Définition : Active swimming organisms that live in the water column and are able to move independently of the water mass (adapted from Lincoln et al., 1998).
Définition : A landform consisting of loose rock particles such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, cobble, or even shell fragments along the shoreline of a body of water.
Définition : An oceanodromous fish, like an anadromous or catadromous fish, is migratory. Unlike anadromous or catadromous fish, an oceanodromous fish spends its whole life in salt water.
Définition : Fully formed eggs are retained and hatched inside the maternal body and are released as live offspring (Lincoln et al., 1998). No nutrition is derived from the mother
Définition : Solitary animals are those that spend a majority of their lives without others of their species, with possible exceptions for mating and raising their young. Antonyms for a solitary animal include a social animal or a colonial animal.
Définition : élément d'origine animale, végétale, fongique, consommé par des êtres vivants à des fins énergétiques ou nutritionnelles, dans le processus d'alimentation