten but available names for Indian fishes. Stanford Ichthyol Bull 4, 26-26 (1951); published online Epub1951
  25. ^ W. E. Feeney, O. M. Loennstedt, Y. Bosiger, J. Martin, G. P. Jones, R. J. Rowe, M. I. McCormick, High rate of prey consumption in a small predatory fish on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 31, 909-918 (2012); published online EpubSep (10.1007/s00338-012-0894-z).
  26. ^ J. E. Randall, G. R. Allen, R. C. Steene, in fishbase.org. (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990).
  27. ^ W. E. Feeney, O. M. Loennstedt, Y. Bosiger, J. Martin, G. P. Jones, R. J. Rowe, M. I. McCormick, High rate of prey consumption in a small predatory fish on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 31, 909-918 (2012); published online EpubSep (10.1007/s00338-012-0894-z).
  28. ^ W. E. Feeney, O. M. Loennstedt, Y. Bosiger, J. Martin, G. P. Jones, R. J. Rowe, M. I. McCormick, High rate of prey consumption in a small predatory fish on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 31, 909-918 (2012); published online EpubSep (10.1007/s00338-012-0894-z).
  29. ^ W. E. Feeney, O. M. Loennstedt, Y. Bosiger, J. Martin, G. P. Jones, R. J. Rowe, M. I. McCormick, High rate of prey consumption in a small predatory fish on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 31, 909-918 (2012); published online EpubSep (10.1007/s00338-012-0894-z).
  30. ^ P. L. Munday, D. L. Dixson, M. I. McCormick, M. Meekan, M. C. O. Ferrari, D. P. Chivers, Replenishment of fish populations is threatened by ocean acidification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, 12930-12934 (2010); published online EpubJul 20 (10.1073/pnas.1004519107).
  31. ^ J. E. Randall, G. R. Allen, R. C. Steene, in fishbase.org. (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990).
  32. ^ W. E. Feeney, O. M. Loennstedt, Y. Bosiger, J. Martin, G. P. Jones, R. J. Rowe, M. I. McCormick, High rate of prey consumption in a small predatory fish on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 31, 909-918 (2012); published online EpubSep (10.1007/s00338-012-0894-z).
  33. ^ O. M. Loennstedt, M. I. McCormick, D. P. Chivers, Degraded Environments Alter Prey Risk Assessment. Ecology and Evolution 3, 38-47 (2013); published online EpubJan
  34. ^ G. R. Almany, Priority effects in coral reef fish communities of the Great Barrier Reef. Ecology 85, 2872-2880 (2004); published online EpubOct (10.1890/03-3166).
  35. ^ O. M. Loennstedt, M. I. McCormick, D. P. Chivers, Predator-induced changes in the growth of eyes and false eyespots. Scientific Reports 3, (2013); published online EpubJul 25 (10.1038/srep02259).
  36. ^ C. S. Couturier, J. A. W. Stecyk, J. L. Rummer, P. L. Munday, G. E. Nilsson, Species-specific effects of near-future CO2 on the respiratory performance of two tropical prey fish and their predator. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology 166, 482-489 (2013); published online Epub2013-Nov (10.1016/j.cbpa.2013.07.025).
  37. ^ A. S. Wenger, M. I. McCormick, I. M. McLeod, G. P. Jones, Suspended sediment alters predator-prey interactions between two coral reef fishes. Coral Reefs 32, 369-374 (2013); published online EpubJun (10.1007/s00338-012-0991-z).
  38. ^ R. P. Manassa, M. I. McCormick, Social learning improves survivorship at a life-history transition. Oecologia 171, 845-852 (2013); published online EpubApr (10.1007/s00442-012-2458-x).
  39. ^ J. S. Beukers, G. P. Jones, Habitat complexity modifies the impact of piscivores on a coral reef fish population. Oecologia 114, 50-59 (1998); published online EpubMar (10.1007/s004420050419).
  40. ^ R. P. Manassa, M. I. McCormick, D. P. Chivers, Socially acquired predator recognition in complex ecosystems. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1033-1040 (2013); published online EpubJul (10.1007/s00265-013-1528-3).
  41. ^ M. I. McCormick, M. G. Meekan, Social facilitation of selective mortality. Ecology 88, 1562-1570 (2007); published online EpubJun (10.1890/06-0830).
  42. ^ O. M. Loennstedt, M. I. McCormick, D. P. Chivers, Predator-induced changes in the growth of eyes and false eyespots. Scientific Reports 3, (2013); published online EpubJul 25 (10.1038/srep02259).
  43. ^ T. H. Holmes, M. I. McCormick, Influence of prey body characteristics and performance on predator selection. Oecologia 159, 401-413 (2009); published online EpubMar (10.1007/s00442-008-1220-x).
  44. ^ T. H. Holmes, M. I. McCormick, Size-selectivity of predatory reef fish on juvenile prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series 399, 273-283 (2010); published online Epub2010 (10.3354/meps08337).
  45. ^ O. M. Lonnstedt, M. I. McCormick, D. P. Chivers, Well-informed foraging: damage-released chemical cues of injured prey signal quality and size to predators. Oecologia 168, 651-658 (2012); published online EpubMar (10.1007/s00442-011-2116-8).
  46. ^ G. R. Almany, L. F. Peacock, C. Syms, M. I. McCormick, G. P. Jones, Predators target rare prey in coral reef fish assemblages. Oecologia 152, 751-761 (2007); published online EpubJul (10.1007/s00442-007-0693-3).
  47. ^ G. R. Almany, M. S. Webster, Odd species out as predators reduce diversity of coral-reef fishes. Ecology 85, 2933-2937 (2004); published online EpubNov (10.1890/03-3150).
  48. ^ O. M. Lonnstedt, M. I. McCormick, D. P. Chivers, Well-informed foraging: damage-released chemical cues of injured prey signal quality and size to predators. Oecologia 168, 651-658 (2012); published online EpubMar (10.1007/s00442-011-2116-8).
  49. ^ D. J. Coker, M. S. Pratchett, P. L. Munday, Coral bleaching and habitat degradation increase susceptibility to predation for coral-dwelling fishes. Behavioral Ecology 20, 1204-1210 (2009); published online EpubNov-Dec (10.1093/beheco/arp113).
  50. ^ A. Ryanskiy, in diveplanet. (2013).

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wikipedia EN

Pseudochromis fuscus: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN
A dusky dottyback, Pseudochromis fuscus, at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia.

Pseudochromis fuscus is a species of saltwater fish in the dottyback family. Dottybacks are generally very bright in color and relatively small, factors which have made them popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Besides their coloration and size, they are probably best known for their aggressive temperament. While many of the more common dottybacks are in the Pseudochromis genus, there are also species in other genera. Common names for this particular species include the brown dottyback, the golden dottyback, and the musky dottyback. The common name “Golden dottyback” is shared with another species of dottyback, the Pseudochromis pseudoplesiopinae. The species name, fuscus, means dark or dusky in Latin.

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wikipedia EN

Pseudochromis fuscus ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Pseudochromis fuscus Pseudochromis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pseudochromidae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Pseudochromis fuscus FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Pseudochromis fuscus: Brief Summary ( basque )

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Pseudochromis fuscus Pseudochromis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pseudochromidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Pseudochromis fuscus ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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Pseudochromis fuscus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van dwergzeebaarzen (Pseudochromidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1849 door Müller & Troschel.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Pseudochromis fuscus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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Pseudochromis fuscus ( vietnamien )

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Pseudochromis fuscus, thường được gọi là cá đạm bì nâu, là một loài cá biển thuộc chi Pseudochromis trong họ Cá đuôi gai. Loài này được mô tả lần đầu tiên vào năm 1849.

Từ fuscus trong tiếng Latin có nghĩa là "màu tối" hoặc "sẫm", ám chỉ màu của loài này[1].

Phân bố và môi trường sống

P. fuscus là một trong những loài Pseudochromis có phân bố rộng rãi nhất, từ Sri Lanka phía đông đến Yap (thuộc quần đảo Caroline) và Vanuatu; phía bắc đến quần đảo Ryukyu và phía nam đến bờ biển khu vực trung Tây Úc và phía nam Queensland của Úc. P. fuscus thường sống xung quanh những khu vực có nhiều rạn san hô hoặc những mỏm đá ngầm trong các đầm phá, trong các kẽ đá, thường ở độ sâu khoảng 30 m trở lại[1][2].

Loài này có mặt ở vùng biển Nam Trung Bộ của Việt Nam[2].

Mô tả

P. fuscus trưởng thành dài khoảng 10 cm. Nó có nhiều biến thể màu sắc khác nhau, từ màu vàng tươi đến hồng nhạt, nâu đỏ hoặc xám đen; nhưng chủ yếu là màu vàng với nâu. Vảy có nhiều chấm màu xanh lam, tạo thành các sọc ngang trên cơ thể, nhưng có thể khó nhìn thấy ở các cá thể có màu vàng tươi. Vây lưng và vây hậu môn có viền xanh. Mắt có viền màu xanh lơ ở phía sau. Chúng rất phổ biến nhưng nhát nên khó nhìn thấy[3][4].

Số ngạnh ở vây lưng: 3; Số vây tia mềm ở vây lưng: 25 - 29; Số ngạnh ở vây hậu môn: 3; Số vây tia mềm ở vây hậu môn: 13 - 15[1].

Thức ăn của P. fuscus có lẽ là rong tảo và các sinh vật phù du nhỏ. Thường đơn độc và ưa sống trong các san hô thuộc các chi AcroporaPocillopora[1][2].

P. fuscus được đánh bắt để phục vụ cho ngành thương mại cá cảnh[2].

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Pseudochromis fuscus: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Pseudochromis fuscus, thường được gọi là cá đạm bì nâu, là một loài cá biển thuộc chi Pseudochromis trong họ Cá đuôi gai. Loài này được mô tả lần đầu tiên vào năm 1849.

Từ fuscus trong tiếng Latin có nghĩa là "màu tối" hoặc "sẫm", ám chỉ màu của loài này.

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棕拟雀鲷 ( chinois )

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二名法 Pseudochromis fuscus
(Muller et Troschel, 1849)[1]

棕拟雀鲷学名Pseudochromis fuscus)为拟雀鲷属鱼类,又名褐准雀鲷。分布于印度洋至太平洋中部海域以及南海诸岛海域、台湾南部等,深度2-30公尺,本魚體延長而側扁,體色多變,從暗褐色至鮮黃色,背鰭硬棘3枚;背鰭軟條25-29枚;臀鰭硬棘3枚;臀鰭軟條13-15枚,體長可達10公分。棲息在潮間帶潟湖或臨海珊瑚礁,通常單獨行動,可做為觀賞魚。该物种的模式产地在苏拉威西岛。[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 棕拟雀鲷. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:棕拟雀鲷

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棕拟雀鲷: Brief Summary ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科

棕拟雀鲷(学名:Pseudochromis fuscus)为拟雀鲷属鱼类,又名褐准雀鲷。分布于印度洋至太平洋中部海域以及南海诸岛海域、台湾南部等,深度2-30公尺,本魚體延長而側扁,體色多變,從暗褐色至鮮黃色,背鰭硬棘3枚;背鰭軟條25-29枚;臀鰭硬棘3枚;臀鰭軟條13-15枚,體長可達10公分。棲息在潮間帶潟湖或臨海珊瑚礁,通常單獨行動,可做為觀賞魚。该物种的模式产地在苏拉威西岛。

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