Lophiomus setigerus, the blackmouth angler, is a species of goosefish found in the Indian and western Pacific Oceans where it occurs at depths of from 30 to 800 metres (98 to 2,625 ft). This species grows to a length of 40 centimetres (16 in) TL.
This species is commercially harvested for human consumption. Most notably, in South Korea where it is known as agwi (아귀), it is the key ingredient of agujjim (아구찜). This was originally invented in the town of Masan: historically, agwi fish were discarded by the fishermen, as they were considered unsellable due to their ugly appearance. But around the mid-20th century, the food stall cooks at the Masan market took up the challenge to turn the waste into a tasty dish. As it turned out, preparing L. setigerus in jjim style (steamed in a spicy and hot marinade) brought its agreeable flavor and peculiar texture out well, besides delivering a healthy dose of protein. Agwi is now a nationally popular dish, with many scores of specialist restaurants found across the country.
As a side note, L. setigerus is traditionally combined in agwi with the ascidian tunicate Styela clava (mideodeok, 미더덕). Like this fish, use of tunicates as food is rather unusual.
Lophiomus setigerus, the blackmouth angler, is a species of goosefish found in the Indian and western Pacific Oceans where it occurs at depths of from 30 to 800 metres (98 to 2,625 ft). This species grows to a length of 40 centimetres (16 in) TL.
This species is commercially harvested for human consumption. Most notably, in South Korea where it is known as agwi (아귀), it is the key ingredient of agujjim (아구찜). This was originally invented in the town of Masan: historically, agwi fish were discarded by the fishermen, as they were considered unsellable due to their ugly appearance. But around the mid-20th century, the food stall cooks at the Masan market took up the challenge to turn the waste into a tasty dish. As it turned out, preparing L. setigerus in jjim style (steamed in a spicy and hot marinade) brought its agreeable flavor and peculiar texture out well, besides delivering a healthy dose of protein. Agwi is now a nationally popular dish, with many scores of specialist restaurants found across the country.
As a side note, L. setigerus is traditionally combined in agwi with the ascidian tunicate Styela clava (mideodeok, 미더덕). Like this fish, use of tunicates as food is rather unusual.
El rape de boca negra (Lophiomus setigerus) es una especie de rape que se encuentra en los océanos Índico y océano Pacífico occidental donde habita a profundidades que van desde los 30 a 800 metros (98 pies). Esta especie crece hasta una longitud de 40 centímetros (16 pulgadas) de TL.[1]
El rape de boca negra fue reconocido por primera vez en 1797, por el botánico y zoólogo noruego Martin Vahl.[2]
El rape de boca negra (Lophiomus setigerus) es una especie de rape que se encuentra en los océanos Índico y océano Pacífico occidental donde habita a profundidades que van desde los 30 a 800 metros (98 pies). Esta especie crece hasta una longitud de 40 centímetros (16 pulgadas) de TL.
El rape de boca negra fue reconocido por primera vez en 1797, por el botánico y zoólogo noruego Martin Vahl.
Lophiomus setigerus Lophiomus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lophiidae familian sailkatzen da.
Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.
Lophiomus setigerus Lophiomus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lophiidae familian sailkatzen da.
Ikan Kertatok Angsa atau nama saintifiknya Lophiomus setigerus merupakan ikan air masin. Ia merupakan sejenis ikan dalam keluarga Lophiidae dan genus Lophiomus. Ia memiliki ekor berbentuk TRIPLE EMARGINATE.[1]
Ia merupakan ikan yang penting secara komersial dan dijual di pasar-pasar sebagai makanan. Penangkapannya memerlukan lesen bagi memastikan ia tidak terancam oleh tangkapan melampau oleh nelayan komersial.[2].
Ikan Kertatok Angsa atau nama saintifiknya Lophiomus setigerus merupakan ikan air masin. Ia merupakan sejenis ikan dalam keluarga Lophiidae dan genus Lophiomus. Ia memiliki ekor berbentuk TRIPLE EMARGINATE.
Ia merupakan ikan yang penting secara komersial dan dijual di pasar-pasar sebagai makanan. Penangkapannya memerlukan lesen bagi memastikan ia tidak terancam oleh tangkapan melampau oleh nelayan komersial..
Lophiomus setigerus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van zeeduivels (Lophiidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1797 door Vahl.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesLophiomus setigerus là một loài tìm thấy ở Ấn Độ và Thái Bình Dương, nơi nó xuất hiện ở độ sâu 30-800 mét (98 đến 2.600 ft). Loài này phát triển đến chiều dài 40 cm (16 in).
Lophiomus setigerus là một loài tìm thấy ở Ấn Độ và Thái Bình Dương, nơi nó xuất hiện ở độ sâu 30-800 mét (98 đến 2.600 ft). Loài này phát triển đến chiều dài 40 cm (16 in).
黑鮟鱇(学名:Lophiomus setigerus)為輻鰭魚綱鮟鱇目鮟鱇科的其中一種。