Ing Hemiramphus metung yang genus da reng asan a ausan dang balungi o balulungi king Kapampangan ampong halfbeaks, garfish, or ballyhoos king Ingles, at kayabe king familiang Hemiramphidae. Manuknangan la keraklan bandang babo da reng malisangan a temperate ampong tropical (mapaling) dayatmalat, at mamangan lumut (algae), plankton, ampong mas mangalating asan. Maliari lang kanan deng species a Hemiramphus, oneng mas maulaga la antimong asan a kakanan da reng mas mangaragul a asan antimo reng dolphinfish ampong billfish.
Hemiramphus brasiliensis - Ballyhoo
Hemiramphus balao - Balao halfbeak
Hemiramphus far - Sulwi
Hemiramphus lutkei Hemiramphus marginatus - Yellowtip halfbeak
Hemiramphus robustus - Three-by-two garpike
Hemiramphus saltator - Longfin halfbeak
Ing Hemiramphus metung yang genus da reng asan a ausan dang balungi o balulungi king Kapampangan ampong halfbeaks, garfish, or ballyhoos king Ingles, at kayabe king familiang Hemiramphidae. Manuknangan la keraklan bandang babo da reng malisangan a temperate ampong tropical (mapaling) dayatmalat, at mamangan lumut (algae), plankton, ampong mas mangalating asan. Maliari lang kanan deng species a Hemiramphus, oneng mas maulaga la antimong asan a kakanan da reng mas mangaragul a asan antimo reng dolphinfish ampong billfish.
Hemiramphus is a genus of schooling marine fish commonly called halfbeaks, garfish, or ballyhoos, and are members of the family Hemiramphidae. They inhabit the surface of warm temperate and tropical sea, and feed on algae, plankton, and smaller fish. Hemiramphus species are edible but are more important as food fish for larger predatory species including dolphinfish and billfish.
There are currently 12 recognized species in this genus:[3]
Hemiramphus is a genus of schooling marine fish commonly called halfbeaks, garfish, or ballyhoos, and are members of the family Hemiramphidae. They inhabit the surface of warm temperate and tropical sea, and feed on algae, plankton, and smaller fish. Hemiramphus species are edible but are more important as food fish for larger predatory species including dolphinfish and billfish.
Los mediopicos o pajaritos del género Hemiramphus son peces marinos de la familia hemiránfidos —el género tipo de esta—, distribuidos por las aguas superficiales de todos los océanos, asociados a arrecifes y estuarios de río.[1][2]
El tamaño corporal máximo oscila entre los 30 y los 50 cm aproximadamente.[1]
Son peces pelágicos marinos que habitan cerca de la superficie, cercanos a la costa junto a arrecifes y cerca de la vegetación;[3] donde se les suele encontrar formando cardumenes.[4]
La mayoría de las especies son pescadas con cierta importancia comercial.[1]
Existen once especies válidas en este género:[5]
Los mediopicos o pajaritos del género Hemiramphus son peces marinos de la familia hemiránfidos —el género tipo de esta—, distribuidos por las aguas superficiales de todos los océanos, asociados a arrecifes y estuarios de río.
El tamaño corporal máximo oscila entre los 30 y los 50 cm aproximadamente.
Hemiramphus è un genere di pesci ossei marini appartenente alla famiglia Hemiramphidae.
Il genere si trova in tutti i mari e gli oceani tropicali. Nel mar Mediterraneo è presente H. far, lessepsiano, diffuso nel bacino orientale[1]. Sono pesci pelagici molto costieri.
Hemiramphus è un genere di pesci ossei marini appartenente alla famiglia Hemiramphidae.
Hemiramphus is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van halfsnavelbekken (Hemiramphidae).[1] Er zijn 11 soorten:
Hemiramphus – rodzaj ryb z rodziny półdziobcowatych (Hemiramphidae).
Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[2]:
Hemiramphus – rodzaj ryb z rodziny półdziobcowatych (Hemiramphidae).
Hemiramphus là một chi cá biển trong họ cá lim kìm (Hemiramphidae)
Hiện hành có 12 loài được ghi nhận trong chi này[1]
Hemiramphus là một chi cá biển trong họ cá lim kìm (Hemiramphidae)