All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Ogyrides alphaerostris Kingsley, 1879 USNM 63452 HOLOTYPE Lateral View
Ogyrides alphaerostris Kingsley, 1879 USNM 63452 HOLOTYPE Thoracic Sternite (between 3+5)
Ogyrides limicola Williams, 1955 USNM 96675 HOLOTYPE Thoracic Sternites (between 3+5)
Ogyrides limicola Williams, 1955 USNM 96675 HOLOTYPE Lateral View
Ogyrides limicola Williams, 1955 USNM 96675 HOLOTYPE Lateral View
Ogyrides limicola Williams, 1955 USNM 96675 HOLOTYPE Lateral-Ventral View
Ogyrides limicola Williams, 1955 USNM 96675 HOLOTYPE Thoracic Sternites (between 3+5)
Ogyrides limicola Williams, 1955 USNM 96675 HOLOTYPE Lateral View
USNM 1499340 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2651
USNM 1498848 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2159
USNM 1498882 - Specimen Image; Field number: SERCINVERT2193