"Closely allied to T. imparimana Alc. 1900 (IV, p. 87), but separated from it by the following characters:
(i) Basal joint of the antenna has a short crest consisting of two large teeth fused at their bases.
(ii) Chelipeds of male equal, smooth, with a few scattered warts and scanty hairs. Outside the wrist are two ridges, and three spines, at the inner angle one spine. Outside the hand two distinct ridges, with another less distinct above them; on the upper side two pairs of spines. Fingers as long as palm, slender, hooked at tip, grooved within and without.
(iii) Line between 6th and 7th abdominal terga very slightly concave.
(iv) Habitat the shore (?) (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 204-5)."
"One male from Goidu, Goifurhendu Atoll (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 205)."
"Color in spirit, ochreous yellow (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 205)."
"Length 10 mm.; breadth 13 mm. (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 205)"
Thalamita tenuipes is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Portunidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1902 door Borradaile.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties细足短浆蟹(学名:Thalamita tenuipes)为梭子蟹科短浆蟹属的动物。分布于拉克代夫群岛、马尔代夫群岛以及中国大陆的西沙群岛等地,生活环境为海水,多见于珊瑚礁中。[1]