Comprehensive Description
fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Euchaeta pseudotonsa Fontaine, 1967
This Atlantic bathypelagic species had been known to be conspecific with E. tonsa of the Pacific until Fontaine (1967) recognized it as a separate species. In the present study, the species was found to be one of the most common bathypelagic euchaetid species. Altogether, 172 females and 26 males were found in tows down to a depth range of 500 to 2000 m. The females measured 5.83–6.50 mm in body length and 4.16–4.83 mm in prosome length, and the males 5.50–5.91 mm in body length and 3.91–4.25 mm in prosome length.
- citation bibliographique
- Park, Taisoo. 1975. "Calanoid copepods of the family Euchaetidae from the Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean Sea." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-26.