Définition : overall repetitive or reflective pattern in the body of one individual of this taxon. eg: bilateral symmetry, rotational symmetry, radial symmetry
Définition : The benthopelagic zone biome comprises regions of the marine water column which usually coincide with the benthic boundary layer (BBL) - the layer of isothermal and isohaline water contiguous to the sea floor. A general reversal in the declining gradient of pelagic biomass may be observed here, perhaps explained by viable nutrition on the sea floor being resuspended by bottom currents. This zone typically extends 100 m above the seafloor, but may reach upto1000 m during benthic storms.
Définition : a type of pectoral-fin-based swimming, also known as mobuliform locomotion. Lower frequency than fin undulation; can be described as the production of less than half a wave on the fin, similar to a bird wing flapping. Pelagic stingrays use oscillatory locomotion.
Définition : Capable of creating a new organism by combining the genetic material of two gametes, which may come from two parent organisms or from a single organism, in the case of self-fertilizing hermaphrodites.
Définition : Description of the relationships among individuals within a population of organisms, including reproductive relationships (mating system), relationships within each sex, adult – young interactions, helpers and cooperation (group living).
Définition : In ethology, territory is the sociographical area that an animal of a particular species consistently defends against conspecifics, or, occasionally, animals of other species. Animals that defend territories in this way are referred to as territorial.
Définition : A group of species that exploit the same food resources, and/or use the same feeding or foraging methods. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild_(ecology)
Définition : élément d'origine animale, végétale, fongique, consommé par des êtres vivants à des fins énergétiques ou nutritionnelles, dans le processus d'alimentation