
Pomacentrus subniger atau Stegastes nigricans (sinonim oleh De Vis, 1885) ( indonésien )

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Pomacentrus subniger atau nama lain dari spesies Stegastes nigricans (De Vis,1885) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan yang banyak ditemukan di ekosistem pesisir laut tropis terutama ekosistem terumbu karang. Dalam situs karang, juvenil Stegastes nigricans menyukai habitat batuan karang di daerah pantai sementara sedangkan setelah dewasa ikan ini cenderung tinggal di batuan karang hingga ekosistem karang hidup (Lecchini et al., 2011) Spesies Stegastes nigricans dewasa umumnya berwarna coklat dengan bagian dorsal kepala dan tengkuk berwarna gelap. Ikan ini memiliki posisi mulut terminal. Ikan Stegastes nigricans memiliki kelangkapan sirip seperti sirip punggung berjumlah satu dengan 12-12 spines total dan 15 - 17 soft-rays total. Sirip kaudal berjumlah satu dan sirip anal berjumlah satu pula dengan 2-2 spines total dan 12 - 14 soft-rays total. Selain itu, Stegastes nigricans juga memiliki sirip pectoral dan pelvics (Allen, GR & A.R. Emery, 1985). Ikan Stegastes nigricans adalah ikan yang bersifat herbivora. Salah satu makanan dari ikan ini adalah algae. Namun, ikan Stegastes nigricans memiliki perilaku makan yang unik dalam selektifitas makanan. Penelitian yang dilakukan Hata H dan Kato M (2002) di Okinawa, Jepang, menyebutkan bahwa ikan genus Pomacentridae ini secara itensif memakan alga jenis tertentu dengan tidak memakan alga jenis lainnya. Sehingga akhir-akhir ini banyak dilakukan peneltitan terhadap tingkah laku ikan dengan nama lain Pomacentrus subniger ini dalam usaha monokultur alga.
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Trophic Strategy ( anglais )

fourni par Fishbase
Occurs inshore (Ref. 75154). Adults inhabit reef flats and lagoon reefs. Diurnal species (Ref. 54980; 113699).
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Pascualita Sa-a
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Morphology ( anglais )

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Dorsal spines (total): 12; Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 17; Analspines: 2; Analsoft rays: 12 - 14
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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Life Cycle ( anglais )

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Oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 205). Eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate (Ref. 205). Males guard and aerate the eggs (Ref. 205).
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Susan M. Luna
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Diagnostic Description ( anglais )

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Diagnosis: Adults generally brown; dorsal part of head and nape darker, grading to tan on lower part of head and breast. The scales have darker brown margins. The lips are whitish lips; the suborbital is mostly blue; the preopercle and opercle scales with blue centers. The median and pelvic fins are brown; the pectorals are dusky; a well-defined dark brown or blackish spot is sometimes present at base of posteriormost dorsal rays, which distinguishes it from S. lividus where the spot is diffuse. Males in courtship or guarding eggs with broad white bar across middle of body and pale blue stripe from mouth to upper part of pectoral fin (Ref. 510).
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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Biology ( anglais )

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Adults inhabit reef flats and lagoon reefs. Frequently occur in colonies associated with live or dead branching staghorn coral (Acropora). Feed on algae, gastropods, sponges, and copepods. Territorial, maintain and 'weed' filamentous algae patches growing on dead coral (Ref. 9710). They attack human intruders without hesitation, sometimes taking painful nips. Particularly aggressive during reproductive periods. The species emit clicking noises during aggressive encounters. Oviparous, males tend the nest visited by several females (Ref. 59295).
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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Importance ( anglais )

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fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: public aquariums; price category: unknown; price reliability:
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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分布 ( anglais )

fourni par The Fish Database of Taiwan
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利用 ( anglais )

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描述 ( anglais )

fourni par The Fish Database of Taiwan
體呈橢圓形而側扁,標準體長為體高之 1.9-2.0倍。吻短而鈍圓。口中型;頜齒單列,小而呈圓錐狀。眶下骨裸出,下緣具鋸齒;前鰓蓋骨後緣具鋸齒;下鰓蓋骨後緣無鋸齒。體被櫛鱗;背前鱗延伸至鼻孔;側線之有孔鱗片18-20個;側線與背鰭硬棘中央間有鱗列2.5;胸鰭基部內面不被鱗。背鰭單一,軟條部不延長而略呈角形,硬棘XII,軟條14-17;臀鰭硬棘II,軟條13;胸鰭鰭條18-20;尾鰭叉形,上下葉末端角形。成魚體呈褐色,頭部與頸部的背側較深色,頭部腹面與胸部淡色;唇是微白色;眶下骨大部份為藍色。鱗片具深褐色緣;前鰓蓋骨與鰓蓋上鱗片中心具藍點。奇鰭與腹鰭褐色;胸鰭暗色,基部上緣具一黑點;背鰭基底後緣具一清晰的深褐色或黑色斑點。在求偶期或守衛魚卵的雄性體中部具有寬的白色的橫帶,以及一條藍灰色斑紋由口部延伸至胸鰭的上半部。稚魚體呈淡黃色至黃褐色,頭背部及頸背側暗色,體側中部具有寬的白色的橫帶;背鰭基底後緣具一清晰的深褐色或黑色斑點。
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棲地 ( anglais )

fourni par The Fish Database of Taiwan
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Stegastes nigricans ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Stegastes nigricans és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.


Els mascles poden assolir els 14 cm de longitud total.[2]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba des del Mar Roig i l'Àfrica Oriental fins a les Illes de la Línia, les Illes Marqueses, les Tuamotu, les Illes Ryukyu, Nova Caledònia. Absent de les Hawaii.[2]


  1. BioLib
  2. 2,0 2,1 FishBase (anglès)


  • Allen, G.R. i A.R. Emery, 1985. A review of the pomacentrid fishes of the genus Stegastes from the Indo-Pacific, with descriptions of two new species. Indo-Pacific Fishes (3):31.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Lacepède, B. G. E. 1802. Histoire naturelle des poissons. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 4: i-xliv + 1-728, Pl. 1-16.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River (Nova Jersey, Estats Units): Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Stegastes nigricans: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Stegastes nigricans és una espècie de peix de la família dels pomacèntrids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Stegastes nigricans ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Stegastes nigricans, the dusky farmerfish, is a species of damselfish found around coral reefs at a depth of one to 12 meters, in tropical climates between 30°S and 30°N. They are known for farming monocultures of algae such as cyanophores and rhodophytes.


Stegastes nigricans was first described and named by Gerald Robert “Gerry” Allen and Alan R. Emery in 1985. The genus Stegastes is derived from the Greek “stegastos,” which means on or covered. Nigricans is Greek for swarthy and black-skinned.[1] Recent research has placed S. nigricans in the monotypic taxon Pomacentrinae, which is closely related to the other subfamilies Amphiprioninae and Chrominae.[2] Amphiprioninae are clown fish, which are differentiated from other organisms in their family by their bright orange and white coloration across the body and over fins and relationship with anemone. There is high variation in morph patter of Amphiprioninae, especially around their face.[3] Chrominae are closer on the phylogenetic tree to Pomacentridae than Amphiprioninae, but are able to be differentiated from Pomacentridae because Chrominae are very brightly colored with blues and purples while Pomacentridae are confined to mainly brown with some blues. These three families are all coral reef fishes, and there is usually a lot of variation and overlap from subfamily to subfamily.[4] Damselfish have been documented in the fossil record for at least 50 million years.[5]

It has an average length of 9.0 cm, but can reach lengths of 14.0 cm. It has 12 dorsal spines, and 15 to 17 dorsal soft rays. It also has 2 anal spines and 12 to 14 anal soft rays. Adults are generally brown, with the dorsal parts of the head and nape being darker, grading to tan on the lower parts of the head and breast. The scales have darker brown margins. The lips are whitish, the suborbital is mostly blue, and the preopercle and opercle scales have blue centers. The median and pelvic fins are brown, the pectorals are dusky, and sometimes there's a well-defined dark brown or blackish spot at the base of the posteriormost dorsal rays, which distinguishes it from the S. lividus, where the spot is diffuse. When males are in courtship or guarding their eggs they have a broad white bar across the middle of the body and a pale blue stripe from the mouth to the upper part of the pectoral fin.[6]


S. nigricans are found naturally in and around coral reefs. Adult S. nigricans inhabit reef flats and lagoon reefs in colonies in areas with staghorn coral. S. nigricans are limited by water temperature and their diet and have been experiencing a negative impact of their population amounts. Climate and ocean composition has been changing due to global warming and fossil fuel use, therefore this habitat is being altered and coral reefs are becoming greatly reduced.[7]

S. nigricans is most frequently found across the coast of East Africa and around Madagascar; in the British Indian Ocean Territory and the southern coasts of India; across Southeast Asia, the northern coast of Australia; and Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. They can also be found less frequently in the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of California, and across the Western coast of Central America.[6]


Adults inhabit reef flats and lagoon reefs. They frequently occur in colonies associated with live or dead branching staghorn coral (Acropora). They feed on algae, gastropods, sponges and copepods. They are territorial, and they maintain and "weed" filamentous algae patches growing on dead coral. They attack human intruders without hesitation, sometimes taking painful nips.

S. nigricans are oviparous and follow a distinct breeding pair relationship between males and females. Their eggs are demeral and adhere to the substrate. Males guard and tend to the egg nest via aeration and will be visited by several females throughout their time there.[7] They're particularly aggressive during reproductive periods. During aggressive encounters, they emit clicking noises. Males guard and tend the nest, visited by several females.[6]


S. nigricans practices a form of agriculture with a species of red algae. The fish will claim a patch of "brown carpet algae" (Womersleyella setacea) which it defends by chasing away other fish and sea urchins. The fish also pulls up other bits of algae that attempt to grow in the patch and swims outside of its territory to spit the invading algae out. S. nigricans do not have cellulases in their stomach, therefore they dispose of algae that they cannot digest. They must limit their diet to cyanophores and rhodophytes, which are delicate species. There are nine algae species that S. nigricans will farm for, and the algae they remove is competitively superior late-colonizing algae as opposed to the algae they can eat.[8] They also remove algae that is competitive and faster growing than their preferred delicate algae.[9] When the fish claiming a patch is removed, the patch is eaten up within a few days. When a patch of the brown carpet algae is caged to keep both S. nigricans and other fish out of the patch, other species of algae quickly overwhelm the patch. This seems to indicate the brown carpet algae are dependent on S. nigricans for its survival. The presence of S. nigricans in ecosystems greatly increases the primary productivity of the area by boosting oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations.[10]


  1. ^ Allen, G.R. and A.R. Emery, 1985. A review of the Pomacentrid fishes of the genus Stegastes from the Indo-Pacific, with descriptions of two new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (3):31.
  2. ^ Tang, K.L. 2001. Phylogenetic Relationships Among Damselfishes (Teleostei: Pomacentridae) as Determined by Mitochondrial DNA Data. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Vol 3, pages 591-601.
  3. ^ Figial, M., M. Kochzius, and J. Timm. 2008. Contrasting patterns in species boundaries and evolution of anemonefishes (Amphiprioninae, Pomacentridae) in the center of marine biodiversity. Elsevier, vol 49, page 268-276.
  4. ^ Cooper, W.J., L.L. Smith, and M.W, Westneat. July 2009. Exploring the radiation of a diverse reef fish family: Phylogenetics of the damselfishes (Pomacentridae), with new classifications based on molecular analyses of all genera. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Vol 52, Issue 1, pages 1-16.
  5. ^ Hofmann, C.M., N.J. Marshall, K. Abdilleh, Z. Patel, U.E. Siebeck, and K.L. Carleton. 30 October 2011. Opsin Evolution in Damselfish: Convergence, Reversal, and Parallel Evolution Across Tuning Sites. Journal of Molecular Evolution, vol 75, pages 79-91.
  6. ^ a b c Capuli, Estelita Emily (n.d.). "Stegastes nigricans". fishbase.sinica.edu.tw. Retrieved 2016-02-05.
  7. ^ a b iNaturalist. 2017. “Dusky Damselfish (Stegastes Nigricans).” INaturalist.org, www.inaturalist.org/taxa/49922-Stegastes-nigricans.
  8. ^ Hiroki, H, and M. Kato. 2002. Weeding by the herbivorous damselfish Stegastes nigricans in nearly monocultural algae farms. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol 237, pages 227-231.
  9. ^ Klumpp, D.W., D. McKinnon, and P. Daniel. 1987. Damselfish territories: zones of high productivity on coral reefs. Marine Ecology – Progress Series, Vol 40, pages 41-51.
  10. ^ Hata, Hiroki; Kato, Makoto (December 22, 2006). "A novel obligate cultivation mutualism between damselfish and Polysiphonia algae". Biology Letters. 2 (4): 593–6. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0528. PMC 1833977. PMID 17148297. Retrieved 2007-01-15.

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wikipedia EN

Stegastes nigricans: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Stegastes nigricans, the dusky farmerfish, is a species of damselfish found around coral reefs at a depth of one to 12 meters, in tropical climates between 30°S and 30°N. They are known for farming monocultures of algae such as cyanophores and rhodophytes.

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wikipedia EN

Stegastes nigricans ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Stegastes nigricans es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 14 cm de longitud total.[1]


Es un pez de mar.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra desde el Mar Rojo y el África Oriental hasta las Islas de la Línea, las Islas Marquesas, las Tuamotu, las Islas Ryukyu, Nueva Caledonia. Ausente de las Hawaii.


  1. FishBase (en inglés)


  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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Stegastes nigricans: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Stegastes nigricans es una especie de peces de la familia Pomacentridae en el orden de los Perciformes.

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wikipedia ES

Stegastes nigricans ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Stegastes nigricans Stegastes generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pomacentridae familian sailkatzen da.


Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.


  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Stegastes nigricans FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Stegastes nigricans: Brief Summary ( basque )

fourni par wikipedia EU

Stegastes nigricans Stegastes generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Pomacentridae familian sailkatzen da.

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Stegastes nigricans ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL


Stegastes nigricans is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van rifbaarzen of koraaljuffertjes (Pomacentridae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1802 door Lacepède.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Stegastes nigricans. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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Stegastes nigricans ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL
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Stegastes nigricans – gatunek ryby z rodziny garbikowatych (Pomacentridae). Występuje wzdłuż raf koralowych na głębokości od 1 do 12 metrów.

S. nigricans praktykuje formę podwodnego ogrodnictwa. Żywi się krasnorostami Polysiphonia, które uprawia, poprzez np. regularne wyrywanie ze swego ogródka tego, co uważa za chwasty. Dzięki temu glony te mogą swobodnie rosnąć, zapewniając rybie przetrwanie, gdyż garbiki nie posiadają narządów zdolnych do rozgniatania celulozowych włókien, ani też enzymów potrzebnych do rozłożenia wielu gatunków glonów. Polisyfonia przegrywają konkurencję z niejadalnymi dla ryb algami, dlatego Stegastes nigricans muszą wspomagać ich wzrost właśnie poprzez tzw. ogródki i ich pielenie. Jest to związek o charakterze mutualizmu – obie strony czerpią korzyści o takim stopniu, który praktycznie wzajemnie uzależnia istnienie obu populacji[1][2].


  1. Pielenie rybiego ogródka. 21-06-2010. [dostęp 24 czerwca 2010].
  2. HirokiH. Hata HirokiH., A novel obligate cultivation mutualism between damselfish and ''Polysiphonia'' algae, Kato, Makoto, „Biology Letters”, 4, 2, 2006, s. 593–596, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2006.0528 [dostęp 2007-01-15] .???


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Stegastes nigricans: Brief Summary ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL

Stegastes nigricans – gatunek ryby z rodziny garbikowatych (Pomacentridae). Występuje wzdłuż raf koralowych na głębokości od 1 do 12 metrów.

S. nigricans praktykuje formę podwodnego ogrodnictwa. Żywi się krasnorostami Polysiphonia, które uprawia, poprzez np. regularne wyrywanie ze swego ogródka tego, co uważa za chwasty. Dzięki temu glony te mogą swobodnie rosnąć, zapewniając rybie przetrwanie, gdyż garbiki nie posiadają narządów zdolnych do rozgniatania celulozowych włókien, ani też enzymów potrzebnych do rozłożenia wielu gatunków glonów. Polisyfonia przegrywają konkurencję z niejadalnymi dla ryb algami, dlatego Stegastes nigricans muszą wspomagać ich wzrost właśnie poprzez tzw. ogródki i ich pielenie. Jest to związek o charakterze mutualizmu – obie strony czerpią korzyści o takim stopniu, który praktycznie wzajemnie uzależnia istnienie obu populacji.

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Stegastes nigricans ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Stegastes nigricans là một loài cá trong họ cá thia. Chúng sống ở biển, xung quanh rạn san hô ở độ sâu 12 mét. Chúng có tính phân chia lãnh địa. Chúng chiếm cứ và bảo vệ một phần rạn san hô, thường là xung quanh chỗ trú ngụ của mình. Thông qua việc ngăn chặn các loài cá khác xâm nhập và giúp cho thảm tảo mọc dày lên trong vùng lãnh địa của cá, khiến người ta gán cho những con cá này cái tên thông dụng là "cá nông dân"[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Allen, Gerald R. (1998). Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N., biên tập. Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. tr. 205–208. ISBN 0-12-547665-5.

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Stegastes nigricans: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Stegastes nigricans là một loài cá trong họ cá thia. Chúng sống ở biển, xung quanh rạn san hô ở độ sâu 12 mét. Chúng có tính phân chia lãnh địa. Chúng chiếm cứ và bảo vệ một phần rạn san hô, thường là xung quanh chỗ trú ngụ của mình. Thông qua việc ngăn chặn các loài cá khác xâm nhập và giúp cho thảm tảo mọc dày lên trong vùng lãnh địa của cá, khiến người ta gán cho những con cá này cái tên thông dụng là "cá nông dân"

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黑眶鋸雀鯛 ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Stegastes nigricans
Lacepède, 1802













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黑眶鋸雀鯛: Brief Summary ( chinois )

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Description ( anglais )

fourni par World Register of Marine Species
A schooling and territorial species which inhabits reef flats and lagoon reefs. Frequently occurs in colonies associated with live or dead branching staghorn coral (@Acropora@). Feeds on algae, gastropods, sponges, and copepods. They attack human intruders without hesitation, sometimes taking painful nips. Particularly aggressive during reproductive periods. The species emit clicking noises during aggressive encounters.


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

droit d’auteur
WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]