All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
USNM 1448489 - Specimen Image 4
USNM 1448488 - Specimen Image 5
USNM 1448488, 1448489 - Specimen Image 8
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28414; Colony; image 5; Scale Bar = 2 mm
USNM 1448488, 1448489 - Specimen Image 4
USNM 1448488 - Specimen Image 3
USNM 1448489 - Specimen Image 8
USNM 1448488, 1448489 - Specimen Image 6
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28418; Gastrozooid; image 16; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28418; Colony; image 17; Scale Bar = 1 mm
USNM 1448489 - Specimen Image 2
USNM 1448488 - Specimen Image 4
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28419; Colony; image 19; Scale Bar = 1 mm
USNM 1448489 - Specimen Image 5
USNM 1448488, 1448489 - Specimen Image 1
USNM 1448488 - Specimen Image 2
USNM 1448488, 1448489 - Specimen Image 7
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28414; Colony; image 7; Scale Bar = 1 mm
USNM 1448489 - Specimen Image 6
USNM 1448488 - Specimen Image 1
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28414; Colony; image 6; Scale Bar = 1 mm