The yellow pike conger[2] (Congresox talabon) is an eel in the family Muraenesocidae (pike congers).[3] It was described by Georges Cuvier in 1829.[4] It is a tropical eel which migrates between marine and brackish waters, though not for breeding purposes. It is known from the Indo-West Pacific, including Sri Lanka, the Bay of Bengal, and Indonesia. It dwells at a maximum depth of 100 m, inhabits the soft bottoms of coastal waters and estuaries, and leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Males can reach a maximum total length of 80 cm, but more commonly reach 50 cm.[3]
The yellow pike conger feeds mostly on bottom-dwelling fish and crustaceans.[5] It is of minor importance in commercial fisheries, and is mostly marketed fresh.[3]
The yellow pike conger (Congresox talabon) is an eel in the family Muraenesocidae (pike congers). It was described by Georges Cuvier in 1829. It is a tropical eel which migrates between marine and brackish waters, though not for breeding purposes. It is known from the Indo-West Pacific, including Sri Lanka, the Bay of Bengal, and Indonesia. It dwells at a maximum depth of 100 m, inhabits the soft bottoms of coastal waters and estuaries, and leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Males can reach a maximum total length of 80 cm, but more commonly reach 50 cm.
The yellow pike conger feeds mostly on bottom-dwelling fish and crustaceans. It is of minor importance in commercial fisheries, and is mostly marketed fresh.
Congresox talabon Congresox generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Muraenesocidae familian sailkatzen da.
Congresox talabon Congresox generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Muraenesocidae familian sailkatzen da.
Congresox talabon is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van snoekalen (Muraenesocidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1829 door Cuvier.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties原鶴海鰻(学名:Congresox talabon),俗稱門鱔,为海鰻科原鶴海鰻屬下的一个种。
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