fourni par Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 14; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 18 - 21; Vertebrae: 36 - 39
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao
fourni par Fishbase
Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
Diagnostic Description
fourni par Fishbase
Branchiostegal rays: 9-10 (Ref. 31442). Anal organs 14; male supracaudal gland has 5-8, female infracaudal gland with 2-6 small, round to oblong spots, respectively; may be distinguished from all other Myctophum possessing cycloid scales by its angulate, non-serrate, posterodorsal margin of the operculum (Ref. 39633).
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao
fourni par Fishbase
High-oceanic, nyctoepipelagic at the surface and to 950 m and generally found between 475-850 m during the day (Ref. 4479). Neustonic to mesopelagic (Ref. 58302). Oviparous, with planktonic eggs and larvae (Ref. 31442). Lipid content is 3.8 % in fresh body weight and wax ester is 10.6 % in total lipids (Ref. 9193). Females reach sexual maturity at 4.8 cm, males at 3.5 cm (Ref. 47377).
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- cc-by-nc
- droit d’auteur
- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
Comprehensive Description
fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Myctophum nitidulum
This large myctophid grows to about 100 mm (Nafpaktitis et al., 1977); the largest specimen caught during the program was 80 mm. Myctophum nitidulum, a tropical-subtropical species (Backus et al., 1977) is common but not abundant in the study area, never being among the 10 most abundant lanternfishes (Table 131). It is represented in the Ocean Acre collections by 543 specimens; 229 were taken during the paired seasonal cruises, 180 of these in discrete-depth samples of which 163 were caught in noncrepuscular tows (Table 23). Myctophum nitidulum was not well sampled by the IKMT; approximately 95 percent of all specimens were caught at night in neuston nets.
DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES.—Postlarvae were 9–16 mm, juveniles 14–42 mm, subadults 44–69 mm, and adults 55–80 mm. Fish less than 27 mm could not be sexed; most of those 27–31 mm and all larger ones were sexed. Males larger than about 35 mm have luminous tissue dorsally on the caudal peduncle, and females larger than about 45 mm have luminous tissue ventrally on the caudal peduncle (Gibbs, 1957). There is no apparent sexual dimorphism in size among the relatively few large specimens (over 40 mm) in the Ocean Acre collections. Males and females were about equally represented among the 67 specimens examined for sex (34 vs 33, respectively).
REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE AND SEASONAL ABUNDANCE.—Spawning occurs from spring to fall, with a peak in intensity in late spring–early summer. The life span may be two or three years, but too few large specimens were caught to be sure. Abundance was greatest in late summer, when most specimens were smaller than 20 mm, and progressively decreased in winter and late spring (Table 120).
Although juveniles predominated in each season, those 14–16 mm were taken only in late spring and late summer. Those smaller than 20 mm were most abundant in late summer. The seasonal distributions of postlarvae (June-October, most in late summer) and adult females (April-September), combined with that of small juveniles, shows that most reproduction takes place in spring and summer.
By late spring spawning had begun, and the catch consisted of recently spawned postlarvae 8–14 mm and juveniles 14–19 mm, fish 28–44 mm presumed to be about one year old, and fish larger than 54 mm about two or more years old. Abundance was dominated by specimens 17–18 mm, which accounted for about 65 percent of the nighttime catch. Adults, although not taken in abundance at any season, were most abundant in late spring.
In late summer recruits 15–19 mm were predominant, accounting for more than 95 percent of the abundance at that season. All specimens caught in discrete-depth samples were 15–28 mm. However, several specimens larger than 60 mm were caught with the Engel trawl at that season, showing that at least two year classes were present. Abundance was greatest at this season (Table 120) as a result of the spawning peak in late spring–early summer.
About 90 percent of the catch in winter was due to juveniles 21–30 mm. Presumably these specimens represented late summer recruits but at an older age. Larger fish were either 34–47 mm or 60–77 mm. These larger specimens probably belonged to different year classes, but their abundance was too low to be certain. The 60–77 mm specimens were at least a year older than the 21–30 mm fish. The age of the 34–47 mm group was uncertain; they may have represented the earliest fish spawned the previous spring.
Additional evidence for a late spring–early summer spawning peak is seen in the catch in September when more than 200 individuals, mostly less than 30 mm, were taken in neuston samples.
VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION.—Little is known about the daytime depth range of M. nitidulum. The five specimens caught in discrete-depth trawls were from 601–950 m, with only postlarvae taken below 850 m (Table 120). Clarke (1973) reported a similar diurnal depth range for M. nitidulum near Hawaii. Gibbs et al. (1971) reported that two 11-mm juveniles were caught at 301–350 m, during the day. This is in error; the fish in question were M. selenops and not M. nitidulum. Fully transformed juveniles of M. nitidulum are not likely to be as small as 11 mm, as transformation occurs at about 14 mm (Moser and Ahlstrom, 1970; H.S. Zadoretzky, personal communication), the size of the smallest juveniles in the Ocean Acre collections.
At night most specimens were caught in neuston nets, and a few were taken at scattered depths down to 950 m (Table 120).
PATCHINESS.—A patchy or clumped distribution was noted at the surface by night in each season. Table 121 gives the number of specimens per hour taken in neuston samples between sunset and sunrise and, despite averaging samples made within one-hour intervals, shows a clumped distribution.
NIGHT:DAY CATCH RATIOS.—Night-to-day catch ratios are 18.0:1 in winter, 20.7:1 in late spring, and 16.4:1 in late summer. The small day catches may have been related to vertical distribution rather than enhanced net avoidance, because most of the night catch (made in neuston nets) in each season consists of fish smaller than 30 mm (Table 120). Presumably fish of this size cannot avoid the IKMT. However, the daytime distribution of this and other species taken in large numbers at night in neuston nets remains a mystery.
- citation bibliographique
- Gibbs, Robert H., Jr. and Krueger, William H. 1987. "Biology of midwater fishes of the Bermuda Ocean Acre." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-187.
fourni par The Fish Database of Taiwan
fourni par The Fish Database of Taiwan
fourni par The Fish Database of Taiwan
fourni par The Fish Database of Taiwan
Myctophum nitidulum: Brief Summary
catalan ; valencien
fourni par wikipedia CA
Myctophum nitidulum és una espècie de peix de la família dels mictòfids i de l'ordre dels mictofiformes.
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- Autors i editors de Wikipedia
Myctophum nitidulum: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia EN
Myctophum nitidulum, common name pearly lanternfish, is a species of deep sea fish in the family Myctophidae, the "lanternfish".
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Myctophum nitidulum: Brief Summary
espagnol ; castillan
fourni par wikipedia ES
Myctophum nitidulum es una especie marina de aguas profundas de la familia Myctophidae, del orden Myctophiformes.
Fue descrita por primera vez en 1899 por Samuel Garman.
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- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Myctophum nitidulum
fourni par wikipedia EU
(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("Gadget "ErrefAurrebista" was not loaded. Please migrate it to use ResourceLoader. See u003C");});
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- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
Myctophum nitidulum: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia EU
Myctophum nitidulum Myctophum generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Myctophidae familian sailkatzen da.
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- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
闪光灯笼鱼: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
闪光灯笼鱼(学名:Myctophum nitidulum)为輻鰭魚綱燈籠魚目灯笼鱼科灯笼鱼属的鱼类。分布于印度洋、太平洋、大西洋以及南海等海域,常生活于热带和亚热带海区以及垂直分布约1000-0米,體長可達8.3公分。
fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
샛비늘치는 몸길이 10~15cm이고 항문 위쪽에 발광기를 가진다. 이것은 의사를 전달하고 먹이를 유인하는 데 쓰이며 적으로부터 자신을 보호할 수 있도록 일종의 위장 효과도 제공한다. 샛비늘치는 몇백에서 몇천 마리가 무리를 이루기도 하는데, 낮에는 매우 깊은 곳에서 발견되나 밤에는 좀 더 얕은 쪽으로 이동한다. 한국·일본·인도양 및 대서양에 분포한다.
fourni par World Register of Marine Species
Western Atlantic: between about 42°N and 31°S
North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)
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- cc-by-4.0
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- WoRMS Editorial Board
fourni par World Register of Marine Species
High-oceanic, nyctoepipelagic at the surface and to 950 m and generally found between 475-850 m during the day.
North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)
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- cc-by-4.0
- droit d’auteur
- WoRMS Editorial Board
fourni par World Register of Marine Species
North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)
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- cc-by-4.0
- droit d’auteur
- WoRMS Editorial Board
fourni par World Register of Marine Species
Known from seamounts and knolls
Stocks, K. 2009. Seamounts Online: an online information system for seamount biology. Version 2009-1. World Wide Web electronic publication.
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- cc-by-4.0
- droit d’auteur
- WoRMS Editorial Board